Category : C++ Source Code
Archive   : VCCRT2.ZIP
Filename : ISTREAM.H

Output of file : ISTREAM.H contained in archive : VCCRT2.ZIP
*istream.h - definitions/declarations for the istream class
* Copyright (c) 1990-1992, Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* This file defines the classes, values, macros, and functions
* used by the istream class.
* [AT&T C++]

#ifndef _INC_ISTREAM
#define _INC_ISTREAM


// Force word packing to avoid possible -Zp override
#pragma pack(2)

#pragma warning(disable:4505) // disable unwanted /W4 warning
// #pragma warning(default:4505) // use this to reenable, if necessary

#ifdef M_I86HM // fold huge member pointers into far
#define _HFAR_ __far
#define _HFAR_

typedef long streamoff, streampos;

class istream : virtual public ios {

virtual ~istream();

int ipfx(int =0);
void isfx() { }

inline istream& operator>>(istream& (*_f)(istream&));
inline istream& operator>>(ios& (*_f)(ios&));
istream& operator>>(char _HFAR_ *);
inline istream& operator>>(unsigned char _HFAR_ *);
inline istream& operator>>(signed char _HFAR_ *);
istream& operator>>(char _HFAR_ &);
inline istream& operator>>(unsigned char _HFAR_ &);
inline istream& operator>>(signed char _HFAR_ &);
istream& operator>>(short _HFAR_ &);
istream& operator>>(unsigned short _HFAR_ &);
istream& operator>>(int _HFAR_ &);
istream& operator>>(unsigned int _HFAR_ &);
istream& operator>>(long _HFAR_ &);
istream& operator>>(unsigned long _HFAR_ &);
istream& operator>>(float _HFAR_ &);
istream& operator>>(double _HFAR_ &);
istream& operator>>(long double _HFAR_ &);
istream& operator>>(streambuf*);

int get();
istream& get(char _HFAR_ *,int,char ='\n');
inline istream& get(unsigned char _HFAR_ *,int,char ='\n');
inline istream& get(signed char _HFAR_ *,int,char ='\n');
istream& get(char _HFAR_ &);
inline istream& get(unsigned char _HFAR_ &);
inline istream& get(signed char _HFAR_ &);
istream& get(streambuf&,char ='\n');
inline istream& getline(char _HFAR_ *,int,char ='\n');
inline istream& getline(unsigned char _HFAR_ *,int,char ='\n');
inline istream& getline(signed char _HFAR_ *,int,char ='\n');

inline istream& ignore(int =1,int =EOF);
istream& read(char _HFAR_ *,int);
inline istream& read(unsigned char _HFAR_ *,int);
inline istream& read(signed char _HFAR_ *,int);

int gcount() const { return x_gcount; }
int peek();
istream& putback(char);
int sync();

istream& seekg(streampos);
istream& seekg(streamoff,ios::seek_dir);
streampos tellg();

void eatwhite(); // consider: protect and friend with manipulator ws
istream(const istream&); // treat as private
istream& operator=(streambuf* _isb); // treat as private
istream& operator=(const istream& _is) { return operator=(_is.rdbuf()); }
int do_ipfx(int);

int getint(char _HFAR_ *);
int getdouble(char _HFAR_ *, int);
int _fGline;
int x_gcount;

inline istream& istream::operator>>(istream& (*_f)(istream&)) { (*_f)(*this); return *this; }
inline istream& istream::operator>>(ios& (*_f)(ios&)) { (*_f)(*this); return *this; }

inline istream& istream::operator>>(unsigned char _HFAR_ * _s) { return operator>>((char _HFAR_ *)_s); }
inline istream& istream::operator>>(signed char _HFAR_ * _s) { return operator>>((char _HFAR_ *)_s); }

inline istream& istream::operator>>(unsigned char _HFAR_ & _c) { return operator>>((char _HFAR_ &) _c); }
inline istream& istream::operator>>(signed char _HFAR_ & _c) { return operator>>((char _HFAR_ &) _c); }

inline istream& istream::get(unsigned char _HFAR_ * b, int lim ,char delim) { return get((char _HFAR_ *)b, lim, delim); }
inline istream& istream::get(signed char _HFAR_ * b, int lim, char delim) { return get((char _HFAR_ *)b, lim, delim); }

inline istream& istream::get(unsigned char _HFAR_ & _c) { return get((char _HFAR_ &)_c); }
inline istream& istream::get(signed char _HFAR_ & _c) { return get((char _HFAR_ &)_c); }

inline istream& istream::getline(char _HFAR_ * _b,int _lim,char _delim) { _fGline++; return get(_b, _lim, _delim); }
inline istream& istream::getline(unsigned char _HFAR_ * _b,int _lim,char _delim) { _fGline++; return get((char _HFAR_ *)_b, _lim, _delim); }
inline istream& istream::getline(signed char _HFAR_ * _b,int _lim,char _delim) { _fGline++; return get((char _HFAR_ *)_b, _lim, _delim); }

inline istream& istream::ignore(int _n,int delim) { _fGline++; return get((char _HFAR_ *)0, _n+1, (char)delim); }

inline istream& istream::read(unsigned char _HFAR_ * _ptr, int _n) { return read((char _HFAR_ *) _ptr, _n); }
inline istream& istream::read(signed char _HFAR_ * _ptr, int _n) { return read((char _HFAR_ *) _ptr, _n); }

class istream_withassign : public istream {
istream& operator=(const istream& _is) { return istream::operator=(_is); }
istream& operator=(streambuf* _isb) { return istream::operator=(_isb); }

#ifndef _WINDLL // Warning! Not available under Windows without QuickWin:
extern istream_withassign cin;

inline istream& ws(istream& _ins) { _ins.eatwhite(); return _ins; }

ios& dec(ios&);
ios& hex(ios&);
ios& oct(ios&);

// Restore default packing
#pragma pack()

#endif // !_INC_ISTREAM

  3 Responses to “Category : C++ Source Code
Archive   : VCCRT2.ZIP
Filename : ISTREAM.H

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: