Category : C++ Source Code
Archive   : LVSWIN31.ZIP
Filename : LVSWIN.H
4321 Harborough Rd.
Columbus, OH 43220
#ifndef LVSWIN_H
#define LVSWIN_H
* Type defs
typedef void (*bk_func)(void);
typedef void (*key_func)(void);
typedef void (*display_atst) (int ,int, char *, char *, int);
typedef void (*display_ch) (int,int,int,unsigned char);
* Misc low level screen functions
void Win_init (int mode);
int *Win_save (int, int, int, int);
void Win_restore (int, int, int, int, int *);
void Win_clrscr ();
int Win_setpage (int page);
int Win_getpage ();
void Win_bios (int mode);
void Win_snow (int mode);
void Win_mono (int mode);
int Win_currentmode ();
void Win_dispst (int y, int x, int color, char *str, int count);
void Win_gotoxy (int y,int x);
void Win_getxy (int *y,int *x);
void Win_drawbox (int sr, int sc, int er, int ec, int color, int type);
void Win_hidecur ();
void Win_showcur ();
int Win_map_attr (int attr);
long pow_10 (int i);
double pow_10d (int i);
double dround (double d, int dec);
void Win_beep ();
void Win_delayticks (int ticks);
extern display_atst Win_dispatst;
extern display_ch Win_dispch;
* Keyboard functions
int Win_lastkey (); /* return the last key pressed */
int Win_keystuf (int key);
int Win_getkey (int seconds);
int Win_keywaiting ();
void Win_setbkloop (bk_func func);
void Win_setonkey (int key, key_func func);
int Win_kbhit ();
int is_read_exit_key (int key);
int Win_DesqView_Aware ();
* Information functions
int Win_Max_x (); /* Max screen x coordinate */
int Win_Max_y (); /* Max screen y coordinate */
struct Win_time_s
unsigned char min; /* minutes */
unsigned char hour; /* hours */
unsigned char hund; /* hundredths of seconds */
unsigned char sec; /* seconds */
void Win_gettime (struct Win_time_s *t);
* Control functions
void Win_setcols (int cols);
void Win_setrows (int rows);
int Win_settabsize (int size);
* String functions
char *strfill (unsigned char ch, int cnt);
char *strtrim (char *str);
char *str_setsz (char *str,int len);
char *str_clear (char *str,int len);
char *cut_spaces (char *str);
int is_in (unsigned char ch, char *str);
* VGA functions
int VGA_videotype ();
int VGA_setlines (int lines); /* Set number of screen lines 25/50 */
int VGA_blinkstate (); /* return state of blink */
int VGA_setblink (int on_off);
int VGA_fontload ();
extern "C" {
void far VGA_Fload_16 (); /* Carefull */
void far VGA_Fload_14 (); /* Carefull */
void far VGA_Fload_8 (); /* Carefull */
* Scroll display characters
#define RIGHT_ARROW_CHAR ((unsigned char)0x10)
#define LEFT_ARROW_CHAR ((unsigned char)0x11)
#define UP_ARROW_CHAR ((unsigned char)0x1e)
#define DOWN_ARROW_CHAR ((unsigned char)0x1f)
#define SCROLL_FILL_CHAR ((unsigned char)0xb0)
#define SCROLL_ELEV_CHAR ((unsigned char)0xdb)
* Video types
#define V_VGA 1
#define V_MCGA 2
#define V_EGA 3
#define V_CGA 4
#define V_MONO 5
* Global Variables
extern char *Box_char[]; /* in win_box.cpp */
* PC Info Functions
int Share_Loaded ();
int Print_Loaded ();
int Assign_Loaded ();
int Himem_Loaded ();
int Novel_Loaded ();
#ifndef TRUE
#define TRUE (1==1)
#define FALSE (1!=1)
* Wait for retrace to suppress cga snow
#define waithret() while((inp(0x03da)&0x01)!=0); \
#define waitvret() while((inp(0x03da)&0x08)!=0); \
* Display Segments
#define COLOR_SEG 0xb800
#define MONO_SEG 0xb000
* Window init modes
#define W_DEFAULT 0
#define W_MONO 1 /* Remap colors to mono */
#define W_BIOS 2 /* BIOS video writes */
#define W_SNOW 4 /* CGA snow suppression */
#define W_NOCLEAR 8 /* don't clear the screen with init */
* Predefined picture styles
#define DATE_STYLE 'D'
#define SS_STYLE 'S'
#define PHONE_STYLE 'P'
#define ZIP_STYLE 'Z'
#define UPPER_STYLE 'U'
#define LOWER_STYLE 'L'
#define FIRST_STYLE 'F'
#define ANY_STYLE 'A'
* Get Key Modes
#define W_NOECHO 0
#define W_ECHO 1
* Title postions
#define W_CENTER 0
#define W_LEFT 1
#define W_RIGHT 2
* Window Border Definitions
#define W_NOBORDER 0
#define W_SPACES 1
#define W_DOUBLE 2
#define W_SINGLE 3
#define W_DOUSIN 4
#define W_SOLID 5
#define W_SINDOU 6
#define MAX_BOX_TYPE 6
void Win_Load_Alt_Border (); /* vga graphics only */
void Win_Load_Alt_Box (); /* vga graphics only */
* Window function return codes
#define W_OK 0
#define W_ERROR -1
#define W_NOTOPEN -3
#define W_OPENED -4
#define W_NOTINIT -5
#define W_NOMEM -6
#define W_ESCAPE -27
* Window misc
#define W_ON 1
#define W_OFF 0
* Some Colors
#ifndef BLACK
#define BLACK 0
#define BLUE 1
#define GREEN 2
#define CYAN 3
#define RED 4
#define MAGENTA 5
#define BROWN 6
#define YELLOW 14
#define WHITE 15
#define LGREY 7
#define DGREY 8
#define LBLUE 9
#define LGREEN 10
#define LCYAN 11
#define LRED 12
#define LMAGENTA 13
#define _BLACK 0
#define _BLUE 16
#define _GREEN 32
#define _CYAN 48
#define _RED 64
#define _MAGENTA 80
#define _BROWN 96
#define _LGREY 112
* VGA highlighted background colors
#define _DGREY (8*16)
#define _LBLUE (9*16)
#define _LGREEN (10*16)
#define _LCYAN (11*16)
#define _LRED (12*16)
#define _LMAGENTA (13*16)
#define _YELLOW (14*16)
#define _WHITE (15*16)
* Printer attributes Can be ored together if you printer can handle it
#define P_UNDERLINE 1
#define P_BOLD 2
#define P_COMPRESS 4
#define P_NORMAL 8
* Some keyboard ascii/scan values
#define BACK_SPACE 0x0e08
#define TAB 0x0f09
#define ESC 0x011B
#define ENTER 0x1c0d
#define SPACE_SCAN 0x3920
#define HOME 0x4700
#define END 0x4F00
#define PGUP 0x4900
#define PGDN 0x5100
#define UP 0x4800
#define DOWN 0x5000
#define RIGHT 0x4D00
#define LEFT 0x4B00
#define SHIFT_TAB 0x0F00
#define SHIFT_UP 0x4838
#define SHIFT_DOWN 0x5032
#define SHIFT_RIGHT 0x4d36
#define SHIFT_LEFT 0x4b34
#define INS 0x5200
#define DEL 0x5300
#define CTRL_HOME 0x7700
#define CTRL_END 0x7500
#define CTRL_PGUP 0x8400
#define CTRL_PGDN 0x7600
#define CTRL_RIGHT 0x7400
#define CTRL_LEFT 0x7300
#define ALT_1 0x7800
#define ALT_2 0x7900
#define ALT_3 0x7A00
#define ALT_4 0x7B00
#define ALT_5 0x7C00
#define ALT_6 0x7D00
#define ALT_7 0x7E00
#define ALT_8 0x7F00
#define ALT_9 0x8000
#define ALT_0 0x8100
#define ALT_MINUS 0x8200
#define ALT_EQUAL 0x8300
#define ALT_Q 0x1000
#define ALT_W 0x1100
#define ALT_E 0x1200
#define ALT_R 0x1300
#define ALT_T 0x1400
#define ALT_Y 0x1500
#define ALT_U 0x1600
#define ALT_I 0x1700
#define ALT_M 0x3200
#define ALT_O 0x1800
#define ALT_P 0x1900
#define ALT_A 0x1E00
#define ALT_S 0x1F00
#define ALT_D 0x2000
#define ALT_F 0x2100
#define ALT_G 0x2200
#define ALT_H 0x2300
#define ALT_J 0x2400
#define ALT_K 0x2500
#define ALT_L 0x2600
#define ALT_Z 0x2C00
#define ALT_X 0x2D00
#define ALT_C 0x2E00
#define ALT_V 0x2F00
#define ALT_B 0x3000
#define ALT_N 0x3100
#define ALT_M 0x3200
#define F1 0x3B00
#define F2 0x3C00
#define F3 0x3D00
#define F4 0x3E00
#define F5 0x3F00
#define F6 0x4000
#define F7 0x4100
#define F8 0x4200
#define F9 0x4300
#define F10 0x4400
#define CTRL_F1 0x5E00
#define CTRL_F2 0x5F00
#define CTRL_F3 0x6000
#define CTRL_F4 0x6100
#define CTRL_F5 0x6200
#define CTRL_F6 0x6300
#define CTRL_F7 0x6400
#define CTRL_F8 0x6500
#define CTRL_F9 0x6600
#define CTRL_F10 0x6700
#define CTRL_A 0x1e01
#define CTRL_B 0x3002
#define CTRL_C 0x2e03
#define CTRL_D 0x2004
#define CTRL_I 0x1709
#define CTRL_L 0x260c
#define CTRL_R 0x1312
#define CTRL_U 0x1615
#define CTRL_X 0x2d18
#define CTRL_Y 0x1519
#define CTRL_Z 0x2c1a
#define SHIFT_F1 0x5400
#define SHIFT_F2 0x5500
#define SHIFT_F3 0x5600
#define SHIFT_F4 0x5700
#define SHIFT_F5 0x5800
#define SHIFT_F6 0x5900
#define SHIFT_F7 0x5A00
#define SHIFT_F8 0x5B00
#define SHIFT_F9 0x5C00
#define SHIFT_F10 0x5D00
#define ALT_F1 0x6800
#define ALT_F2 0x6900
#define ALT_F3 0x6A00
#define ALT_F4 0x6B00
#define ALT_F5 0x6C00
#define ALT_F6 0x6D00
#define ALT_F7 0x6E00
#define ALT_F8 0x6F00
#define ALT_F9 0x7000
#define ALT_F10 0x7100
#endif /* ndef lvswin_h */
Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!
This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.
But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: