Category : C++ Source Code
Archive   : VCCRT2.ZIP
Filename : FFLUSH.C

Output of file : FFLUSH.C contained in archive : VCCRT2.ZIP
*fflush.c - flush a stream buffer
* Copyright (c) 1985-1992, Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* defines fflush() - flush the buffer on a stream
* flushall() - flush all stream buffers


/* Values passed to flsall() to distinguish between flushall() and
* fflush(NULL) behavior
#define FLUSHALL 1
#define FFLUSHNULL 0

/* Core routine for fflush(NULL) and flushall()
static int near pascal flsall(int);

*int fflush(stream) - flush the buffer on a stream
* if file open for writing and buffered, flush the buffer. if problems
* flushing the buffer, set the stream flag to error
* Always flushes the stdio stream and forces a commit to disk if file
* was opened in commit mode.
* FILE *stream - stream to flush
* returns 0 if flushed successfully, or no buffer to flush
* returns EOF and sets file error flag if fails.
* FILE struct entries affected: _ptr, _cnt, _flag.

int fflush (
FILE *str

REG1 FILE2 _NEAR_ *stream2;

/* if stream is NULL, flush all streams */
if ( str == NULL ) {

if (_flush(str) != 0) {
/* _flush failed, don't attempt to commit */

/* lowio commit to ensure data is written to disk */
stream2 = &(_iob2_((FILE _NEAR_ *)FP_OFF(str)));
if (stream2->_flag2 & _IOCOMMIT) {
return (_commit(_fileno(str)) ? EOF : 0);

*int _flush(stream) - flush the buffer on a single stream
* if file open for writing and buffered, flush the buffer. if problems
* flushing the buffer, set the stream flag to error
* Multi-thread version assumes stream lock is held by caller
* FILE *stream - stream to flush
* returns 0 if flushed successfully, or no buffer to flush
* returns EOF and sets file error flag if fails.
* FILE struct entries affected: _ptr, _cnt, _flag.

int near _flush (
FILE *str
REG1 FILE _NEAR_ *stream;
REG2 int rc = 0; /* assume good return */
REG3 int nchar;

/* Init near pointer to stream */
stream = (FILE _NEAR_ *) FP_OFF(str);

if ((stream->_flag & (_IOREAD | _IOWRT)) == _IOWRT && bigbuf(stream)
&& (nchar = stream->_ptr - stream->_base) > 0)
if ( _write(_fileno(stream), stream->_base, nchar) == nchar ) {
/* if this is a read/write file, clear _IOWRT so that
* next operation can be a read
if ( _IORW & stream->_flag )
stream->_flag &= ~_IOWRT;
else {
stream->_flag |= _IOERR;
rc = EOF;

stream->_ptr = stream->_base;
stream->_cnt = 0;


*int _flushall() - flush all output buffers
* flushes all the output buffers to the file, clears all input buffers.
* None.
* returns number of open streams

int _flushall (

*static int near pascal flsall(flushflag) - flush all output buffers
* Flushes all the output buffers to the file and, if FLUSHALL is passed,
* clears all input buffers. Core routine for both fflush(NULL) and
* flushall().
* MTHREAD Note: All the locking/unlocking required for both fflush(NULL)
* and flushall() is performed in this routine.
* int flushflag - flag indicating the exact semantics, there are two
* legal values: FLUSHALL and FFLUSHNULL
* if flushflag == FFLUSHNULL then flsbuf returns:
* 0, if successful
* EOF, if an error occurs while flushing one of the streams
* if flushflag == FLUSHALL then flsbuf returns the number of streams
* successfully flushed

static int near pascal flsall (
int flushflag
REG1 FILE _NEAR_ *stream = _iob;
REG2 int count = 0;
int errcode = 0;

for (; stream <= _lastiob; stream++) {

if ( (flushflag == FLUSHALL) && inuse(stream) ) {
/* FLUSHALL functionality: fflush the read or write
* stream and, if successful, update the count of
* flushed streams
if ( fflush(stream) != EOF )
/* update count of successfully flushed
* streams
else if ( (flushflag == FFLUSHNULL) &&
(stream->_flag & _IOWRT) ) {
/* FFLUSHNULL functionality: fflush the write stream
* and kept track of the error, if one occurs
if ( fflush(stream) == EOF )
errcode = EOF;


if ( flushflag == FLUSHALL )

  3 Responses to “Category : C++ Source Code
Archive   : VCCRT2.ZIP
Filename : FFLUSH.C

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: