Category : C++ Source Code
Archive   : JCOOL01.ZIP
Filename : RANDOM.H

Output of file : RANDOM.H contained in archive : JCOOL01.ZIP
// Copyright (C) 1991 Texas Instruments Incorporated.
// Permission is granted to any individual or institution to use, copy, modify,
// and distribute this software, provided that this complete copyright and
// permission notice is maintained, intact, in all copies and supporting
// documentation.
// Texas Instruments Incorporated provides this software "as is" without
// express or implied warranty.
// Created: MBN 09/29/89 -- Initial design and implementation
// Updated: MBN 01/03/90 -- Correctly generate numbers within specified range
// The Random class is publicly derived from Generic and implements several
// varieties of general-purpose random number generators as described in
// Chapter 7 of "Numerical Recipes in C". The ANSI C draft standard specifies
// the rand() function that allows an application to obtain successive random
// numbers in a sequence by repeated calls. However, system-supplied random
// number generators in the form of the rand() function are generally of poor
// quality, particularly with regards to their randomness of distribution of
// random numbers. Specifically, system random number generators are almost
// always linear congruential genarators whose period is not very large. The
// ANSI C draft specification only requires a modulus of 32767, which can be
// disasterous for such uses as a Monte Carlo integration over 10^6 points.
// The Random class allows an application to select one of five types of random
// number generators based upon the usage requirements. Each generator function
// has different characteristics. The first two use the system rand() function,
// while the last three are self-contained, portable implementations. The
// first, SIMPLE, uses the system-supplied rand() function where speed is the
// predominant concern. Although sequential correlation of successive random
// values is still a high probability, this function at least corrects for the
// weakness of many system random generator functions where the value's least
// significant bits are very often much less random than the most significant
// bits. The second, SHUFFLE, uses the rand() function and a shuffling
// procedure where random numbers are cached in a buffer and selected randomly
// to break up sequential correlation in the system-supplied function. The
// third, ONE_CONGRUENTIAL, uses one linear congruential generator instead of
// the rand() function to implement an efficient, portable random number
// generator that guarantees there is no sequential correlation between the
// random values returned. The fourth, THREE_CONGRUENTIAL, uses three linear
// congruential generators to implement a portable random number generator
// whose period is essentially infinite and has no sequential correlations.
// Finally, SUBTRACTIVE is an implementation of a portable random number
// generator as suggested by Knuth in Volume two of "The Art of Computer
// Programming" that does not use linear congruential generators, but rather an
// original subtractive method.
// The Random class contains several private data slots used by the various
// random number generator functions. In addition, each instance contains the
// lower and upper bounds of the range of random numbers desired and a pointer
// a specific generator function. One public constructors is provided to
// facilitate the creation of floating point random number generator objects.
// Methods are available to get and set the seed, select the generator
// function, and get the next integer or floating point random number.

#ifndef RANDOMH // If no definition for Random
#define RANDOMH // define the random symbol

const int RND_BUF_SIZE = 128; // Anti-correlation buffer size

class CoolRandom; // Forward reference class
typedef double (CoolRandom::*RNG)(); // CoolRandom number function type

#define MOD 714025 // Modulus for shuffle
#define MULT 1366 // Multiplier for shuffle
#define INCR 150889 // Increment for shuffle

#define MOD1 259200 // Modulus 1 for 3 cong gen
#define MULT1 7141 // Multiplier 1 for 3 cong gen
#define INCR1 54773 // Increment 1 for 3 cong gen
#define RMOD1 (1.0/MOD1) // Factor for 3 cong gen
#define MOD2 134456 // Modulus 2 for 3 cong gen
#define MULT2 8121 // Multiplier 2 for 3 cong gen
#define INCR2 28411 // Increment 2 for 3 cong gen
#define RMOD2 (1.0/MOD2) // Factor 2 for 3 cong gen
#define MOD3 243000 // Modulus 3 for 3 cong gen
#define MULT3 4561 // Multiplier 3 for 3 cong gen
#define INCR3 51349 // Increment 3 for 3 cong gen

#define MBIG 1000000000 // Big constant for Knuth
#define MSEED 161803398 // Seed constant for Knuth
#define FAC (1.0/MBIG) // Factor for Knuth
#define KNUTH_SPECIAL 56 // Table size for Knuth

class CoolRandom {
CoolRandom (RNG_TYPE, int seed=1, float lower=0.0, float upper=100.0);
~CoolRandom (); // Destructor

inline int get_seed () const; // Get current seed value
inline void set_seed (int); // Set seed and initialize
inline void set_rng (RNG_TYPE); // Set generator function
inline double next (); // Return next random number

float l,u; // Lower/upper inclusive bounds
RNG generator; // Pointer to generator funn
int s; // Shared seed value
long ix1, ix2, ix3; // 3 generator sequence numbers
double maxran; // Maximum random number
double prev_rnum; // Retains previous random num
long k_buffer[KNUTH_SPECIAL]; // Buffer for Knuth's algorithm
double buffer[RND_BUF_SIZE]; // Promote random distribution

double simple (); // System-based RNG
double shuffle (); // Shuffle RNG
double one_congruential (); // 1 linear congruential RNG
double three_congruential (); // 3 linear congruential RNG
double subtractive (); // Knuth subtractive RNG
void init (RNG_TYPE); // Initialize random generator

// get_seed -- Return the current seed for the RNG
// Input: None
// Output: Current seed value

inline int CoolRandom::get_seed () const {
return this->s;

// set_seed -- Set the seed for the RNG and force a recalculation of the
// randomized cache to preclude correlation in the results
// Input: New integer seed value
// Output: None

inline void CoolRandom::set_seed (int seed) {
this->s = seed; // Set new seed value

// set_rng -- Set the type of random number generator function
// Input: RNG type
// Output: None

inline void CoolRandom::set_rng (RNG_TYPE rng) {
this->init (rng); // Make anti-correlation buffer

// next -- Generate another random number
// Input: None
// Output: Random number

inline double CoolRandom::next () {
return (this->*generator)();


  3 Responses to “Category : C++ Source Code
Archive   : JCOOL01.ZIP
Filename : RANDOM.H

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: