Category : C++ Source Code
Archive   : NEWMAT07.ZIP
Filename : NEWMATRC.H

Output of file : NEWMATRC.H contained in archive : NEWMAT07.ZIP
//$$ newmatrc.h definition file for row/column classes

// Copyright (C) 1991,2,3: R B Davies

#define MATRIXRC_LIB 0

#include "controlw.h"

/************** classes MatrixRowCol, MatrixRow, MatrixCol *****************/

// Used for accessing the rows and columns of matrices
// All matrix classes must provide routines for calculating matrix rows and
// columns. Assume rows can be found very efficiently.

enum LSF { LoadOnEntry=1,StoreOnExit=2,IsACopy=4,DirectPart=8,StoreHere=16 };

class LoadAndStoreFlag : public ControlWord
LoadAndStoreFlag() {}
LoadAndStoreFlag(int i) : ControlWord(i) {}
LoadAndStoreFlag(LSF lsf) : ControlWord(lsf) {}
LoadAndStoreFlag(const ControlWord& cwx) : ControlWord(cwx) {}

class MatrixRowCol
// the row or column of a matrix
public: // these are public to avoid
// numerous friend statements
int length; // row or column length
int skip; // initial number of zeros
int storage; // number of stored elements
int rowcol; // row or column number
GeneralMatrix* gm; // pointer to parent matrix
Real* store; // pointer to local storage
// less skip
LoadAndStoreFlag cw; // Load? Store? Is a Copy?
void IncrMat() { rowcol++; store += storage; }
// used by NextRow
void IncrDiag() { rowcol++; skip++; }
void IncrUT() { rowcol++; storage--; store += storage; skip++; }
void IncrLT() { rowcol++; store += storage; storage++; }

void Add(const MatrixRowCol&); // add a row/col
void AddScaled(const MatrixRowCol&, Real); // add a multiple of a row/col
void Add(const MatrixRowCol&, const MatrixRowCol&);
// add two rows/cols
void Add(const MatrixRowCol&, Real); // add a row/col
void Sub(const MatrixRowCol&); // subtract a row/col
void Sub(const MatrixRowCol&, const MatrixRowCol&);
// sub a row/col from another
void RevSub(const MatrixRowCol&); // subtract from a row/col
void Copy(const MatrixRowCol&); // copy a row/col
void CopyCheck(const MatrixRowCol&); // ... check for data loss
void Copy(const Real*&); // copy from an array
void Copy(Real); // copy from constant
Real SumAbsoluteValue(); // sum of absolute values
void Inject(const MatrixRowCol&); // copy stored els of a row/col
void Negate(const MatrixRowCol&); // change sign of a row/col
void Multiply(const MatrixRowCol&, Real); // scale a row/col
friend Real DotProd(const MatrixRowCol&, const MatrixRowCol&);
// sum of pairwise product
Real* operator()() { return store+skip; } // pointer to first element
Real* Store() { return store; }
int Skip() { return skip; } // number of elements skipped
int Storage() { return storage; } // number of elements stored
void Skip(int i) { skip=i; }
void Storage(int i) { storage=i; }
void SubRowCol(MatrixRowCol&, int, int) const;
// get part of a row or column
MatrixRowCol() {} // to stop warning messages

class MatrixRow : public MatrixRowCol
// bodies for these are inline at the end of this .h file
MatrixRow(GeneralMatrix*, LoadAndStoreFlag, int=0);
// extract a row
void Next(); // get next row

class MatrixCol : public MatrixRowCol
// bodies for these are inline at the end of this .h file
MatrixCol(GeneralMatrix*, LoadAndStoreFlag, int=0);
// extract a col
MatrixCol(GeneralMatrix*, Real*, LoadAndStoreFlag, int=0);
// store/retrieve a col
void Next(); // get next row

/**************************** inline bodies ****************************/

inline MatrixRow::MatrixRow(GeneralMatrix* gmx, LoadAndStoreFlag cwx, int row)
{ gm=gmx; cw=cwx; rowcol=row; gm->GetRow(*this); }

inline void MatrixRow::Next() { gm->NextRow(*this); }

inline MatrixCol::MatrixCol(GeneralMatrix* gmx, LoadAndStoreFlag cwx, int col)
{ gm=gmx; cw=cwx; rowcol=col; gm->GetCol(*this); }

inline MatrixCol::MatrixCol(GeneralMatrix* gmx, Real* r,
LoadAndStoreFlag cwx, int col)
{ gm=gmx; store=r; cw=cwx+StoreHere; rowcol=col; gm->GetCol(*this); }

inline void MatrixCol::Next() { gm->NextCol(*this); }


  3 Responses to “Category : C++ Source Code
Archive   : NEWMAT07.ZIP
Filename : NEWMATRC.H

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: