Category : C++ Source Code
Archive   : YAMP15.ZIP
Filename : VIRT.H

Output of file : VIRT.H contained in archive : YAMP15.ZIP

YAMP - Yet Another Matrix Program
Version: 1.5
Author: Mark Von Tress, Ph.D.
Date: 08/28/92

Copyright(c) Mark Von Tress 1992
Portions of this code are (c) 1991 by Allen I. Holub and are used by




//#define IN_RAM // for in ram version

#define STACKLENGTH 16352

#define NDECS 10
#define ZERO (1.0E-8)

#define SIGNATURE 0x5a5a

/////////////////////////////////////////// string type class

#define MAXCHARS 80

class strtype {
char name[MAXCHARS];
strtype( strtype &str );
strtype( char *str );
strtype( void );
strtype operator+(strtype str);
strtype operator+(const char *str);
strtype operator=(strtype str);
strtype operator=(const char *str);
void Showname( void ) { printf("%s",name) ;}
char *StringAddress( void ) { return name; }


////////////////////////////// inram version
#ifdef IN_RAM


// define huge for MSC7
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#define HUGE_POINTER __huge
// define huge for BC3.0
#ifdef __BCPLUSPLUS__
#define HUGE_POINTER far

// need to define this for other compilers for huge keyword



// for compatability with large model.
#ifndef VCLOSE
#define VCLOSE 1
#define vclose()

typedef struct vdoub{
// use huge pointer to avoid memory leak in far pointer delete
// in MSC7. It doesn't release big chunks correctly. huge
// pointers work ok. 06/07/92
int nrefs;
double HUGE_POINTER *mm;
} vdoub;

class VMatrix

int curvecind;
vdoub *v;
double HUGE_POINTER *mcheck;
void SetupVectors( int rr=1, int cc=1 );
void PurgeVectors( void );
void Replace( VMatrix &ROp );
void NewReference(VMatrix &ROp );
long mindex( int i, int j){ return ( (i-1)*c+(j-1) ); }
strtype name;
int signature;


double Nrerror( const char *errormsg );
void Garbage( const char *errormsg);
void Garbage( void ){ Garbage(" ");}
int r,c;

double m( int i, int j ) { // get a value
if( i<1 || j<1 || i>r || j>c ){
cerr << "index out of range\n";
curvecind = mindex(i,j);
return v->mm[ curvecind ];
VMatrix& M( int i, int j ) { // load current buffer
curvecind = mindex(i,j);
return *this;

VMatrix( void ); // constructors and destructors
VMatrix( const char *str, int i, int j);
VMatrix( VMatrix& ROp );

~VMatrix( void );

double operator = ( double d ){ // write in a value
this->v->mm[curvecind] = d;
return d;
void operator= (VMatrix &ROp);

void Nameit( const char *str ) { name = str; }
void Nameit( VMatrix &mat ){ name =; }
void Nameit( strtype newname){ name = newname; }
strtype Getname( VMatrix &mat){ return; }
void Showname( void ){ name.Showname(); }
char *StringAddress( void ) { return name.StringAddress(); }

void LoadMat(void);
void DisplayMat(void);
void InfoMat( void );
void Writeb (char *fid, VMatrix &mat);

friend VMatrix& operator+ (VMatrix &LOp, VMatrix &ROp);
friend VMatrix& operator+ (double scalar, VMatrix &ROp);
friend VMatrix& operator+ (VMatrix &ROp, double scalar);
friend VMatrix& operator- (VMatrix &LOp, VMatrix &ROp);
friend VMatrix& operator- (double scalar, VMatrix &ROp);
friend VMatrix& operator- (VMatrix &ROp, double scalar);
friend VMatrix& operator- (VMatrix &ROp);
friend VMatrix& operator* (VMatrix &LOp, VMatrix &ROp);
friend VMatrix& operator* (double scalar, VMatrix &ROp);
friend VMatrix& operator* (VMatrix &ROp, double scalar);
friend VMatrix& operator% (VMatrix &LOp, VMatrix &ROp );
friend VMatrix& operator/ (VMatrix &LOp, VMatrix &ROp);
friend VMatrix& operator/ (VMatrix &ROp, double scalar);
friend VMatrix& operator/ (double scalar, VMatrix &ROp);


//////////////// matrix stack

class MStack: public VMatrix {


int stackloc, level;
MStack *next;
VMatrix& Pop( void );


MStack( void );
void Push( VMatrix &ROp );

void Inclevel();
void Declevel();
VMatrix &DecReturn( void ){
next->level = level;
return * ((VMatrix *) this->next);
VMatrix &ReturnMat( void ){
next->level = level;
return * ((VMatrix *) this->next);

void PrintStack( void );
void Cleanstack( void );



///////////////////////// large memory model

//////////////////////////////////////// large memory model

typedef struct vmem{
unsigned signature;
unsigned dirty;
unsigned ele_size;
unsigned ele_per_blk;
long num_ele;
unsigned cblock;
char *buf;
} vmem;

typedef struct hdr {
int active;
int nrefs;
unsigned nblocks;
unsigned offset;
union { struct hdr *h;
struct vmem *v;
} next;
} hdr;

int vopen( void );
int vclose (void);
hdr *vmalloc ( long num_ele, unsigned int ele_size);
int vfree ( hdr *p);

// the following 3 functions must be public if you want to
// use the vmalloc system by itself. They are not needed globally in
// the virtual matrix package.

//void *vread (hdr *p, long index);
//void *vwrite (hdr *p, long index, char *thiss);
//long vele(hdr *p);

class vdoub{


unsigned signature;// garbage flag;
hdr *hdr; // virtual memory handle
double *cur_ele; // current element
long cur_index; // current index
// static int nobj;

friend double val( vdoub &v);


int Garbage( void ){ return !( signature == SIGNATURE ); }

vdoub ( long array_size );
vdoub ( void );
vdoub ( vdoub &src );
~vdoub( void );

double v( long index ); // get value
vdoub& operator[]( long index ); // store value
double operator = ( double d );
double operator = ( vdoub &v );

///////////////////////////////////////// virtual matrix object

class VMatrix : private vdoub

unsigned signature;
long mindex( int i, int j){
return (long) (((long)(i-1))*((long)c)+((long)(j-1))) ; }
long curvecind; // current index for vector
strtype name;
void SetupVectors( int rr=1, int cc=1 );
void PurgeVectors( void );
void Replace( VMatrix &ROp );
void NewReference( VMatrix &ROp );


double Nrerror( const char *errormsg );
void Garbage( const char *errormsg);
void Garbage( void ){ Garbage(" ");}
int r,c;

double m( int i, int j ) { // get a value
if( i<1 || j<1 || i>r || j>c ){
cerr << "index out of range\n";
curvecind = mindex(i,j);
return v( curvecind );
VMatrix& M( int i, int j ) { // load current buffer
curvecind = mindex(i,j);
return *this;

VMatrix( void ); // constructors and destructors
VMatrix( const char *str, int i, int j);
VMatrix( VMatrix& ROp);

~VMatrix( void );

double operator = ( double d ){ // write in a value
vdoub::operator[](curvecind) = d;
return d;
void operator= (VMatrix &ROp);

void Nameit( const char *str ) { name = str; }
void Nameit( VMatrix &mat ){ name =; }
void Nameit( strtype newname){ name = newname; }
strtype Getname( VMatrix &mat){ return; }
void Showname( void ){ name.Showname(); }
char *StringAddress( void ) { return name.StringAddress(); }

void LoadMat(void);
void DisplayMat(void);
void InfoMat( void );
void Writeb (char *fid, VMatrix &mat);

friend VMatrix& operator+ (VMatrix &LOp, VMatrix &ROp);
friend VMatrix& operator+ (double scalar, VMatrix &ROp);
friend VMatrix& operator+ (VMatrix &ROp, double scalar);
friend VMatrix& operator- (VMatrix &LOp, VMatrix &ROp);
friend VMatrix& operator- (double scalar, VMatrix &ROp);
friend VMatrix& operator- (VMatrix &ROp, double scalar);
friend VMatrix& operator- (VMatrix &ROp);
friend VMatrix& operator* (VMatrix &LOp, VMatrix &ROp);
friend VMatrix& operator* (double scalar, VMatrix &ROp);
friend VMatrix& operator* (VMatrix &ROp, double scalar);
friend VMatrix& operator% (VMatrix &LOp, VMatrix &ROp );
friend VMatrix& operator/ (VMatrix &LOp, VMatrix &ROp);
friend VMatrix& operator/ (VMatrix &ROp, double scalar);
friend VMatrix& operator/ (double scalar, VMatrix &ROp);

//////////////// matrix stack

class MStack: public VMatrix {


int stackloc, level;
MStack *next;
VMatrix& Pop( void );


MStack( void );
void Push( VMatrix &ROp );

void Inclevel();
void Declevel();
VMatrix &DecReturn( void ){
next->level = level;
return * ((VMatrix *) this->next);
VMatrix &ReturnMat( void ){
next->level = level;
return * ((VMatrix *) this->next);

void PrintStack( void );
void Cleanstack( void );


///////////////////////////////////////////// end of large memory model


extern MStack *Dispatch;

typedef enum boolean { FFALSE, TTRUE } boolean;

///////////////////////////// display control

int Setwid( int w ); // set display width
int Setdec( int d ); // set decimals
int Getwid( void ); // report display width
int Getdec( void ); // report decimals

////////////////////////// io

VMatrix& Reada( char *fid); // read ascii file
VMatrix& Readb( char *fid); // read binary file
void Writea( char *fid, VMatrix &mat); // write ascii file
//void VMatrix::Writeb( char *fid, VMatrix &mat) // write binary file

/////////////////////////// sorting, subsetting, and conatenation
// sort order == 0 => sort col c and exchange rows
// order != 0 => sort row c and exchange cols
// submat r,c is bottom right corner, lr,lc is upper left corner
// Ch horozontal concatenation
// Cv vertical concatentation

VMatrix& MSort( VMatrix &a, int col, int order=0);
VMatrix& Submat( VMatrix &a, int r, int c, int lr=1, int lc=1);
VMatrix& Ch( VMatrix &a, VMatrix &b );
VMatrix& Cv( VMatrix &a, VMatrix &b );

/////////////////////////// special matrices
// Tran transpose of matrix
// Mexp elementwise exponential
// Mabs elementwise absolute value
// Mlog elementwise log
// Msqrt elementwise sqrt
// Trace trace of square matrix
// Ident identity matrix
// Helm Helmert matrix
// Fill constant matrix
// Index build an index matrix: if lower>upper step downward

VMatrix& Tran(VMatrix &ROp );
VMatrix& Mexp(VMatrix &ROp );
VMatrix& Mabs(VMatrix &ROp );
VMatrix& Mlog(VMatrix &ROp );
VMatrix& Msqrt(VMatrix &ROp );
double Trace(VMatrix &ROp );
VMatrix& Ident(int n );
VMatrix& Helm( int n );
VMatrix& Fill(int r, int c, double d );
VMatrix& Index( int lower, int upper, int step = 1);

/////////////////////////// inversion and decomposition
// Sweep sweep on diagonal elements k1 to k2
// Inv matrix inverse using sweep(1,ROp.c,ROp)
// Kron Kroniker (direct) product
// Det Determinant
// Cholesky upper triangular S where ROp = S'S, for symmetric ROp
// QR ROp( rxc, r>c ) = Q(rxc) R(cxc), and Q'Q = Ident(c)
// makeq = TTRUE => make Q, it is garbage otherwise
// Svd ROp = USTran(V),
// where U'U = I, V'V=I, S= Column of singular values
// makeu = TTrue => Compute U, it is garbage otherwise
// makev = TTrue => Compute V, it is garbage otherwise
// Ginv See Svd, Ginv(ROp) = V Inv(Diag(S+)) Tran(U)
// Fft Almost fast Fourier transform, can be slow if
// n > 1000 or prime factors of n > 19, does not require
// n to be a power of 2
// INZEE = TTRUE => compute fft
// INZEE = FFALSE=> compute ifft

VMatrix& Sweep( int k1, int k2, VMatrix& ROp); /* sweep out a row */
VMatrix& Inv( VMatrix &ROp ); /*matrix inversion using sweep */
VMatrix& Kron( VMatrix &a, VMatrix &b );
double Det( VMatrix &ROp );
VMatrix& Cholesky(VMatrix& ROp);
void QR( VMatrix& ROp, VMatrix& Q, VMatrix& R, boolean makeq = TTRUE);
int Svd( VMatrix &A, VMatrix &U, VMatrix &S, VMatrix &V,
boolean makeu = TTRUE, boolean makev = TTRUE);
VMatrix& Ginv( VMatrix& ROp );
VMatrix& Fft( VMatrix &ROp, boolean INZEE = TTRUE);

////////////////////////// reshaping functions

VMatrix& Vec( VMatrix& ROp ); // send matrix to vector
// stack columns into an (r*c)x1
VMatrix& Vecdiag( VMatrix& ROp ); // extract diagonal into a vector
VMatrix& Diag( VMatrix& ROp ); // create a diagonal matrix from
// square matrix or column vector
VMatrix& Shape( VMatrix& ROp, int nrows = 1 ); // reshape into nrows

////////////////////////// summation functions

typedef enum margins { ALL, ROWS, COLUMNS } margins; // summation margins

VMatrix& Sum( VMatrix& ROp, margins marg = ALL ); // sums over margins
VMatrix& Sumsq( VMatrix& ROp, margins marg = ALL ); // sum of squares
VMatrix& Cusum( VMatrix& ROp); // accumulate along rows

/////////////////////////// max and mins
// if marg = ALL return 3x1 [ maxr, maxc, max element ]
// if marg = ROWS return 3xc Tran([ maxr, col=1..c, max element ])
// if marg = COLUMNS return rx3 [ row=1..r, maxc, max element]
// same structure for mins

VMatrix& Mmax( VMatrix& ROp, margins marg=ALL ); // matrix max
VMatrix& Mmin( VMatrix& ROp, margins marg=ALL ); // matrix min

////////////////////////// row and column operations
// Crow c*r1
// Srow swap r1 with r2
// Lrow r2 + c*r1
// Ccol c*c1
// Scol swap c1 with c2
// Lcol c2 + c*c1
// note default values for row and col are out of range, so they
// must be supplied. This is for error checking.
// default constants perform no changes.
// !!!!!!!!!!!!! these functions operate directly on matrix

void Crow( VMatrix& ROp, int row=0, double c=1.0);
void Srow( VMatrix &ROp, int row1 = 0, int row2 = 0);
void Lrow( VMatrix &ROp, int row1 = 0, int row2 = 0, double c=0.0);
void Ccol( VMatrix& ROp, int col=0, double c=1.0);
void Scol( VMatrix &ROp, int col1 = 0, int col2 = 0);
void Lcol( VMatrix &ROp, int col1 = 0, int col2 = 0, double c=0.0);

//////////////////////////// XYplot objects ////////////////


#error GMatrix class requires Borland BGI functions

#ifdef __TINY__
#error GMatrix class will not work in the tiny model.


// the Axis class is called from the GMatrix Class. It
// is not needed otherwise, and will not be commented
class Axis
// uses fortran translations of Algorithm AS 168 of Applied Statistics
double valmin, step;
double *vals, fmn, fmx, offset;
int nvals, irprin, maxpr, ifact;
VMatrix *Vals;
int nplt, mpv, ir, ifault , iv;
double dmax( double x, double y);
void scale(double fmn, double fmx, int nplt, int mpv,
double *valmin, double *step, int *nvals,int *ir, int *ifault);
void axis(double valmin,double step,int nvals, int maxpr,int ir,
int *irprin, double *offset, int *ifact, double *vals, int iv,
int * ifault);
void getvals(double fmn,double fmx,int n, double *vals,
double *offset,int *ifact,int *nvals,int *irprin);
struct linesettingstype lineinfo;

Axis( VMatrix &grf_vec, int col, int pixels, int pxlspplot);
~Axis( void );

virtual void Show( void )
Dispatch->Nrerror("AXIS: trying to show an undefined axis object");
strtype GetAxisLabel( strtype &name );
double Rescale( double x );

class YAxis:public Axis
double deltay;
int h, w, xlen, ylen, bmarg, umarg, lmarg, rmarg;

double miny, maxy;

void Show( boolean gridon );
YAxis( VMatrix &grf, int xxlen, int yylen, int ww, int hh,
int bbmarg, int uumarg, int llmarg, int rrmarg);

class XAxis:public Axis
double deltax;
int w, h, xlen, ylen, bmarg, umarg, lmarg, rmarg;

double minx, maxx;

void Show( boolean gridon );
XAxis( VMatrix &grf, int xxlen, int yylen, int ww, int hh,
int bbmarg, int uumarg, int llmarg, int rrmarg);

/////////////////////////////// graph matrix class

class GMatrix
// Borland graphics information. bgi files must be available
int GraphDriver;
int GraphMode;
int MaxX, MaxY;
int MaxColors;
int ErrorCode;
struct linesettingstype lineinfo;
struct viewporttype viewinfo;

// reference lines. can have at most 20 reference lines
double *hrefs;
double *vrefs;
int nvrefs, nhrefs;

// output a line, and pause function ESC stops program
int gprintf(int *xloc, int *yloc, char *fmt, ... );
void Pause();

// graph is stored in a VMatrix: [graphid, symbol, x, y] 4 cols
int graphnum; // number of graphs in grf;
VMatrix *grf;

// plot a point on the screen
void plotpoint( int ix, int iy, int symbol);


// constructors and destructors

GMatrix( void );
GMatrix( VMatrix &ROp, int symbol= -' '); // ROp should be rx2 matrix
// column 1 is x, col 2 is y
~GMatrix( void );

// display a graph
void Show( void );

// add a new vector to plot
void AddVec( VMatrix &ROp, int symbol = -' ');

// annotation options

strtype *title, *title2, *xname, *yname, *PathToDriver;
boolean RectangleOn, YGridOn, XGridOn;
void Href( double href );
void Vref( double vref );
int ClearHref( void ){ int t=nhrefs; nhrefs = -1; return t;}
int ClearVref( void ){ int t=nvrefs; nvrefs = -1; return t;}

// save the grf matrix
void SaveGraph( char *fid ) { Writea( fid, *grf ); }


  3 Responses to “Category : C++ Source Code
Archive   : YAMP15.ZIP
Filename : VIRT.H

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: