Category : C++ Source Code
Archive   : PXEWIN.ZIP
Filename : PXREC.HPP

Output of file : PXREC.HPP contained in archive : PXEWIN.ZIP
// PXEWIN - (C) Copyright 1992 by Beam Engineering, INC.


// Contents ----------------------------------------------------------------
// PXRec. This module contains the PXRec class for interfacing the
// engine to the PDOX Engine record related functions.
// End ---------------------------------------------------------------------

// External Reference Name for this Header ---------------------------------

#ifndef PXREC_HPP
#define PXREC_HPP

// Interface Dependencies --------------------------------------------------

#ifndef PXEOBJ_CPP
#include "pxeobj.cpp"
#endif // PXEOBJ_CPP //

// End ---------------------------------------------------------------------

// class PXRec //

class PXRec:public PXEngObject{
virtual const Pchar streamableName()
const /* Defines the streamable
name for this class. */
return "PXRec";
virtual Pvoid read(Ripstream); /* Read persistant object */
virtual void write(Ropstream); /* Write persistant object */
PXRec(StreamableInit): /* Persistant object
constructor */

PXRec(PPXEngObject my_engobj); /* Copies parent object on
construction */
static PTStreamable build(); /* Build persistant object */
virtual ~PXRec();
int Get(); /* Get current record */
int Update(); /* Updata the current record
with tx buffer data */
int RecPrev(); /* Go to previous record */
int RecNext(); /* Go to next record */
int GoTo(RECORDNUMBER recNum); /* Go to a record */
virtual void PXError(int org); /* PXRec error handler */

// Description -------------------------------------------------------------
// This class contains constructors, destructors and members needed to
// access a record in a Paradox table. It uses PXENGINE function calls.
// End ---------------------------------------------------------------------

// Define inserters and extractors for persistant objects:

inline Ripstream operator >> (Ripstream is,RPXRec cl)
{return is >> (RTStreamable)cl;}

inline Ripstream operator >> (Ripstream is,RPPXRec cl)
{return is >> (RPvoid)cl;}

inline Ropstream operator << (Ropstream os,RPXRec cl)
{return os << (RTStreamable)cl;}

inline Ropstream operator << (Ropstream os,PPXRec cl)
{return os << (PTStreamable)cl;}

#endif // PXREC_HPP //

  3 Responses to “Category : C++ Source Code
Archive   : PXEWIN.ZIP
Filename : PXREC.HPP

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: