Category : C++ Source Code
Archive   : OMEGA2.ZIP
Filename : OMWIN.HPP

Output of file : OMWIN.HPP contained in archive : OMEGA2.ZIP
// *************************************************************************
// * *
// * OMEGA C++ Windowing Class Library *
// * ================================= *
// * *
// * Copyright 1991,92 Tom Clancy *
// * Submitted to the public domain, April 1992 *
// * *
// *************************************************************************
// * *
// * Window Class Object *
// * *
// *************************************************************************

#ifndef _OMWINDOW
#define _OMWINDOW

#ifndef _OMSCREEN
#include "omscreen.hpp"
#define _OMSCREEN

#define CLOSECHAR 0xFE
#define EXPANDCHAR 0x18
#define CONTRACTCHAR 0x19
#define RESIZECHAR1 0xC4
#define RESIZECHAR2 0xD9

enum Titleposition {

enum windowjust {

class oWindow : public oScreen {

image Behind;
image Shside1,Shside2;

int Startx, Starty, Endx, Endy;
int Oldx, Oldy, Oldx2, Oldy2;
int Shx1, Shy1, Shx2, Shy2;
int Side1, Side2;
int Len, Wid, OldWid, OldLen;
int FGcolor, BKcolor;
int Shadowed;
int ShadDir;
int Opened;
int Wstyle;
int Just;

char title[130];
int tPos;
int tFGcolor, tBKcolor;
int SolidHeader;

int Candrag, Canclose, Canexpand, Canresize;
int Buttoncolor;
int Expanded;

int MinWid, MinLen;
int BoundX, BoundY, BoundX2, BoundY2;

int TxtStartx, TxtStarty;

void drawshadow();
void hideshadow();
char *makewinstr(int x, int y, char *s, char *t);


oWindow(int x, int y, int w, int l, int fg, int bk, int style);

void setwindow(int x, int y, int w, int l, int fg, int bk, int style);
void setshadow(int on, int dir) {Shadowed=on; ShadDir=dir;}
void settitle(char *s, int tpos, int fgcolor, int bkcolor);
void setbuttoncolors(int c) {Buttoncolor=c;}
void setjustify(windowjust j);
void setboundaries(int x, int y, int x2, int y2) {
BoundX=x; BoundY=y; BoundX2=x2; BoundY2=y2;
virtual void snaptocenter();
void openwin();
void closewin();
void disposewin();
void showtitle();
int withinwindow();

void dragging(int d);
void closing(int c) {Canclose=c;}
void expanding(int e);
void resizing(int r);
void setsolidheader(int h) {SolidHeader=h;}
void setminlen(int m) {MinLen=m;}
void setminwid(int m) {MinWid=m;}

int getleft() {return Startx;}
int getright() {return Endx;}
int gettop() {return Starty;}
int getbottom() {return Endy;}
int getwid() {return Wid;}
int getlen() {return Len;}
int getfgcolor() {return FGcolor;}
int getbkcolor() {return BKcolor;}
int gettfgcolor() {return tFGcolor;}
int gettbkcolor() {return tBKcolor;}
void setfgcolor(int fg) {FGcolor=fg;}
void setbkcolor(int bk) {BKcolor=bk;}
int getstyle() {return Wstyle;}
int getsolidheader() {return SolidHeader;}
int getshaddir() {return ShadDir;}

int onclose();
int onresize();
int ondrag();
int onexpand();

void mDragwin();
void mSizewin();
void expandwin();
void contractwin();

virtual void display_info();
virtual void display_help();

int handle_key_event();
int handle_mouse_event();
void run();

// Window Relative mouse routines

void getmouse(int &x, int &y, int &b);

// Window Writing Routines (Will Clip at the edge of the windows)

void writeat(int x, int y, int fg, int bk, char *str);
void plainwriteat(int x, int y, char *str);
void chwriteat(int x, int y, int fg, int bk, unsigned char c);
void plainchwriteat(int x, int y, unsigned char c);
void writeshadow(int x, int y);
void movexy(int x, int y);
//void wherexy(int &x, int &y);
void attribln(int y, int x1, int x2, int fg, int bk);


  3 Responses to “Category : C++ Source Code
Archive   : OMEGA2.ZIP
Filename : OMWIN.HPP

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: