Category : C++ Source Code
Archive   : OWLBWCC.ZIP
Filename : BWCKALL.CPP

Output of file : BWCKALL.CPP contained in archive : OWLBWCC.ZIP
/* BWCKALL.cpp by Bob Bourbonnais */
/* released to the public domain 2/02/92 */
/* This program shows how to switch to different */
/* routines based on the button pressed using */
/* Dynamic Dispatched Virtual Tables, DDVT */
/* It also shows how to use pointers to BWCC check boxes */
/* to show the ON/OFF status of the check boxes */
/* and to set the initial state via the check command */
/* It demonstrates immediate and delayed processing. */
#include "bwcc.h" // needed for BWCC
#include "bchkbox.h" // needed for BWCC checkboxs
#include "BWCKALL.H" // equates for checkboxes

class TMyDialog : public TDialog
TBCheckBox *pcbRadar12, *pcbConfabulator12, // pointers to check boxes
*pcbRadar13, *pcbConfabulator13;
TMyDialog(LPSTR lpDialogName); // constructor

virtual void SetupWindow(); // SetupWindow is called after dialog box
// is created and is used for initialization
// of controls.
virtual void Ok(RTMessage Msg); // redefines the DDVT function
// for the OK button #1
// as defined in Base class
// TDialog

virtual void HandleRadar12(RTMessage Msg) // these DDVT toggles
= [ID_FIRST + IDB_RADAR12]; // activate immediately
virtual void HandleConfabulator12(RTMessage Msg) // like regular
= [ID_FIRST + IDB_CONFABULATOR12]; // buttons

virtual void DefChildProc(RTMessage Msg); // default button handler

void TMyDialog::TMyDialog(LPSTR lpDialogName) // constructor calls
: TDialog(NULL,lpDialogName) // base class constructor
BWCCGetVersion(); // activate Borland Windows Custom Controls

pcbRadar12 = new TBCheckBox(this,IDB_RADAR12,NULL); //links up
pcbConfabulator12 = new TBCheckBox(this, //pointers
IDB_CONFABULATOR12, //to check boxes
NULL); //That were made
pcbRadar13 = new TBCheckBox(this,IDB_RADAR13,NULL); //in the .RC
pcbConfabulator13 = new TBCheckBox(this, //via the
IDB_CONFABULATOR13, //workshop

void TMyDialog::SetupWindow() // called after dialog box is displayed
TDialog::SetupWindow(); // call base class set up
pcbRadar13->Check(); // check Radar13 and Confabulator13

void TMyDialog::Ok(RTMessage Msg) // Redefines button handler inherited
{ // from TDailog for Button #1 IDOK
char szMyString[180];

if (pcbRadar13->GetCheck()==BF_CHECKED) // find out the ON/OFF
{ // status
lstrcpy(szMyString,"Radar Unit 13 is Activated.\n");
lstrcpy(szMyString,"Radar Unit 13 is Shutdown.\n");

if (pcbConfabulator13->GetCheck()==BF_CHECKED) // find out the ON/OFF
lstrcat(szMyString,"The Confabulator on Unit 13 is Activated.");
lstrcat(szMyString,"The Confabulator on Unit 13 is OFF.");

BWCCMessageBox(HWindow,szMyString,"Update on Unit #13",MB_OK); //output
TDialog::Ok(Msg); //default OK handler to close dialog box

void TMyDialog::HandleRadar12(RTMessage) // immediately
if (pcbRadar12->GetCheck()==BF_CHECKED) // find out the ON/OFF
{ // status of the checkbox
// using a pointer to the
// checkbox
MessageBeep(0); // if we turned it on
BWCCMessageBox(HWindow,"Radar Unit 12 Activated", // beep and display
"ACTIVATION!",MB_OK); // message box
else // if we turned it off
MessageBeep(0); // beep and display a
BWCCMessageBox(HWindow,"Radar Unit 12 OFF", // different message

void TMyDialog::HandleConfabulator12(RTMessage) // Same for second
{ // Item
if (pcbConfabulator12->GetCheck()==BF_CHECKED)
BWCCMessageBox(HWindow,"Confabulator on Unit 12 Activated",
BWCCMessageBox(HWindow,"Confabulator on Unit 12 OFF",

void TMyDialog::DefChildProc(RTMessage Msg) // default button handler
if ((Msg.WParam == IDB_RADAR13)|(Msg.WParam == IDB_CONFABULATOR13))
{ // If either of the unit #13 buttons are pressed then
TDialog::DefChildProc(Msg); // pass message along to base class
} // to check the box
MessageBeep(0); // make sound and display
BWCCMessageBox(HWindow,"Not Implemented", // a BWCC message box
TDialog::DefChildProc(Msg); // pass messages along
} // to base class handler

class TDialog1App : public TApplication // Application Class to contain
{ // the application
TDialog1App(LPSTR lpName, HANDLE hInstance, // constructor calls the
HANDLE hPrevInstance, // base class constructor
LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow)
:TApplication(lpName, hInstance,
lpCmdLine, nCmdShow) {};

virtual void InitMainWindow(); // overrides base class InitMainWindow

void TDialog1App::InitMainWindow() // to initialize a dialog box
{ // as the main window
MainWindow = new TMyDialog("MAINWINDOWDIALOG");

int PASCAL WinMain(HANDLE hInstance, // main entry point from
HANDLE hPrevInstance, // windows to this program
LPSTR lpCmdLine , int nCmdShow)
TDialog1App Dialog1("Dialog Tester",hInstance, // create instance of
hPrevInstance, // the dialog application
Dialog1.Run(); // run it
return (Dialog1.Status); // exit

  3 Responses to “Category : C++ Source Code
Archive   : OWLBWCC.ZIP
Filename : BWCKALL.CPP

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: