Category : C++ Source Code
Archive   : MERGSORT.ZIP

Output of file : MERGSORT.CPP contained in archive : MERGSORT.ZIP
// mergsort.cpp: Merge sort testing program.
// Adapted from upcoming book "Practical Algorithms in C++"
// by Bryan Flamig, (John Wiley & Sons), Spring 1994.
// Copyright(c) 1993 Azarona Software. All rights reserved.
// Usage: mergsort [options] [seed]
// -h Gives this usage
// -n num_items Specifies number of items to sort, (default 1000)
// -p Prints out the last list sorted, (default is no print)
// seed Starting seed for random numbers, (default based on clock)

typedef int Item; // We'll use integer data just for example

struct Snode {
Item item;
Snode *next;
Snode(const Item &x);

inline Snode::Snode()
next = 0;

inline Snode::Snode(const Item &x)
: item(x), next(0)

void PrtList(Snode *v)
// Prints a singly-linked list null-terminated list
// starting with node v
while(v) {
cout << v->item << ' ';
v = v->next;

cout << '\n';

void ClrList(Snode *v)
// Clears a singly-linked null-terminated list
// starting with node v
Snode *q;

while(v) {
q = v->next;
delete v;
v = q;

int RandomNum(int n)
// Return a random integer in the range [0..n-1]
return int(long(rand())*long(n) / (long(RAND_MAX) + 1));

void MakeRandomList(Snode *&v, int n)
// Passes back in v the starting node of a singly-linked
// null-terminated list of n randomly generated nodes.
cout << "Randomizing ...\n";
v = new Snode(RandomNum(INT_MAX));
Snode *p = v;
for (int i = 1; i p->next = new Snode(RandomNum(INT_MAX));
if (p->next == 0) {
cout << "WARNING: Out of room to add all nodes\n";
cout << "Only " << i << " nodes used\n";
else p = p->next;

int CheckIfSorted(Snode *v)
// Tests to see if the singly-linked, null-terminated list starting
// with node v is sorted in ascending order.
// Returns 1 if list passes test, else 0.
Snode *q;

if (v == 0) return 1;
q = v->next;

while(1) {
if (q == 0) break;
if (v->item > q->item) return 0;
v = q;
q = q->next;
return 1;

void MergeSort(Snode *&v)
// Sorts the singly-linked null-terminated list starting with v
// in ascending order, setting v to the new front of the list.
// If you wish to use descending order, simply use >= instead
// of <= in the comparison given below.
// If list has 0 or 1 nodes, we're sorted

if (v == 0 || v->next == 0) return;

Snode head[4]; // Dummy header nodes for temp lists
Snode *p, *q, *r, *s, *t; // Pointers used in walking lists

// Otherwise, split the list in two, and place each half into
// the first two temporary working lists, which have headers

p = v; head[0].next = p; // p & q are the "current" nodes
q = v->next; head[1].next = q; // that we walk down lists with

r = v->next->next; // r is current node of input list

while(1) {
if (r == 0) break;
p->next = r; p = r; r = r->next;
if (r == 0) break;
q->next = r; q = r; r = r->next;

p->next = 0; q->next = 0; // Be sure to null-terminate the lists

// Now, start the merge sorting. Basically, we merge two n-node
// blocks, one from each input list, into 2*n-node blocks,
// alternating between the two output lists, and alternating
// the groups of input and output lists. This process is
// repeated until we have only one input list. This list is
// absorbed into the original list coming in, which by the
// way will be empty and waiting.

// In what follows: p is first input list, q is second input list,
// r is first output list, s is second output list, and t is
// the currently selected output list. p_cnt is how many nodes
// we need to extract from p in the inner loop, q_cnt is ditto
// for q. We use p_cnt == -1 and q_cnt == -1 to signal that
// these lists are empty.

int p_cnt, q_cnt, n, outer_toggle, inner_toggle;

outer_toggle = 0; n = 1;

while(1) {

// Do one merging pass, merging n-blocks into 2n-blocks.
// Alternate between the 2 groups of working lists

if (outer_toggle == 1) {
p = head[2].next; q = head[3].next;
if (q == 0) break; // p is head of sorted list, r the tail
r = &head[0]; s = &head[1];
outer_toggle = 0;
else {
p = head[0].next; q = head[1].next;
if (q == 0) break; // p is head of sorted list, r the tail
r = &head[2]; s = &head[3];
outer_toggle = 1;

p_cnt = 0; q_cnt = 0; inner_toggle = 0;

while(1) {
// Merge n nodes from each input list into 2n nodes for an
// output list, alternating between each output list, until
// the input is exhausted.
inner_toggle ^= 1;
t = inner_toggle ? r : s;
if (p_cnt >= 0) p_cnt = n; // Set to n if p list isn't empty
if (q_cnt >= 0) q_cnt = n; // Set to n if q list isn't empty
while(1) {
// Merge n nodes from each input list into 2n nodes in
// one of the output lists. May exhaust both input lists
// before we get n from each.
if (p_cnt > 0 && (q_cnt < 1 || p->item <= q->item)) {
t->next = p;
t = p;
p = p->next;
if (p == 0) p_cnt = -1; else p_cnt--;
else {
if (q_cnt < 1) break; // We have enough, or EOL for both inputs
t->next = q;
t = q;
q = q->next;
if (q == 0) q_cnt = -1; else q_cnt--;
if (inner_toggle) r = t; else s = t; // Update walking pointers
if (p_cnt < 0 && q_cnt < 0) break;

r->next = 0; s->next = 0; // Be sure to null-terminate working lists

n = n + n; // Ready to do another pass of 2n-blocks


// At this point, p is the head of the sorted list, r is the tail

v = p;

main(int argc, char *argv[])
const int num_iters = 10;
int i, num_items, jj, print_it;
unsigned seed;
clock_t stime, etime, ttime;

seed = (unsigned)time(NULL);

i = 1;

// Set defaults:

seed = (unsigned)time(NULL);
num_items = 1000;
print_it = 0;

while(i < argc) {
if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-p")) {
print_it = 1;
else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-n")) {
num_items = atoi(argv[++i]);
else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-h")) {
cout << "Usage: mergsort [options] [seed]\n\n";
cout << "-h Gives this usage\n";
cout << "-n num_items Specifies number of items to sort, (default 1000)\n";
cout << "-p Prints out the last list sorted, (default is no print)\n";
cout << "seed Starting seed for random numbers, (default based on clock)\n";
return 0;
else {
seed = (unsigned)atoi(argv[i]);


cout << "List size " << num_items << ", seed = " << seed << "\n\n";
cout << "Sorting list of " << num_items << " in ascending order...\n";

Snode *tst_list = 0;

ttime = 0;

for (jj = 0; jj < num_iters; jj++) {
MakeRandomList(tst_list, num_items);
cout << "Sorting ...\n";
stime = clock();
etime = clock();
ttime += etime - stime;
cout << "Testing sort results ... ";
if (CheckIfSorted(tst_list)) {
cout << "passed.\n";
else {
cout << "failed.\n";

if (print_it) PrtList(tst_list);

cout << num_iters << " ascending sorts in approximately "
<< (ttime)/(CLK_TCK*num_iters) << " seconds per sort\n";

cout << "List size " << num_items << ", seed = " << seed << "\n\n";

return 0;

  3 Responses to “Category : C++ Source Code
Archive   : MERGSORT.ZIP

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: