Category : C++ Source Code
Archive   : LVSWIN31.ZIP
Filename : DEMO.CPP

Output of file : DEMO.CPP contained in archive : LVSWIN31.ZIP
* LVS Windows
* The Window Class System
* Copyright 1991, 1992 (c), Lake View Software
* 4321 Harborough Rd.
* Columbus, OH 43220
* All rights reserved.

#ifdef __TURBOC__
* Zortech
#define random(num) (int)(((long)rand()*(num))/(0x7FFFU + 1))
#define delay usleep
#define coreleft farcoreleft
#include "LVSwin.HPP" // LVS Windows main header
#include "LVS_prn.hpp" // printer class
#include "LVSmenu.hpp" // Menu class header file
#include "LVSpick.HPP"

// extern unsigned _stklen = 10000; // makes no difference.

* Declare internal functions

int v_socialsecurity(void *num) ;
void rand_open (WinObj &w), show_time (), move_windows (struct time t),
data_entry (), paradox_entry (), moving_windows (),
random_windows (), scroll_demo (), scroll_window (),
menu_demo (), menu_demo2 (), pick_demo (), help (),
logo ();
void Parse_Command_Line (int argc, char **argv);

* Some global data
int VGA = 0; // has vga flag
int Use_VGA = 1; // try to use vga graphics/colors by default
int mouse_mode = M_FULL; // Default mouse mode

void main (int argc, char **argv)

Parse_Command_Line (argc, argv);

// Turn clock on
Win_setbkloop (show_time); // Set background keyboard loop
// This will run the clock and move
// the global windows

Win_setonkey (F1,help); // Set F1 to function help
Win_setonkey (F10, Win_Calculator);
Win_setonkey (F5, Win_Calendar);

* If desqview is present this will allow LVS to give time
* back when waiting for user input
Win_DesqView_Aware ();

* Display the logo & open the main screen
logo ();

* Open the main menu
WinMenu m; // create Main menu object

int bkground_color = _RED;

if (VGA)
bkground_color = _LBLUE; (4, 26, 15, 52, W_DOUSIN, bkground_color|WHITE,
bkground_color|BLACK); // Open the window
m.shadow (); // make a shadow for the window
m.set_keyattr (bkground_color|YELLOW); // change the hot key attribute

bkground_color = _LGREY;
if (VGA)
bkground_color = _WHITE;
m.title (" Demo Menu "); // Give the window a title

* Define the menu selections
m.prompt (1, 2, 1, " 1. Data entry ", "", '1');
m.prompt (2, 2, 2, " 2. Moving windows ", "", '2');
m.prompt (3, 2, 3, " 3. Random windows ", "", '3');
m.prompt (4, 2, 4, " 4. Lotus style menu ", "", '4');
m.prompt (5, 2, 5, " 5. Pick-List demo ", "", '5');
m.prompt (6, 2, 6, " 6. Scrolling demo ", "", '6');
#ifdef __TURBOC__
m.prompt (7, 2, 7, " 7. Paradox entry ", "", '7');
m.printf (7, 2, " 7. Paradox entry ");
m.prompt (8, 2, 0, " 0. Quit ", "", '0');

* Init the mouse driver

Win_mouse_mode (mouse_mode);

int choice = 1; // start with menu selection ret_val = 1

while (choice != 0)
{ // loop till Quit is selected

choice = (choice); // get menu selection from user

switch (choice)
case 1:
data_entry ();
case 2:
moving_windows ();
case 3:
random_windows ();
case 4:
m.hide ();
menu_demo ();
case 5:
pick_demo ();
case 6:
scroll_demo ();
case 7:
#ifdef __TURBOC__
paradox_entry ();

// all windows will close automatically with there destructors

void Parse_Command_Line (int argc, char **argv)
int arg = 0;

while (++arg < argc)
if (argv[arg][0] == '-' || argv[arg][0] == '/')
switch (toupper (argv[arg][1]))
case 'B':
Win_bios(W_ON); // Turn on use of bios writes

case 'S':
Win_snow(W_ON); // Turn on use of snow suppression

case 'M':
switch (toupper (argv[arg][2]))
case 'N': // Mouse off
mouse_mode = M_NONE;

case 'S': // Mouse full support
mouse_mode = M_SIMPLE;

Win_mono(W_ON); // Force black & white only
case '5':
VGA_setlines (50);
case '4':
VGA_setlines (43);
case '2':
VGA_setlines (28);
case 'V':
Use_VGA = 0;
} // switch
} // if argv[0]
} // while

//*********************Pick-List Demo************************

static char *list[] = { "January", "February",
"March", "April",
"May", "June",
"July", "August",
"September", "October",
"November", "December", 0 };

void pick_demo()
WinPick pl;

int bk = _BLUE;
if (VGA)
bk = _DGREY; (3, 33, 9, 45, W_DOUSIN, bk|WHITE, bk|GREEN); // open pick window
pl.title ("Pick-List");
pl.prompt (list); // assign a list
int choice =; // get user selection, closes window when finished

// Display the results of the pick.
if (choice != W_ESCAPE)
WinObj w; (6, 23, 11, 53, W_DOUSIN, bk|GREEN, bk|WHITE);
w.title (" Answer ");
w.shadow ();
w.printf (1, 1, "You picked ");
w.set_attr (bk|YELLOW);
w.printf ("%s.", list[choice]);
w.set_attr (bk|LGREY);
w.printf (3, 1, "Press any key to continue.");
w.get_key ();

//**********************Menu Demo****************************
// First level of a lotus style menu
void menu_demo ()
WinMenu m; // Create a menu object (1, 0, 1, 79, W_NOBORDER, _BLUE|WHITE); // init the window
m.message_line (2); // Set message line to 2
m.set_keyattr (_BLUE|YELLOW); // hot key attribute
m.set_barattr (_RED|WHITE); // make bar white on red

// Declare some menu selections
m.prompt (0, 0, 1, " Worksheet ", "Global, Column, Status, Delete", 'W');
m.prompt (0, 12, 2, " Range ", "Format, Label, Erase, Name, Justify, Prot", 'R');
m.prompt (0, 20, 3, " Copy ", "Copy a cell or range of cells", 'C');
m.prompt (0, 27, 4, " mOve ", "Move a cell or range of cells", 'O');
m.prompt (0, 34, 5, " File ", "Retrieve, Save, Combine, Xtract...", 'F');
m.prompt (0, 41, 6, " Print ", "Print a worksheet to a printer or file", 'P');
m.prompt (0, 49, 0, " Quit ", "Quit the menu demo", 'Q');

int choice=1;
while (choice != 0)
choice =; // Get a menu selection
if (choice == W_ESCAPE)
switch (choice)
case 1:
menu_demo2(); // Goto next menu level
case 2:
// Menu object will destruct and close automatically.

void menu_demo2() // Second level of a lotus style menu
WinMenu m; (1, 0, 1, 79, W_NOBORDER, _BLUE|WHITE);
m.message_line (2); // Set message line to 1
m.set_keyattr (_BLUE|YELLOW); // make hot key yellow
m.set_barattr (_RED|WHITE); // make bar white on red

m.prompt (0, 0, 1, " Global ", "Global functions", 'G');
m.prompt (0, 9, 2, " Column ", "Delete, Insert", 'C');
m.prompt (0, 18, 3, " Status ", "Display worksheet status", 'S');
m.prompt (0, 27, 4, " Delete ", "Delete the entire worksheet", 'D');
m.prompt (0, 36, 5, " sYstem ", "Shell to DOS", 'Y');
m.prompt (0, 45, 0, " Quit ", "Quit to the main menu", 'Q');
int choice=1;
while (choice != 0)
choice =;
if (choice == W_ESCAPE)

switch (choice)
case 1:
case 2:
case 5:
Win_clrscr ();
puts ("Type 'EXIT' to return to demo.\n\n\n");
system ("");
m.update_all ();

//*************************Moving windows Demo*************************
WinObj Global_Win[2]; // Some global window objects to move

void moving_windows()
* Open the moving windows
// Windows will open or close with each call
if (!Global_Win[0].is_open())
Global_Win[0].open (1, 1, 10, 25, W_DOUBLE, _MAGENTA|BLACK, _MAGENTA|BLUE);
Global_Win[0].shadow ();
Global_Win[0].title (" Moving Window 1 ");
Global_Win[0] << "Here is some text in a moving window.";

Global_Win[1].open (1, 54, 10, 79, W_DOUSIN, _GREEN|BLACK, _GREEN|WHITE);
Global_Win[1].shadow ();
Global_Win[1].title (" Moving Window 2 ");
Global_Win[1] << "Here is some text in the second moving window.";
Global_Win[0].close ();
Global_Win[1].close ();

// Function to move the random windows every second
// This function is called by the clock function with the current time
void move_windows (struct Win_time_s t)
static int x = 1, y = 1, sec_hold = 0;

if (!Global_Win[0].is_open())

if (sec_hold != t.sec) // only move once a second
sec_hold = t.sec;
x += 6;
y += 2;
if ( x > 60 || y > 18)
x = 0;
y = 0;
Global_Win[0].move (y, x);

// randomly move the second window
Global_Win[1].move (random(Win_Max_y () - 11), random(54));

//***********************Scroll Demo**********************************
WinObj Scroll; // Scrolling text demo window object
WinObj Scroll2;

void scroll_demo ()
// Open window once the first time
if (!Scroll.is_open())
int bkground = _CYAN;
if (VGA)
bkground = _LCYAN;

Scroll.hide (); // open the window hidden (2, 56, 8, 78, W_DOUSIN, bkground|BLACK, bkground|BLUE);
Scroll.shadow ();
Scroll.title (" Slow Scroll ");

if (VGA)
bkground = _YELLOW;
bkground = _BLUE;

Scroll2.hide (); (11, 56, 16, 78, W_DOUSIN, bkground|RED, bkground|BLACK);
Scroll2.shadow ();
Scroll2.title (" Fast Scroll ");

* Now just hide or unhide the windows
static int hidden = 1;

if (hidden)
Scroll.unhide ();
Scroll2.unhide ();
hidden = 0;
Scroll.hide ();
Scroll2.hide ();
hidden = 1;

void random_message (WinObj &w)
* All the print messages here accomplish the same results,
* a cr/lf followed by some text.
switch (random (6))
case 0:
w << '\n' << ' ' << w.get_version();
case 1:
w << '\n' << " Lake View Software";
case 2:
w << '\n' << " Borland C++ v2.0";
case 3:
w << "\n Turbo C++ v1.01";
case 4:
w.printf ("\n Support Shareware");
w.puts ("\n Some Scrolling Text");

void scroll_window ()
if (!Scroll.is_open())

static clock_t clock1 = 0, clock2 = 0;

if ((clock1 + 5) < clock () )
random_message (Scroll);
clock1 = clock ();

if ((clock2+1) < clock ())
random_message (Scroll2); // Fast scroll
clock2 = clock ();

//**********************Random Windows Demo***************************

void random_windows ()
WinObj w[5];

for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
rand_open (w[i]);
delay (250);
w[0].clr_win ();
w[0] << "Press any key to continue.";
w[0].get_key (0, 10); // wait 10 seconds for a key

// Function to open random windows on the screen
void rand_open (WinObj &w)
static cnt = 0;
int sr, er, sc, ec;
int color, bcolor, btype;

sr = random (Win_Max_y () - 14);
sc = random (40);
er = sr + 10 + random ((Win_Max_y () - 14)-sr);
ec = sc + 15 + random (63-sc);

int bk_colors = 8;
if (VGA)
bk_colors = 16;

color = random (bk_colors) * 16 + random (16);
bcolor = random (bk_colors) * 16 + random (16);
btype = random (MAX_BOX_TYPE + 1); (sr, sc, er, ec, btype, color, bcolor);
w.shadow ();
w.title (" Random Window ");
w << "This is random window #(" << ++cnt << ")";

//************************Data Entry Demo********************************

void paint_data_screen (WinObj &w)
* Paint the data entry screen
w.puts (0, 29, "Compiler");
w.puts (6, 2, "First letter upper:");
w.puts (7, 4, "Force upper case:");
w.puts (8, 1, "Picture (\"A9A 9A9\"):");
w.puts (9, 9, "Phone style:");
w.puts (10, 10, "SS # style:");
w.puts (11, 5, "Zip code style:");
w.puts (12, 9, "Date style:");
w.puts (13, 6, "Double (10,2):");
w.puts (14, 11, "Long (5):");
w.puts (15, 16, "Int:");
w.puts (16, 8, "Single char:");

int button_press (int value)
* Routine to call when the press a button in the data entry screen
int return_value = 0;

switch (value)
case 1: /* 'Ok' Button Pressed */
return_value = PGDN; /* Normal data entry exit */

case 2: /* 'Cancel' Button Pressed */
return_value = ESC; /* Data entry quit */

return return_value;

int read_data (WinObj &w)
* read data for data_entry or print for print_data
static char
first[40] = "",
upper[20] = "",
picture[8] = "",
phone[15] = "",
ss[12] = "",
zip[15] = "",
date[9] = "";

static double
d = 0.0;

static long
l = 0;

static int
i = 0;

static char
ch = ' ';

comp_selected = 0;

*compiler_radio[] = {"Borland C++ v3.0", "Borland C++ v2.0",
"Turbo C++ v1.0", "Zortech C++ v3.0"};

* Draw/fill a box and get a radio group
int old_attr = w.set_attr (_CYAN|BLACK);
w.set_getattr (_CYAN|WHITE); (1, 22, 4, 50, W_SPACES, 1);
w.get_radio (1, 25, compiler_radio, comp_selected, 4);
w.set_attr (old_attr);

* Get some regular gets
w.set_getattr (_LGREY|BLACK);
w.get (6 , 22, first, 'F', sizeof(first) - 1); // upper case first letters
w.get (7 , 22, upper, 'U', sizeof(upper) -1); // upper case all letters
w.get (8 , 22, picture, "A9A 9A9"); // Canadian zip code using picture
w.get (9 , 22, phone, 'P'); // phone number style
w.get (10 , 22, ss, 'S'); // social security style
w.valid (v_socialsecurity); // validate the ss number
w.get (11, 22, zip, 'Z'); // US zip code style
w.get (12, 22, date, 'D'); // date style
w.get (13, 22, d, 10, 3); // double 10 long with 3 decimal places
w.get (14, 22, l, 5); // long 5 digits in length
w.get (15, 22, i); // integer at default length
w.get (16, 22, ch); // single character get

* Get some buttons
w.set_getattr (_BLACK|GREEN);
w.get_button (1, 60, " Ok ", button_press, 1);
w.get_button (3, 60, " Cancel ", button_press, 2);

* Prompt the user for the input and return the results
return ( ());

void print_data ()
if (!Win_Get_YN ("Printer ready"))

Win_Prn p;
if ( () != W_OK)
Win_Error ("Can't open printer port!");

paint_data_screen (p); // Paint the screen in memory
read_data (p); // Paint the gets in memory

// Now lets change some of the print attributes.
// These normaly would could be set before each printf or puts...
// but since I used the same routines to print the screen and the
// page this is being done later.
p.set_pageattr (P_NORMAL); // Set attributes for the entire page
p.set_attr (P_UNDERLINE, 1, 14, 15); // Underline the last name

p.print_page (); // Print physical page

p.close (); // could let close with distructor

void data_entry()
WinObj w(40,75); // Create the main entry window (3, 4, 18, 75, W_DOUBLE, _BLUE|WHITE, _BLUE|YELLOW);
w.shadow ();
w.title(" Data Entry ");

paint_data_screen (w); // Paint the screen

if (read_data (w) != ESC) // Get the data
if (Win_Get_YN ("Do you wish to print the data"))
print_data ();

int v_socialsecurity(void *num)
* Valid function for ss number
char *ss = (char *) num;
if (strchr (ss, ' '))
Win_Error ("No spaces in SS number!");
return 0; // fail valid, make user correct this get

return 1; // pass valid

//*************************Paradox Entry*********************************
#ifdef __TURBOC__
char *Text[] = {
"Entering text in a Paradox Table is one of the many features of LVS",
"Windows. It allows you to enter directly into the Paradox record",
"buffer, with no temporary variables.",
"I'd like to show you how to enter text in a Paradox Table using LVS",
"Windows, but I would have to write this in the large model and I've",
"only supplied the small model here. So here's what the code would",
"look like.",
"To view the code use the Up and Down arrows keys.",
" Esc to exit",
"#include ",
"#include ",
"main () {",
" TABLEHANDLE TblHandle;",
" PXInit (); // Init the PX engine",
" PXTblOpen (\"SALES\", &TblHandle, 0, 0); // Open the table",
" PXRecBufOpen (TblHandle, &RecHandle); // Open a record buffer",
" PXRecFirst (TblHandle); // Point to the first record",
" PXRecGet (TblHandle, RecHandle); // Read the record.",
" WinObj w; // my window object",
" (0, 0, 24, 79); // Open the window",
" w.PXrecord (TblHandle, RecHandle); // give winobj the PX info",
" w.PXget (1, 1, 1, 'F'); // Get the first field, style 'F'",
" w.PXget (3, 1, 2, 'F');",
" w.PXget (5, 1, 11, 'P'); // Get the 11 field, style Phone",
" w.PXget (7, 1, 17, 10, 2);",
" w.PXget (9, 1, 18, 3, 0);",
" w.PXread (); // Read the user input",
" PXRecUpdate (TblHandle, RecHandle); // update the PX record",
" PXExit (); // Stop the PX engine",
"Paradox in a Trademark of Borland",
0 };

void paradox_entry ()
WinObj w (43, 78); (1, 0, 23, 79, W_SINGLE, _BLUE|WHITE, _BLUE|CYAN);
w.title (" Paradox Entry ");
int i = -1;
while (Text [++i])
w.puts (i+1, 2, Text [i]);

w.gotoxy ();

int key = 0;
do {
key = w.get_key (0, 60); // wait 1 minute for a key press

switch (key)
case UP:
w.gotoxy (w.wherey () - 1, w.wherex ());
case DOWN:
if (w.wherey () < w.max_y ())
w.gotoxy (w.wherey () + 1, w.wherex ());
case LEFT:
w.gotoxy (w.wherey (), w.wherex () - 1);
case RIGHT:
w.gotoxy (w.wherey (), w.wherex () + 1);

} while (key && (key != ESC));

//**************************Clock function*******************************

static WinObj clock_win; // create a static window object

void show_time () // Show time in upper left corner of screen
static struct Win_time_s t;
static unsigned char hold;

if (!clock_win.is_open()) // open small clock window once
int color = _LGREY|BLUE;
if (VGA)
color = _WHITE|BLUE; (0, 0, 0, 79, W_NOBORDER, color); (0, "Lake View Software");

* First show the clock
Win_gettime (&t);

if (hold != t.sec)
hold = t.sec;
clock_win.printf (0, 1, "%02d:%02d:%02d", t.hour, t.min, t.sec);
#ifndef DOS386
clock_win.printf (0, 73, "%6ld", (long )coreleft ()); // show free mem

* Move the random windows
move_windows (t);

* scroll text in window
scroll_window ();


//**********************Help Function***********************************
void help()
static int is_active=0;
int old_x, old_y;

if (is_active++)

* Save current cursor position
Win_getxy (&old_y, &old_x);

WinObj help;

int bkground = _LGREY;
if (VGA)
bkground = _LBLUE; (2, 11, 22, 67, W_SINGLE, bkground|BLACK, bkground|WHITE);
help.shadow ();
help.title (" Help Window "); (1, "Data Entry Keys");
help.gotoxy (3, 1) << "/ arrows Move cursor to next/prev field.";
help.printf (4, 1, "%c/%c arrows Move cursor to next/prev column.",26,27);
help.printf (5, 1, "Crtl_%c/%c Move cursor to next/prev word.", 26, 27);
help.puts (6, 1, "Ctrl_R/L arrows Pan window right/left one column.");
help.puts (7, 1, "Ctrl_D/U Pan window down/up one row.");
help.puts (8, 1, "PgDn Exit read mode.");
help.puts (9, 1, "Esc Quit read mode.");
int hold_attr = help.set_attr (bkground|WHITE); (11, "Non Picture Gets Only");
help.set_attr (hold_attr);
help.puts (12, 1, "Insert Toggle insert/overtype mode.");
help.puts (13, 1, "Delete Delete character under cursor.");
help.puts (14, 1, "Backspace Delete previous character.");
hold_attr = help.set_attr (bkground|RED); (17, "Copyright (c) 1992, Lake View Software");
help.set_attr (hold_attr); (18, "Press any key to exit.");
Win_getkey (15); // wait 15 seconds for a key

Win_gotoxy (old_y, old_x); // Restore cursor position
is_active = 0; // turn off active flag


void function_key_mouse_routine (int y, int x)
* Check mouse clicks for function keys
* This routine will be attached to the footer
* window.
if (y != 0)

if (x >=21 && x <= 27)
Win_keystuf (F1);

if (x >= 30 && x <= 40)
Win_keystuf (F5);

if (x >= 43 && x <= 56)
Win_keystuf (F10);

static WinObj Main; // the main screen window
static WinObj Footer; // window for the footer
static WinObj logo_w; // window for our logo

void logo ()
int max_y = Win_Max_y (); // Get the max y coordinate

if (Use_VGA)
if (VGA_videotype () == V_VGA)
* Turn blink off to allow highlight backgrounds
VGA_setblink (W_OFF);

* load special fonts

VGA_fontload ();

VGA++; // set vga flag

* Open a window to cover the screen
int bkground = _BLACK;
if (VGA)
bkground = _DGREY; (0, 0, max_y, 79, W_NOBORDER, bkground|LGREY);

for (int x = 0; x < max_y * 2 + max_y / 5; x++)
Main.printf ("- LVS Windows -- Lake View Software -");

* Display the footer
int color = _LGREY|BLACK;
if (VGA)
color = _WHITE|BLACK; (max_y, 0, max_y, 79, W_NOBORDER, color);
Footer.puts (0, 21, "F1=Help, F5=Calendar, F10=Calculator");
Footer.set_mouseroutine (function_key_mouse_routine);

* Display the logo
color = _BLACK;
if (VGA)
color = _DGREY; (max_y - 5, 19, max_y - 2, 59, W_DOUSIN,
color|WHITE, color|YELLOW);
logo_w.shadow ();

logo_w.title (logo_w.get_version ()); (0, "The C++ window class system"); (1,"Copyright (c) 1992");

// start random number generator
srand (1);

show_time (); // displays the title bar and time for the first time

  3 Responses to “Category : C++ Source Code
Archive   : LVSWIN31.ZIP
Filename : DEMO.CPP

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: