Category : C++ Source Code
Archive   : VCCRT2.ZIP

Output of file : HARDRETN.ASM contained in archive : VCCRT2.ZIP
page ,132
title hardretn - Return To System Call After Hard Error Handling
;hardretn.asm - Return to system call after hard error handling
; Copyright (c) 1987-1992, Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
; Contains _hardretn which allows a user to return from a hard error
; handling routine to the system call that caused the original error.


IRETSIZE equ 6 ;size of iret stack frame (bytes)
INTSIZE equ 18 ;size of int21 stack frame (bytes)
CARRYCALL equ 38h ;sys calls 38h and above set carry on errors

externW _oldsp ;sp save area
externP _hardretn_return ;common harderr return code

sBegin data

assumes ds,data

;--- System call error bit table ---
;The following table is a series of bits indexed by system call value.
;If a bit is set, the corresponding system call can return an error;
;otherwise, it cannot. Table is for those int 21h system calls that
;do not use the carry bit to indicate that an error has occurred (e.g.,
;system calls 0h - 37h).

labelW _callerr ;system call bit table
dw 0001h ;calls 0h - Fh
dw 0F308h ;calls 10h - 1Fh
dw 1054h ;calls 10h - 2Fh
dw 1200h ;calls 10h - 3Fh


sBegin code

assumes cs,code
assumes ds,data

;void _hardretn(errval) - Return to system call after hard error handling
; Allow the user to return from the handler routine to the original
; code that caused the hard error.
; int errval = error value to be returned to original code
; Never returns to caller; returns to user code that caused the
; original int 21h (which in turn caused the int 24h error).
; None

cProc _hardretn,,<>

parmW errval


;Issue a system call to put DOS in a stable state.

callos version ;alters AX,BX,CX

;Get rid of the int 24h stack frame and all the temps pushed on by hardtrap.

mov sp,ds:[_oldsp] ;restore sp
add sp,IRETSIZE+INTSIZE ;make sp point to int 21h frame

;Depending on the system call originally issued, do the following:
; if syscall# >= 0x38 {
; set carry to indicate error
; AX = user-supplied error value
; }
; else if syscall# can return error {
; AL = 0xFF
; }
; return to system call that caused original error

mov bx,sp ;sp into base register
mov ax,ss:[bx] ;get sys call off top-of-stack
cmp ah,CARRYCALL ;sys call one that can set carry ??
jb hardret1 ;nope - more checking needed

;System call is greater than or equal to "CARRYCALL" value.
;Set carry and ax for the error return. Then join common return code.
;bx = sp

or byte ptr[bx+IRETSIZE+INTSIZE-2],1 ;set int 21h carry bit
mov ax,[errval] ;user's error code into ax
jmp _hardretn_return ;join common hard handler return code

;System call is less than "CARRYCALL" and, thus, does not set carry on error.
;See if the call can take an error or not. Check the _callerr bit table.
;If bit=1, call can return an error; if bit=0, call can NOT return an error.
;ax = ax value from int 21h stack frame (ah = sys call #)

mov dx,ax ;save original ax value for later
mov cl,4 ;shift value = 4 (one hex digit)
shr dx,cl ;shift sys call value right
shr dl,cl ;shift lo-hex digit right again
;dh = word offset / dl = bit offset in the word

mov cl,dl ;move bit offset into shift register
inc cl ;make bit offset 0-based
mov bl,dh ;move word offset into bl
xor bh,bh ;zero out upper byte (bx = word offset)
shl bx,1 ;make bx a byte-offset value
;bx = byte offset of word / cl = bit offset

mov dx,[bx+_callerr];get appropriate word out of table
shl dx,cl ;shift the sys call bit into carry

jnc hardret2 ;no carry - sys call can NOT return an error,
;do not modify ax

;carry set - sys call CAN return an error,
mov al,0FFh ;set al = FFh to indicate error
;fall thru

;Return via common harderr return code
;ax = value to be returned to user

jmp _hardretn_return



  3 Responses to “Category : C++ Source Code
Archive   : VCCRT2.ZIP

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: