Category : C++ Source Code
Archive   : JCOOL01.ZIP
Filename : TEST_STR.C

Output of file : TEST_STR.C contained in archive : JCOOL01.ZIP
// Copyright (C) 1991 Texas Instruments Incorporated.
// Permission is granted to any individual or institution to use, copy, modify,
// and distribute this software, provided that this complete copyright and
// permission notice is maintained, intact, in all copies and supporting
// documentation.
// Texas Instruments Incorporated provides this software "as is" without
// express or implied warranty.


void test_string() {
CoolString s1;
TEST ("CoolString s1", 0, 0);
TEST ("strlen(s1) == 0", strlen (s1), 0);
s1 = "Hello";
TEST ("s1 = \"Hello\"", strlen (s1), 5);
TEST ("strlen(s1) == 5", strlen (s1), 5);
TEST ("strcmp(s1,\"Hello\")", strcmp(s1,"Hello"), 0);
CoolString s5("World",5L);
TEST ("CoolString s5(\"World\",5)", 0, 0);
CoolString s2("World");
TEST ("CoolString s2(\"World\")", 0, 0);
TEST ("strlen(s2) == 5", strlen (s2), 5);
TEST ("strcmp(s2,\"World\")", strcmp(s2,"World"), 0);
s2 = s2 + '!';
TEST ("s2 = s2 + '!'", strcmp(s2,"World!"), 0);
strcat (s1, " ");
TEST ("strcat(s1, \" \")", strlen (s1), 6);
s1 += s2;
TEST ("s1 += s2", strcmp (s1,"Hello World!"), 0);
TEST ("strcmp (s1,\"Hello World!\")", strcmp (s1,"Hello World!"), 0);
TEST ("s1 == \"Hello World!\"", s1 == "Hello World!", 1);
TEST ("is_equal(s2,\"WORLD\",SENSITIVE)", is_equal(s2,"WORLD",INSENSITIVE),
TEST ("is_equal(s2,\"WORLD!\",INSENSITIVE)",
is_equal(s2,"WORLD!",INSENSITIVE), TRUE);
TEST ("strlen (s1) == 12", strlen (s1), strlen ("Hello World!"));
TEST ("s1[6] == 'W'", (s1[6] == 'W'), 1);
TEST ("s1 != s2", (s1 != s2), TRUE);
CoolString s3 = s2;
TEST ("s3 = s2", (s3 == s2), TRUE);
s1.reverse ();
TEST ("s1.reverse()", is_equal (s1, "!DLROW OLLEH", INSENSITIVE), TRUE);
TEST ("upcase (s2)", strcmp (upcase(s2),"WORLD!"), 0);
TEST ("downcase (s2)", strcmp (downcase(s2), "world!"), 0);
TEST ("is_lt (s2, \"WORLD!\")", is_lt (s2, "WORLD!", SENSITIVE),
TEST ("is_le (s2, \"WORLD!\")",
is_le (s2, "WORLD!", INSENSITIVE), TRUE);
s1.reverse ();
TEST ("downcase (s1)", strcmp (downcase(s1), "hello world!"), 0);
TEST ("capitalize (s1)", strcmp (capitalize (s1), "Hello World!"), 0);
left_trim (s1, "Hello ");
TEST ("left_trim (s1, \"Hello \")", is_equal (s1, s2, INSENSITIVE), TRUE);
right_trim (s1, "!");
TEST ("right_trim (s1, \"!\")", is_equal (s1, "WORLD", INSENSITIVE), TRUE);
downcase (s1);
TEST ("is_equal (s1, \"world\", SENSITIVE)",
is_equal (s1, "world", SENSITIVE), TRUE);
trim (s1, "or");
TEST ("trim (s1, \"or\")", strcmp (s1, "wld"), 0);
TEST ("s1.clear()", strlen(s1), 0);
s1 += "12345";
TEST ("s1 += \"12345\"", strcmp (s1, "12345"), 0);
TEST ("strtol (s1)", (strtol(s1) == (long)12345), 1);
TEST ("atol (s1)", (atol(s1) == (long)12345), 1);
TEST ("itol (s1)", (atoi(s1) == (int)12345), 1);
s1 += '.';
TEST ("s1 += '.'", strcmp (s1, "12345."), 0);
s1 = s1 + "7";
TEST ("s1 = s1 + \"7\"", strcmp (s1,"12345.7"), 0);
TEST ("atof (s1)", (atof(s1) == (double)12345.7), 1);
TEST ("strtod (s1)", (strtod(s1) == (double)12345.7), 1);
s1 = "my string";
CoolString s33(s1);
Boolean ans = s1.insert("big ",3);
TEST ("s1.insert(\"big \",3)",strcmp(s1,"my big string"), 0);
TEST ("return value",ans==TRUE,1);
TEST ("s33==\"my string\"",strcmp(s33,"my string"),0);
ans = s1.insert("big ",-1);
TEST ("return value",ans==FALSE,1);
ans = s1.insert("big ", 14);
TEST ("return value",ans==FALSE,1);
ans = s1.insert("big ",13);
TEST ("s1.insert(\"big\",13)",strcmp(s1,"my big stringbig "), 0);
TEST ("return value",ans==TRUE,1);

s1 = "my string";
CoolString s32(s1);
ans = s1.remove(3,5);
TEST ("s1.remove(3,5)",strcmp(s1,"my ring"), 0);
TEST ("return value",ans==TRUE,1);
TEST ("s32==\"my string\"",strcmp(s32,"my string"),0);
TEST ("return value",s1.remove(4,-1),FALSE);
TEST ("return value",s1.remove(-1,4),FALSE);
TEST ("return value",s1.remove(4,4),FALSE);
TEST ("return value",s1.remove(6,4),FALSE);
TEST ("return value",s1.remove(8,4),FALSE);
TEST ("return value",s1.remove(2,8),FALSE);
ans = s1.remove(5,7);
TEST ("s1.remove(5,7)",strcmp(s1,"my ri"), 0);
TEST ("return value",ans==TRUE,1);
ans = s1.remove(0,1);
TEST ("s1.remove(0,1)",strcmp(s1,"y ri"), 0);
TEST ("return value",ans==TRUE,1);

s1 = "my string";
TEST ("s1.replace(\"bo\",3,5)", s1.replace("bo",3,5), TRUE);
TEST ("strcmp(s1,\"my boring\")", strcmp (s1,"my boring"), 0);
TEST ("s1.replace(\" very\",2,3)",s1.replace(" very ",2,3), TRUE);
TEST ("strcmp (s1,\"my very boring\")",strcmp(s1,"my very boring"), 0);
TEST ("s1.replace(\"my,\",3,7)",s1.replace("my,",3,7), TRUE);
TEST ("strcmp(s1,\"my my, boring\")",strcmp(s1,"my my, boring"), 0);
TEST ("s1.replace(\"nothing\",3,14)",s1.replace("nothing",3,14), FALSE);
TEST ("s1.replace(\"ed\",10,13)",s1.replace("ed",10,13), TRUE);
TEST ("strcmp(s1,\"my my, bored\")",strcmp(s1,"my my, bored"), 0);
TEST ("s1.replace(\"b\",0,1)",s1.replace("b",0,1), TRUE);
TEST ("strcmp(s1,\"by my, bored\")",strcmp(s1,"by my, bored"), 0);

CoolString temp;
s1 = "my string";
CoolString s30(s1);
TEST ("s1.yank(3,5)",strcmp(s1,"my ring"), 0);
TEST ("return value",strcmp(temp,"st"),0);
TEST ("s30==\"my string\"",strcmp(s30,"my string"),0);
TEST ("s1.yank(5,7)",strcmp(s1,"my ri"), 0);
TEST ("return value",strcmp(temp,"ng"),0);
TEST ("s1.yank(0,1)",strcmp(s1,"y ri"), 0);
TEST ("return value",strcmp(temp,"m"),0);

s1 = "my string";
CoolString answ;
CoolString s20(s1);
TEST ("s1.sub_string(3,5)",strcmp(s1,"my string"), 0);
TEST ("return value",strcmp(answ,"st"),0);
TEST ("s20==\"my string\"",strcmp(s20,"my string"),0);
TEST ("s1.sub_string(5,7)",strcmp(s1,"my string"), 0);
TEST ("return value",strcmp(answ,"ri"),0);
TEST ("s1.sub_string(0,1)",strcmp(s1,"my string"), 0);
TEST ("return value",strcmp(answ,"m"),0);

s1 = "garbage to be deleted";
CoolString s19(s1);
answ = strncpy(s1,"hello there",5);
TEST ((char*)(const char*) s1,0,0);
TEST ("strncpy(3,5)",strcmp(s1,"hello"), 0);
TEST ("return value",strcmp(answ,"hello"),0);
TEST ("s19==\"garbage to be deleted\"",strcmp(s19,"garbage to be deleted"),0);
TEST ((const char*) s1,0,0);
answ = strncpy(s1,"hi",5);
TEST ("strncpy(s1,\"hi\",5)",strcmp(s1,"hi"), 0);
TEST ("return value",strcmp(answ,"hi"),0);

void test_leak() {
for (;;) {

int main (void) {
#if LEAK
return 0;

  3 Responses to “Category : C++ Source Code
Archive   : JCOOL01.ZIP
Filename : TEST_STR.C

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: