Category : C++ Source Code
Archive   : STRPP31.ZIP
Filename : STR.H

Output of file : STR.H contained in archive : STRPP31.ZIP
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* String++ Version 3.10 04/13/94 */
/* */
/* Enhanced string class for Turbo C++/Borland C++. */
/* Copyright 1991-1994 by Carl W. Moreland */
/* */
/* str.h */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

#ifndef _STR_H
#define _STR_H

#ifndef __CTYPE_H
#ifndef __STRING_H
#ifndef __IOSTREAM_H

class StrPP;
class RegExp;

typedef StrPP String; // Not compatible with BC++ 3.x
//typedef StrPP string; // Not compatible with BC++ 4.x

class StrPP
int strLen; // length of the string
char* strPtr; // pointer to the string contents
int bufferLen; // length of the buffer

StrPP(); // default constructor;
StrPP(const char c, // initialize with a character,
const int n = 1); // optional # of characters
StrPP(const char* p); // initialize with a char *
StrPP(const char* p, // initialize with a char *,
const int pos, // optional starting char
const int len = 32767); // optional # of chars
StrPP(const StrPP& s); // initialize with another string
StrPP(const StrPP& s, // initialize with another string,
const int pos, // optional starting char
const int len = 32767); // optional # of chars
StrPP(const int n); // initialize with an integer
StrPP(const unsigned int n); // initialize with an unsigned integer
StrPP(const long n); // initialize with a long int
StrPP(const unsigned long n); // initialize with a unsigned long int
StrPP(const float n, // initialize with a float

const char* format = ""); // and a format specifier
StrPP(const double n, // initialize with a double
const char* format = ""); // and a format specifier


static int strMinLength; // minimum memory allocated
static int strIncLength; // incremental memory allocated
static int (*strCompare)(const char*, const char*);
static int (*strToUpper)(int c);
static int (*strToLower)(int c);
static StrPP* findIn; // these are for the Find... functions
static StrPP& findStr;
static int findPos;
static StrPP fpFormat; // format string for floats

virtual void Init() {
strPtr = 0;
strLen = 0;
bufferLen = 0;
virtual void SetStr(const char c, const int n = 1);
virtual void SetStr(const char* p);
virtual void SetStr(const char* p, const int pos, const int len = 32767);
virtual void SetStr(const StrPP& s);
virtual void SetStr(const StrPP& s, const int pos, const int len = 32767);
virtual void AddStr(const char c);
virtual void AddStr(const char* p);
virtual void AddStr(const StrPP& s);
virtual int GetSize(int n);
virtual void ltos(const long n);
virtual void ultos(const unsigned long n);
virtual void dtos(const double n, const char* format);

enum StrModes { LEFT = 0,
RIGHT = 2,
CLIP = 1,
TRIM = 2,

static void SetMinLength(int len = 16) { strMinLength = len; }
static void SetIncLength(int len = 8) { strIncLength = len; }
static void SetCompare(int (*fp)(const char*, const char*) = strcmp) {
strCompare = fp;
static void SetToUpper(int (*fp)(int c) = ::toupper) {
strToUpper = fp;
static void SetToLower(int (*fp)(int c) = ::tolower) {
strToLower = fp;
static void SetCaseSensitivity(int cs = 1);
static void SetFloatFormat(const char*);
int SetSize(int len); // set/reset bufferLen
void Minimize(void); // minimize bufferLen

virtual operator const char() const { return strPtr[0]; }
virtual operator const char*() const { return strPtr; }
virtual const char operator *() const { return strPtr[0]; }
virtual const char* operator()() const { return strPtr; }
virtual const char* operator()(int pos) const { return strPtr+pos; }
virtual StrPP operator()(int pos, int len) const;
virtual char* ptr(void) const { return strPtr; }
virtual char* ptr(int pos) const { return strPtr+pos; }

virtual int Length(void) const { return strLen; }
virtual int Len(void) const { return strLen; }
virtual StrPP& toUpper(void); // convert to uppercase
virtual StrPP& toLower(void); // convert to lowercase
virtual int& Value(int& n) const; // int value of str
virtual unsigned int& Value(unsigned int& n) const; // unsigned value of str
virtual long& Value(long& n) const; // long int value of str
virtual unsigned long& Value(unsigned long& n) const; // unsigned long value
virtual float& Value(float& n) const; // float value of str
virtual double& Value(double& n) const; // double value of str

StrPP& Left(int len); // left len chars
StrPP& Right(int len); // right len chars
StrPP& Mid(int pos, int len); // middle len chars from pos

StrPP& Justify(char type, int len, // justify string
char mode = CLIP|TRIM);
StrPP& Trim(int mode = CENTER, // delete whitespace
char ch = WHITESPACE);

StrPP& Insert(int pos, const StrPP& s); // insert substring
StrPP& Delete(int pos, int len = 1); // delete substring

StrPP& Replace(int pos, int len, // substitute pos+len -> to
const StrPP& to);
int Replace(const StrPP& from, // substitute from -> to
const StrPP& to,
int count = 32767);
int Replace(const RegExp& from, // substitute from -> to
const StrPP& to,
int count = 32767);
char* Copy(char*&) const; // copy string to char*

int Index(const StrPP& t) const; // position of t in string
int Index(const RegExp& t) const; // position of t in string
StrPP SubStr(int pos, // substring at position pos
int len = 32767) const;
int Split(StrPP*& a, // split into an array a on
const StrPP& fs) const; // field separator fs
int Split(StrPP*& a, // split into an array a on
const RegExp& fs) const; // field separator fs
int Sub(const StrPP& from, // substitute from -> to
const StrPP& to,
int count = 32767);
int Sub(const RegExp& from, // substitute from -> to
const StrPP& to,
int count = 32767);

int FindFirst(const StrPP& s) const; // first occurance of s
int FindNext (void) const; // next occurance of s
int FindPrev (void) const; // previous occurance of s
int FindLast (const StrPP& s) const; // last occurance of s

virtual StrPP& operator=(const char c); // str1 = char
virtual StrPP& operator=(const char* p); // str1 = char*
virtual StrPP& operator=(const StrPP& s); // str1 = string
virtual StrPP& operator=(const int n); // str1 = int
virtual StrPP& operator=(const unsigned int n); // str1 = uint
virtual StrPP& operator=(const long n); // str1 = long
virtual StrPP& operator=(const unsigned long n); // str1 = ulong
virtual StrPP& operator=(const float n); // str1 = float
virtual StrPP& operator=(const double n); // str1 = double
StrPP& operator+=(const char c); // str1 += char
StrPP& operator+=(const char* p); // str1 += char*
StrPP& operator+=(const StrPP& s); // str1 += str
StrPP& operator*=(const int n); // str1 *= n
char& operator[](const int i) const; // ch = str[i] or str[i] = ch

friend StrPP operator+(const StrPP& s1, const StrPP& s2);
friend StrPP operator+(const StrPP& s, const char* p);
friend StrPP operator+(const char* p, const StrPP& s);
friend StrPP operator*(const StrPP& s, const int n);
friend StrPP operator*(const int n, const StrPP& s);

virtual StrPP& operator<<(const char c); // s << char
virtual StrPP& operator<<(const char* p); // s << char*
virtual StrPP& operator<<(const StrPP& s); // s << string
virtual StrPP& operator<<(const int n); // s << int
virtual StrPP& operator<<(const unsigned int n); // s << uint
virtual StrPP& operator<<(const long n); // s << long
virtual StrPP& operator<<(const unsigned long n); // s << ulong
virtual StrPP& operator<<(const float n); // s << float
virtual StrPP& operator<<(const double n); // s << double

friend int operator==(const StrPP& s1, const StrPP& s2);
friend int operator!=(const StrPP& s1, const StrPP& s2);
friend int operator< (const StrPP& s1, const StrPP& s2);
friend int operator> (const StrPP& s1, const StrPP& s2);
friend int operator<=(const StrPP& s1, const StrPP& s2);
friend int operator>=(const StrPP& s1, const StrPP& s2);
friend int operator==(const StrPP& s, const char* p);
friend int operator!=(const StrPP& s, const char* p);
friend int operator< (const StrPP& s, const char* p);
friend int operator> (const StrPP& s, const char* p);
friend int operator<=(const StrPP& s, const char* p);
friend int operator>=(const StrPP& s, const char* p);
friend int operator==(const char* p, const StrPP& s);
friend int operator!=(const char* p, const StrPP& s);
friend int operator< (const char* p, const StrPP& s);
friend int operator> (const char* p, const StrPP& s);
friend int operator<=(const char* p, const StrPP& s);
friend int operator>=(const char* p, const StrPP& s);

ostream& operator<<(ostream&, const StrPP&);
istream& operator>>(istream&, StrPP&);

/* ----- Awk-style functions ------------------------------------------ */

inline int length(const char* p) {
return strlen(p);
inline int length(const StrPP& s) {
return s.Len();
int index(const char* s, const char* t);
StrPP substr(const StrPP& s, int pos, int len = 32767);
int split(const StrPP& s, StrPP*& a, const StrPP& fs);
int gsub(const StrPP& from, const StrPP& to, StrPP& str, int count = 32767);
inline int sub(const StrPP& from, const StrPP& to, StrPP& str) {
return gsub(from, to, str, 1);

// Regular Expression versions - defined in regexp.cpp

extern int index(const StrPP& s, const RegExp& t);
extern int split(const StrPP& s, StrPP*& a, const RegExp& fs);
extern int gsub(const RegExp& from, const StrPP& to, StrPP& str, int count);
extern int sub(const RegExp& from, const StrPP& to, StrPP& str);

/* ----- Other C-style functions -------------------------------------- */

StrPP toupper(const StrPP& s);
StrPP tolower(const StrPP& s);
StrPP left(const char* p, int len);
StrPP right(const char* p, int len);
StrPP mid(const char* p, int pos, int len);
StrPP justify(const char* p, char type, int len,
char mode=StrPP::CLIP|StrPP::TRIM);
StrPP trim(const char* p, int mode = StrPP::CENTER);

/* ----- Inline functions --------------------------------------------- */

inline StrPP& StrPP::operator=(const int n) {
return *this;

inline StrPP& StrPP::operator=(const unsigned int n) {
operator=((unsigned long)n);
return *this;

inline StrPP& StrPP::operator=(const float n) {
return *this;

inline StrPP& StrPP::operator<<(const int n) {
return *this;

inline StrPP& StrPP::operator<<(const unsigned int n) {
operator<<((unsigned long)n);
return *this;

inline StrPP& StrPP::operator<<(const float n) {
return *this;

inline int StrPP::Replace(const StrPP& from, const StrPP& to, int count) {
return gsub(from, to, *this, count);

inline int StrPP::Replace(const RegExp& from, const StrPP& to, int count) {
return gsub(from, to, *this, count);

inline int operator==(const StrPP& s1, const StrPP& s2) {
return StrPP::strCompare(s1, s2) == 0;

inline int operator!=(const StrPP& s1, const StrPP& s2) {
return StrPP::strCompare(s1, s2) != 0;

inline int operator<(const StrPP& s1, const StrPP& s2) {
return StrPP::strCompare(s1, s2) < 0;

inline int operator>(const StrPP& s1, const StrPP& s2) {
return StrPP::strCompare(s1, s2) > 0;

inline int operator<=(const StrPP& s1, const StrPP& s2) {
return StrPP::strCompare(s1, s2) <= 0;

inline int operator>=(const StrPP& s1, const StrPP& s2) {
return StrPP::strCompare(s1, s2) >= 0;

inline int operator==(const StrPP& s, const char* p) {
return StrPP::strCompare(s, p) == 0;

inline int operator!=(const StrPP& s, const char* p) {
return StrPP::strCompare(s, p) != 0;

inline int operator<(const StrPP& s, const char* p) {
return StrPP::strCompare(s, p) < 0;

inline int operator>(const StrPP& s, const char* p) {
return StrPP::strCompare(s, p) > 0;

inline int operator<=(const StrPP& s, const char* p) {
return StrPP::strCompare(s, p) <= 0;

inline int operator>=(const StrPP& s, const char* p) {
return StrPP::strCompare(s, p) >= 0;

inline int operator==(const char* p, const StrPP& s) {
return StrPP::strCompare(p, s) == 0;

inline int operator!=(const char* p, const StrPP& s) {
return StrPP::strCompare(p, s) != 0;

inline int operator<(const char* p, const StrPP& s) {
return StrPP::strCompare(p, s) < 0;

inline int operator>(const char* p, const StrPP& s) {
return StrPP::strCompare(p, s) > 0;

inline int operator<=(const char* p, const StrPP& s) {
return StrPP::strCompare(p, s) <= 0;

inline int operator>=(const char* p, const StrPP& s) {
return StrPP::strCompare(p, s) >= 0;

inline int operator==(const StrPP& s, const char c) {
return *s == c;

inline int operator!=(const StrPP& s, const char c) {
return *s != c;

inline int operator<(const StrPP& s, const char c) {
return *s < c;

inline int operator>(const StrPP& s, const char c) {
return *s > c;

inline int operator<=(const StrPP& s, const char c) {
return *s <= c;

inline int operator>=(const StrPP& s, const char c) {
return *s >= c;

inline int StrPP::Index(const StrPP& t) const {
return index(*this, t);

inline int StrPP::Index(const RegExp& t) const {
return index(*this, t);

inline StrPP StrPP::SubStr(int p, int n) const {
return substr(*this, p, n);

inline int StrPP::Split(StrPP*& a, const StrPP& fs) const {
return split(*this, a, fs);

inline int StrPP::Split(StrPP*& a, const RegExp& fs) const {
return split(*this, a, fs);

inline int StrPP::Sub(const StrPP& from, const StrPP& to, int count) {
return gsub(from, to, *this, count);

inline int StrPP::Sub(const RegExp& from, const StrPP& to, int count) {
return gsub(from, to, *this, count);

extern const StrPP STR_NULL; // a global NULL string


  3 Responses to “Category : C++ Source Code
Archive   : STRPP31.ZIP
Filename : STR.H

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: