Category : C++ Source Code
Archive   : SBBTREE.ZIP
Filename : TREE.CPP

Output of file : TREE.CPP contained in archive : SBBTREE.ZIP
* Program ID: tree.cpp
* Description: Implementation for in-memory balanced binary
* trees
* Input Parameters: none
* Return/Exit Values: none
* Input Files: none
* Output Files: none
* Linking Procedures: none
* Special Logic Notes: This C++ class uses the AVL (Adelson-Velski and
* Landis) method for correcting binary tree
* imbalances.
* Taken from The C Users Journal, January 1991
* pages 65-74
* This class is not able to use a container iterator to delete or detach
* Objects stored in the tree. It results in the corruption of the tree,
* and causes a refrence to de-allocated memory.
* Modification Log

/*** revision history ***/
/* 1 TREE.CPP 3-Jul-91,1:42:34,`ERIK' Initial Code Checkin. */
/* 2 TREE.CPP 28-Jul-91,20:44:32,`ERIK' Saved during development. */
/* 3 TREE.CPP 28-Jul-91,23:01:20,`ERIK' changed some things. */
/* 4 TREE.CPP 8-Nov-91,19:31:34,`ERIK' Changed to new version tracking \ */
/* variables for .cpp modules. */
/* 5 TREE.CPP 10-Nov-91,21:38:10,`ERIK' spaced some #defines out. */
/* 6 TREE.CPP 10-Nov-91,22:20:16,`ERIK' Integrated with classlib by \ */
/* inheriting from Object, and making printOn/print_tree pass a Rost */
/* 7 TREE.CPP 10-Nov-91,22:31:28,`ERIK' Spaced version string out. */
/* 8 TREE.CPP 10-Nov-91,22:35:50,`ERIK' Unspaced version string out. */
/* 9 TREE.CPP 10-Nov-91,23:08:44,`ERIK' */
/* Passed test program, inheriting from \ */
/* Object. */
/* 10 TREE.CPP 10-Nov-91,23:12:06,`ERIK' */
/* Passed test program, inheriting from \ */
/* Object. */
/* 11 TREE.CPP 10-Nov-91,23:30:36,`ERIK' Removed dsize data element. */
/* 12 TREE.CPP 10-Nov-91,23:33:06,`ERIK' Got the class working again by \ */
/* re-adding dsize data element. */
/* 13 TREE.CPP 11-Nov-91,12:51:18,`ERIK' */
/* Passed test program. Comparing now done \ */
/* by calling compare method, which uses compare operators inherited */
/* Sortable class */
/* 14 TREE.CPP 11-Nov-91,13:00:22,`ERIK' */
/* Removed dsize data element, alloc_data, \ */
/* copy_data methods. Passed test program. */
/* 15 TREE.CPP 11-Nov-91,13:20:02,`ERIK' Made all the methods return \ */
/* PCObject rather the Pvoid. Passed test program. */
/* 16 TREE.CPP 11-Nov-91,13:29:18,`ERIK' Made public methods return \ */
/* NOOBJECT instead of NULL to better integrate the class into the c */
/* 17 TREE.CPP 11-Nov-91,13:55:08,`ERIK' Make current methods adhere to \ */
/* Classlib method naming convention. */
/* 18 TREE.CPP 11-Nov-91,14:48:38,`ERIK' Spinkled const all over and \ */
/* made a number of the passed and return types RCObjects to more cl */
/* match what the classlib is doing. Ran test program OK. */
/* 19 TREE.CPP 11-Nov-91,15:23:40,`ERIK' Added elements method. */
/* 20 TREE.CPP 12-Nov-91,1:01:40,`ERIK' Got basic iterator code in place. */
/* Still need to work out the methods so that they will start, resta */
/* increment (++), and test (operator int) correctly. */
/* 21 TREE.CPP 12-Nov-91,11:22:48,`ERIK' */
/* Got basic iterator functionality. But \ */
/* it does not recognize the end of the tree until it tries to refre */
/* element after the last, causing an error. Need to make the int o */
/* smarter. */
/* 22 TREE.CPP 12-Nov-91,12:34:06,`ERIK' */
/* Finally worked out the last problems \ */
/* with the iterator. Passed the test program. */
/* 23 TREE.CPP 15-Nov-91,15:32:16,`ERIK' Added error code to make sure */
/* that the iterator checks lastError. Also added code to */
/* keep the Container::itemsInContainer variable in sync */
/* with the number of nodes in the tree. */
/* 24 TREE.CPP 17-Nov-91,20:57:36,`ERIK' Need to eliminate the \ */
/* duplication of objects when written to persistent store by */
/* the TABSTree class and the TABSNode class. */
/* 25 TREE.CPP 11-Dec-91,19:07:52,`ERIK' Added error strings and the */
/* errorString method to the class. */
/* 26 TREE.CPP 13-Dec-91,0:31:04,`ERIK' changed something? */
/* 27 TREE.CPP 29-Dec-91,10:42:50,`ERIK' ported code to version 3.0 */
/* of classlib. Also corrected a number of bugs. */
/* 28 TREE.CPP 6-Feb-92,23:20:46,`ERIK' changed appropriate Object */
/* arguments and such to Sortable. */
/* 29 TREE.CPP 7-Feb-92,17:45:12,`ERIK' Through testing, it has been \ */
/* determined that the fault is not in the btree module nor in the \ */
/* TTopic::getIndent method. This is due to this version of the \ */
/* driver program iterating over all the nodes in the tree and apply */
/* the getIndent method to all of them, without a failure. */
/* 30 TREE.CPP 8-Feb-92,12:01:44,`ERIK' Stalled out trying to \ */
/* solve the virtual method not being called problem. This version */
/* represents the stalled spot. */
/*** revision history ***/

/* Header Files: */

// Standard C headers:

// Project Headers:
#include "tree.hpp"
#include "topic.hpp"


/***-=>keyflag<=-- "&(#)%n %v %d %t" ***/
static char TLIBSTRING[] = "&(#)TREE.CPP 30 8-Feb-92 12:01:44";


// constants which tell which way the tree is out of balance
#define BALANCED 0
#define LEFT -1
#define RIGHT 1

#define DOUBLE_LEFT (LEFT*2)

// messages used by getprev () and getnext ()

// maximum allowable imbalance in a subtree

// maximum characters in an output buffer line.
#define MAXBUFF 100

// messages passed from a child to a parent
#define DELETE_THIS_BalancedTreeNode 2
#define TREE_SHRANK 1
#define NO_CHANGE 0
#define BalancedTreeNode_NOT_FOUND -2


RContainerIterator BalancedTree::initIterator () const
return (*(ContainerIterator *)new BalancedTreeIterator (*this));


BalancedTreeIterator::BalancedTreeIterator (RCBalancedTree tree) :
beingIterated (tree)
firstflag = 1; // set first time though flag
last = &beingIterated.findLast ();
beingIterated.findFirst (); // reset current so as not to match last


BalancedTreeIterator::operator RObject ()
if (beingIterated.lastError () != OK)
return (NOOBJECT);
return ((RObject)beingIterated.current->data);


void BalancedTreeIterator::restart ()
firstflag = 1; // set first time though flag


RObject BalancedTreeIterator::operator ++ ()
// if we are at that first node (head), we have just initialized the
// iterator, so here we must return the first node (head), rather than
// the second one.

// return refrence before incrementing

if (beingIterated.lastError () != OK)
return (NOOBJECT);

if (firstflag)
firstflag = 0;
RObject retval = (RObject)beingIterated.findFirst ();
beingIterated.findNext ();
return (retval);
RObject retval = (RObject)beingIterated.findCurr ();
beingIterated.findNext ();
return (retval);


RObject BalancedTreeIterator::operator ++ (int)

// return refrence after incrementing

if (beingIterated.lastError () != OK)
return (NOOBJECT);

if (firstflag)
firstflag = 0;
return ((RObject)beingIterated.findFirst ());
return ((RObject)beingIterated.findNext ());


BalancedTreeIterator::operator int ()

if (beingIterated.lastError () != OK)
return (0);

if (beingIterated.current->data != last || firstflag)
return (1);
return (0);


static const char *unknown_err = "Unknown error code";
static const char *ok = "No Error";
static const char *mem_alloc_fail = "Could not allocate memory for node";
static const char *no_dupes = "Duplicates not allowed";
static const char *tree_empty = "Tree is empty";
static const char *no_such_node = "No such node";
static const char *obj_not_sort = "Object not sortable";


const char *BalancedTree::errorString ()

switch (errval)
case OK:
return (ok);

return (mem_alloc_fail);

case NO_DUPES:
return (no_dupes);

return (tree_empty);

case NO_SUCH_BalancedTreeNode:
return (no_such_node);

return (obj_not_sort);

return (unknown_err);


void BalancedTree::delete_data (BalancedTreeNode *nodeptr)

if (detach_deletes_data)
delete nodeptr->data;
nodeptr->data = NULL;


void BalancedTree::delete_subtree (BalancedTreeNode *nodeptr)

if (nodeptr->right != NULL)
delete_subtree (nodeptr->right);
delete nodeptr->right;

if (nodeptr->left != NULL)
delete_subtree (nodeptr->left);
delete nodeptr->left;

delete_data (nodeptr);


void BalancedTree::rebalance (BalancedTreeNode *parent)

BalancedTreeNode *p1;
BalancedTreeNode *p2;
BalancedTreeNode swapnode;

if (parent->balance == DOUBLE_LEFT)
if (parent->left->balance != RIGHT) // LL imbalance
p1 = parent->left;
parent->left = p1->right;
p1->right = p1; // will resolve properly after node swap
if (p1->balance == LEFT)
parent->balance = p1->balance = BALANCED;
parent->balance = LEFT;
p1->balance = RIGHT;
swapnode = *parent;
*parent = *p1;
*p1 = swapnode;
p1 = parent->left; // LR imbalance
p2 = p1->right;
p1->right = p2->left;
p2->left = p1;
parent->left = p2->right;
p2->right = p2; // will resolve properly after node swap
if (p2->balance == RIGHT)
parent->balance = BALANCED;
p1->balance = LEFT;
p2->balance = RIGHT;
else if (p2->balance == LEFT)
parent->balance = RIGHT;
p1->balance = BALANCED;
p2->balance = BALANCED;
parent->balance = p1->balance = p2->balance = BALANCED;
swapnode = *parent;
*parent = *p2;
*p2 = swapnode;
{ // parent->balance == DOUBLE_RIGHT
if (parent->right->balance != LEFT) // RR imbalance
p1 = parent->right;
parent->right = p1->left;
p1->left = p1; // will resolve properly after node swap

if (p1->balance == RIGHT)
parent->balance = p1->balance = BALANCED;
parent->balance = RIGHT;
p1->balance = LEFT;
swapnode = *parent;
*parent = *p1;
*p1 = swapnode;
p1 = parent->right;
p2 = p1->left;
p1->left = p2->right;
p2->right = p1;
parent->right = p2->left;
p2->left = p2; // will resolve properly after node swap

if (p2->balance == RIGHT)
parent->balance = LEFT;
p1->balance = BALANCED;
p2->balance = BALANCED;
else if (p2->balance == LEFT)
parent->balance = BALANCED;
p1->balance = RIGHT;
p2->balance = BALANCED;
parent->balance = p1->balance = p2->balance = BALANCED;

swapnode = *parent;
*parent = *p2;
*p2 = swapnode;


int BalancedTree::addnode (BalancedTreeNode *parent, BalancedTreeNode *newnode)

int retval;
int addside;

if ((retval = compare (*parent->data, *newnode->data)) != 0)
if (retval < 0) // parent < newnode - add on RIGHT size of parent
if (parent->right != NULL)
retval = addnode (parent->right, newnode);
parent->right = newnode;
retval = (parent->balance == LEFT) ? 0 : 1;
addside = RIGHT;
else // parent > newnode - add on LEFT size of parent
if (parent->left != NULL)
retval = addnode (parent->left, newnode);
parent->left = newnode;
retval = (parent->balance == RIGHT) ? 0 : 1;
addside = LEFT;
else // duplicate item not allowed
errval = NO_DUPES;
return (0);

// Part B - adjust the parent balance of necssary
if (retval != 0) // tree changed depth
parent->balance += addside;
if (abs (parent->balance) > ALLOWABLE_IMBALANCE)
rebalance (parent);
return (parent->balance == BALANCED) ? 0 : retval;


int BalancedTree::add (RSortable data)

{ // build the node to be added
if (!data.isSortable ())
return (0);

errval = OK;
BalancedTreeNode *nptr = new BalancedTreeNode;

if (nptr == NULL) // unable to allocate new node
errval = MEM_ALLOC_FAIL;
return (0);
nptr->left = NULL;
nptr->right = NULL;
nptr->balance = BALANCED;
nptr->data = &data;

// now determine where to add the new node
if (head == NULL)
head = nptr;
addnode (head, nptr);

Container::itemsInContainer++; // increment node count
if (errval == OK)
return (1);
return (0);


BalancedTreeNode *BalancedTree::walk_tree (BalancedTreeNode *nptr, int walk_size)

if (walk_size == RIGHT)
if (nptr->right == NULL)
return (nptr);
return (walk_tree (nptr->right, walk_size));
if (nptr->left == NULL)
return (nptr);
return (walk_tree (nptr->left, walk_size));


int BalancedTree::remove_node (BalancedTreeNode *currnode, RSortable key)

int retval;
int crval;
int remove_side;
BalancedTreeNode *new_head_ptr;
BalancedTreeNode work_node;

if ((crval = compare (*currnode->data, key)) < 0)
if (currnode->right != NULL)
remove_side = RIGHT;
retval = remove_node (currnode->right, key);
return (BalancedTreeNode_NOT_FOUND);
else if (crval > 0)
if (currnode->left != NULL)
remove_side = LEFT;
retval = remove_node (currnode->left, key);
return (BalancedTreeNode_NOT_FOUND);
else // currnode is the node to remove
if (currnode->left == NULL && currnode->right == NULL) // no children
return (DELETE_THIS_BalancedTreeNode);
else if ((currnode->left == NULL && currnode->right != NULL) ||
(currnode->left != NULL && currnode->right == NULL))
// one child
BalancedTreeNode *saveptr;
if (currnode->left != NULL)
saveptr = currnode->left;
*currnode = *(currnode->left);
delete saveptr;
saveptr = currnode->left;
*currnode = *(currnode->right);
delete saveptr;
return (TREE_SHRANK);
else // two children
if (currnode->balance == LEFT)
new_head_ptr = walk_tree (currnode->left, RIGHT);
new_head_ptr = walk_tree (currnode->right, LEFT); = new_head_ptr->data;
remove (*new_head_ptr->data);
delete_data (currnode);
currnode->data =;
return (NO_CHANGE);

// we're on the way back up the recursion stack
if (retval == DELETE_THIS_BalancedTreeNode)
if (remove_side == RIGHT)
delete_data (currnode->right);
delete currnode->right;
currnode->right = NULL;
currnode->balance += LEFT;
delete_data (currnode->left);
delete currnode->left;
currnode->left = NULL;
currnode->balance += RIGHT;

if (abs (currnode->balance) > ALLOWABLE_IMBALANCE)
rebalance (currnode);

if (currnode->balance == BALANCED)
return (TREE_SHRANK);
return (NO_CHANGE);
else if (retval == TREE_SHRANK)
if (remove_side == LEFT)
currnode->balance += RIGHT;
currnode->balance += LEFT;

if (abs (currnode->balance) > ALLOWABLE_IMBALANCE)
rebalance (currnode);

if (currnode->balance == BALANCED)
return (TREE_SHRANK);
return (NO_CHANGE);
return (NO_CHANGE);


void BalancedTree::detach (RCSortable o, int deleteit)

detach_deletes_data = deleteit;
remove (o);


int BalancedTree::remove (RCSortable key) // delete a node

int retval;

errval = OK;

if (head == NULL)
errval = TREE_EMPTY;
return (0);
retval = remove_node (head, (RSortable)key);
switch (retval)
case BalancedTreeNode_NOT_FOUND:
errval = NO_SUCH_BalancedTreeNode;
return (0);

case DELETE_THIS_BalancedTreeNode:
delete_data (head);
delete head;
head = NULL;
Container::itemsInContainer--; // decrement node count
return (1);

return (1);


BalancedTreeNode *BalancedTree::findnode (BalancedTreeNode *currnode,
RCSortable key)

int cresult = compare (*currnode->data, (RSortable)key);

if (cresult < 0) // node < data - go right
if (currnode->right == NULL)
return (NULL); // node not found
return (findnode (currnode->right, key));
else if (cresult > 0) // node > data - go left
if (currnode->left == NULL)
return (NULL); // node not found
return (findnode (currnode->left, key));
else // this must be the place!
return (currnode);


int BalancedTree::compare (RSortable data1, RSortable data2)

if ((RSortable)data1 == (RSortable)data2)
return (0);
else if ((RSortable)data1 > (RSortable)data2)
return (1);
return (-1);


RSortable BalancedTree::find (RCSortable key) // locate a node

BalancedTreeNode *nodeptr;

errval = OK;

// if head is NULL, there is no tree, so return NOOBJECT
if (head == NULL)
errval = TREE_EMPTY;
return ((RSortable)NOOBJECT);

// if current is not NULL, and data is equal to the key, return the value
if (current != NULL)
if (*current->data == key) // Virtual isEqual not working here
return (*current->data);

// else we must search for the key
nodeptr = findnode (head, key);
if (nodeptr == NULL)
errval = NO_SUCH_BalancedTreeNode;
return ((RSortable)NOOBJECT);
current = nodeptr;
return (*nodeptr->data);


RCSortable BalancedTree::findFirst (void) // locate first entry in tree

errval = OK;
if (head != NULL)
current = walk_tree (head, LEFT);
return (*current->data);
errval = NO_SUCH_BalancedTreeNode;
return ((RCSortable)NOOBJECT);


RCSortable BalancedTree::findLast (void) // locate the last entry in a tree

errval = OK;
if (head != NULL)
current = walk_tree (head, RIGHT);
return (*current->data);
errval = NO_SUCH_BalancedTreeNode;
return ((RCSortable)NOOBJECT);


int BalancedTree::getprev (BalancedTreeNode *currnode)

int side;
int retval;
int cresult;

cresult = compare (*currnode->data, *current->data);
if (cresult < 0) // node < data - go right
side = RIGHT;
retval = getprev (currnode->right);
else if (cresult > 0) // node > data - go left
side = LEFT;
retval = getprev (currnode->left);
else // this must be the place!
if (current->left != NULL)
current = current->left; // step to left
while (current->right != NULL) // then walk the right edge of
current = current->right; // the subtree

// unwind the recusion stack
if (retval == RETURN_PARENT)
if (side != LEFT)
current = currnode;
return (retval);
return (0); // should never get here.


RCSortable BalancedTree::findPrev (void)

int retval;

errval = OK;
retval = getprev (head);
if (retval == RETURN_PARENT)
errval = NO_SUCH_BalancedTreeNode; // 'current' is pointing to first node in tree
return ((RCSortable)NOOBJECT);
return (*current->data);


int BalancedTree::getnext (BalancedTreeNode *currnode)

int side;
int retval;
int cresult;

cresult = compare (*currnode->data, *current->data);
if (cresult < 0) // node < data - go right
side = RIGHT;
retval = getnext (currnode->right);
else if (cresult > 0) // node > data - go left
side = LEFT;
retval = getnext (currnode->left);
else // this must be the place!
if (current->right != NULL)
current = current->right; // step to the right
while (current->left != NULL) // then walk the left edge of the
current = current->left; // subtree

// unwind the recusion stack
if (retval == RETURN_PARENT)
if (side != RIGHT)
current = currnode;
return (retval);
return (0); // should never get here.


RCSortable BalancedTree::findNext (void) // locate the 'next' entry in
// the tree

int retval;

errval = OK;
retval = getnext (head);
if (retval == RETURN_PARENT)
errval = NO_SUCH_BalancedTreeNode; // 'current' is pointing to last node in tree
return ((RCSortable)NOOBJECT);
return (*current->data);


static const char *VERTBAR = "| ";
static const char *BLANK = " ";
static const char *RIGHT_DOWN = "--+ ";
static const char *LEFT_DOWN = "+------";

static unsigned char *mapptr;


static void print_bars (int level, int isright, Rostream os)

for (int i = 0; i < level; i++)
unsigned char bit = 0x80 >> (i % 8);
int ndx = i / 8;

if (i < level - 1)
if (mapptr[ndx] & bit)
os << VERTBAR;
os << BLANK;
else // i = level - 1
if (mapptr[ndx] & bit)
if (!isright)
os << LEFT_DOWN;
mapptr[ndx] ^= bit; // turn off the appropriate line
os << VERTBAR;
os << BLANK;


static void print_node (BalancedTreeNode *nptr, int level, int isright, Rostream os)

// print bars and leaders
print_bars (level, isright, os);

// print actual node
char balchar = (nptr->balance == BALANCED) ? 'B' :
((nptr->balance == LEFT) ? 'L' : 'R');

char *buff = new char [MAXBUFF];
nptr->data->printOn (os);
sprintf (buff, "(%c0)", balchar);
os << buff;
delete buff;

if (nptr->right != NULL) // add trailing right extension if appropriate
os << '\n';

// set appropriate bits
if (nptr->left != NULL)
unsigned char bit = 0x80 >> (level % 8);
int ndx = level / 8;
mapptr[ndx] |= bit;

if (nptr->right != NULL)
print_node (nptr->right, level + 1, 1, os);

if (nptr->left != NULL)
print_node (nptr->left, level + 1, 0, os);

if (!isright && nptr->left == NULL && nptr->right == NULL)
print_bars (level - 1, 1, os);
os << '\n';


int BalancedTree::print_tree (Rostream os) const

// figure out the maximum possible tree depth
BalancedTreeNode *nptr = head;

for (int maxdepth = 0; nptr != NULL; maxdepth++, nptr = nptr->right)
; // nothing, for loop does it all

maxdepth += 2; // max difference between left & right tree is 2

// allocate bit array used for printing verticle bars
mapptr = new unsigned char[(maxdepth / 8) + 1];
if (mapptr == NULL)
delete mapptr;
return (MEM_ALLOC_FAIL);

for (int i = 0; i < (maxdepth / 8) + 1; i++)
mapptr[i] = 0;

print_node (head, 0, 0, os);

delete mapptr;
return (OK);

  3 Responses to “Category : C++ Source Code
Archive   : SBBTREE.ZIP
Filename : TREE.CPP

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: