Category : C++ Source Code
Archive   : VCCRT1.ZIP
Filename : BMALLOC.ASM

Output of file : BMALLOC.ASM contained in archive : VCCRT1.ZIP
page ,132
title bmalloc -- C runtime based heap allocation
;bmalloc.asm - based heap allocation
; Copyright (c) 1985-1992, Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
; defines _bfree(), _bmalloc() - allocate/free memory from the
; based heap.


sBegin data
assumes ds,data

externW _bheap ; based heap linked list descriptor

ifndef _NOTCXX_
globalCP _pnhbBasedHeap, 0

sEnd data

externNP _findseg ; find a heap segment
externNP _searchseg ; search a heap segment
externNP _growseg ; grow a heap segment

sBegin code
assumes ds,data
assumes cs,code

;void _bfree(bseg, boff) - free block in the based heap
; Free a block of memory in the based heap which was allocated
; by _bmalloc().
; [MTHREAD NOTE: Since the freeing of a heap entry is an
; atomic action, the heap lock is not needed. Note that if
; the RESET_ROVER code is implemented, _bfree() must lock/unlock
; the heap.]
; unsigned bseg = based heap segment
; unsigned boff = offset into heap segment
; bseg:boff = address of block to be freed
; ax,bx,cx,dx,es

cProc _bfree,,

parmW bseg ; based heap segment
parmW boff ; offset into based heap segment


; Get address and make sure it's not NULL

mov es,[bseg] ; es:si = address
mov si,[boff]
mov cx,es ; is bseg == 0 ??
jcxz _bfend ; yup - just return
mov cx,si ; is boff == 0 ??
jcxz _bfend ; yup - just return
cmp cx,_NULLOFF ; is boff == _NULLOFF ??
je _bfend ; yup - just return

or byte ptr es:[si-2],1 ; free entry

_bfend: ; return


;_bmalloc(bseg, incr) - allocate a memory block in the based heap
; Allocates a memory block of at least size bytes in the based heap.
; The block will be aligned for the storage of any type of object.
; unsigned bseg = based heap segment
; unsigned incr = size of memory block desired
; dx:ax = success = address of block (dx = segment, ax = offset)
; = failure = NULL

;--- Single thread version
cProc _bmalloc,,

parmW bseg ; unsigned int based heap segment
parmW incr ; unsigned int allocation size


ifndef _NOTCXX_

; Make sure the requested size is not too big
push ds ; save dgroup
mov dx,[incr] ; cx = request block size
cmp dx,_HEAP_MAXREQ ; cx > maximum legal request size ??
ja error_rtn ; error

; Find the appropriate based segment
; dx = size
; ds = dgroup

mov bx,dataoffset _bheap ; based heap list header
mov ax,[bseg] ; segment to search for
call _findseg ; get the segment
jc error_rtn ; error, if we didn't find the segment

; Try to get a block from the existing segment
; dx = size
; ds:bx = based heap segment descriptor

mov cx,dx ; cx = block size
call _searchseg ; try for a block
jnc have_block ; success!!

; Try to grow the segment
; cx = size
; ds:bx = based heap segment descriptor

call _growseg ; try to grow the block
jc error_rtn ; error, could not grow

call _searchseg ; get the new block

;jc _heap_toast ; *** oops, should always work ***

; The block is in hand. Update the roverseg field in the based heap list
; header (analogous to what _fmalloc() does) and exit.
; ds:bx = based heap segment descriptor
; dx:ax = pointer to block (to be returned to the caller)

mov si,ds ; stash selector in si
pop ds ; restore dgroup
mov di,dataoffset _bheap ; ds:di = based heap list header
mov word ptr [di].roverseg,bx ; update rover seg
mov word ptr [di].roverseg + 2,si
jmp short bdone ; return the result

; Error return. We will always get here if _bmalloc() is going to
; return _NULLOFF.

pop ds ; restore dgroup

ifndef _NOTCXX_

if sizeC
mov cx, word ptr (_pnhbBasedHeap+2)
or cx, word ptr (_pnhbBasedHeap)
jz rtn_NULLOFF
else ;not sizeC
cmp (_pnhbBasedHeap), 0
je rtn_NULLOFF
endif ;not sizeC

push [bseg]
push [incr]
call (_pnhbBasedHeap)
add sp, 4

or ax, ax
jnz RetryBMalloc
endif ;not _NOTCXX_

mov ax,_NULLOFF ; Set dx:ax = bseg:_NULLOFF
mov dx,[bseg] ; Fall through to bdone.

; Common exit
; (dx:ax = return value)



sEnd code


  3 Responses to “Category : C++ Source Code
Archive   : VCCRT1.ZIP
Filename : BMALLOC.ASM

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: