Category : C++ Source Code
Archive   : JCOOL01.ZIP
Filename : QUEUE.C

Output of file : QUEUE.C contained in archive : JCOOL01.ZIP
// Copyright (C) 1991 Texas Instruments Incorporated.
// Permission is granted to any individual or institution to use, copy, modify,
// and distribute this software, provided that this complete copyright and
// permission notice is maintained, intact, in all copies and supporting
// documentation.
// Texas Instruments Incorporated provides this software "as is" without
// express or implied warranty.
// Updated: JAM 09/23/92 -- added def and init for compare_s


// compare_s -- Pointer operator== function
Boolean (*CoolQueue::compare_s)(const Type&, const Type&) = CoolQueue_is_data_equal;

// CoolQueue () -- Empty constructor for the CoolQueue class
// Input: None
// Output: None

CoolQueue::CoolQueue() {
this->data = NULL; // Intialize data

// CoolQueue (unsigned int) -- constructor that specifies number of elements
// Input: Integer number of elements
// Output: None

CoolQueue::CoolQueue(unsigned int n)
: CoolBase_Queue(n)
this->data = (Type*) new Type[n]; // Allocate memory

// CoolQueue (void*, int) -- constructor that specifies user-defined storage
// and number of elements
// Input: Integer number of elements
// Output: None

CoolQueue::CoolQueue(void* s, unsigned int n)
: CoolBase_Queue(n)
this->data = (Type*) s; // Pointer to storage
this->alloc_size = INVALID; // Indicate this is static size

// CoolQueue (CoolQueue&) -- Copy constructor
// Input: CoolQueue reference
// Output: None

CoolQueue::CoolQueue(const CoolQueue& s)
: CoolBase_Queue(s)
this->data = (Type*) new Type[s.limit]; // New memory allocation
for (int i = 0; i < s.limit; i++) // For each element
this->data[i] =[i]; // Copy data into this

// ~CoolQueue -- Destructor for CoolQueue class that frees up storage
// Input: None
// Output: None

CoolQueue::~CoolQueue() {
if (this->limit != 0 &&
this->alloc_size != INVALID) // If not static-size object
delete [] this->data; // Free up the memory

// Type& get () -- Get and remove first-in item in this CoolQueue
// Input: None
// Output: Reference to first-in Type value

Type& CoolQueue::get () {
if (in == out) { // If no elements in CoolQueue
printf ("CoolQueue<%s>::get(): No elements in queue.\n", #Type);
abort ();
int result = out; // Get data
if (++out >= limit) out = 0; // increment and wrap
return data[result];

// Boolean get (Type& result) -- Get and remove first-in item in this CoolQueue
// Input: None
// Output: Reference to first-in Type value

Boolean CoolQueue::get (Type& result) {
if (in == out) return FALSE;
result = this->data[out]; // Get data
if (++out >= limit) out = 0; // Increment and wrap
return TRUE;

// Boolean unget (Type&) -- Return TRUE if able to put a Type value on the
// front-end of this CoolQueue
// Input: Reference to a Type value
// Output: TRUE or FALSE

Boolean CoolQueue::unget (const Type& value) {
int save = out;
if (--out < 0) out = limit - 1; // decrement and wrap
if (in == out) { // Check for full
out = save;
if (!this->grow()) return FALSE;
if (--out < 0) out = limit - 1; // decrement and wrap
data[out] = value; // Stuff data
return TRUE;

// Boolean put (Type&) -- Put a new last-in item on this CoolQueue; return TRUE
/// if successful
// Input: Reference to a Type value
// Output: TRUE or FALSE

Boolean CoolQueue::put (const Type& value) {
int save = in;
if (++in >= limit) in = 0; // Increment and Wrap
if (in == out) { // Check for full
in = save;
if (!this->grow()) return FALSE;
save = in;
if (++in >= limit) in = 0; // Increment and Wrap
data[save] = value; // Store
curpos = in; // Invalidate curpos
return TRUE;

// Type& unput () -- Remove and return last-in item of this CoolQueue
// Input: None
// Output: Reference to the Type value of the last-in item

Type& CoolQueue::unput () {
if (in == out) { // If no elements in queue
printf ("CoolQueue<%s>::unput(): No elements in queue.\n", #Type);
abort ();
if (--in < 0) in = limit - 1; // decrement and wrap
curpos = in; // Invalidate curpos
return data[in];

Boolean CoolQueue::unput (Type& result) {
if (in == out) return FALSE; // If no elements in queue
if (--in < 0) in = limit - 1; // decrement and wrap
curpos = in; // Invalidate curpos
result = this->data[in]; // Get data
return TRUE;

// Boolean find (Type&) -- Return TRUE if value is found in this CoolQueue
// Input: Reference to a Type value
// Output: TRUE or FALSE

Boolean CoolQueue::find (const Type& value) {
int i;
if (in == out) // Nothing is in CoolQueue
return FALSE; // Return failure
if (in > out) {
for (i = out; i < in; i++) // check from out to in-1
if ((*(this->compare_s))(this->data[i], value)) { // If found
this->curpos = i; // Set curpos to index
return TRUE; // Return success
else {
for (i = out; i < limit; i++) // check from out to limit-1
if ((*(this->compare_s))(this->data[i], value)) { // If found
this->curpos = i; // Set curpos to index
return TRUE; // Return success
for (i = 0; i < in; i++) // check from first to in-1
if ((*(this->compare_s))(this->data[i], value)) { // If found
this->curpos = i; // Set curpos to index
return TRUE; // Return success
return FALSE; // Return failure

Boolean CoolQueue::grow () {
int new_size;
if (this->alloc_size == INVALID) return FALSE;
if (growth_ratio_s > 0.0)
new_size = (int)(limit * (1.0 + growth_ratio_s)); // New size?
new_size = limit + alloc_size;
return TRUE;

// void resize (int)-- Adjust the memory size of a CoolQueue to accomodate some
// new size
// Input: Number of elements to hold
// Output: None

void CoolQueue::resize (int s) {
if (this->alloc_size == INVALID) { // If not allowed to grow
this->resize_error (#Type); // Raise exception
return; // Return
Type* temp; // Temporary variable
Type* tp;
int len = this->length();
int i;
tp = temp = (Type*) new Type[s]; // Allocate storage
if (in > out) {
for (i = out; i < in; i++) // copy from out to in-1
*tp++ = data[i]; // Copy value
if (in < out) {
for (i = out; i < limit; i++) // copy from out to limit-1
*tp++ = data[i]; // Copy value
for (i = 0; i < in; i++) // copy from first to in-1
*tp++ = data[i]; // Copy value
if (this->limit != 0)
delete [] this->data; // Free up old memory
this->data = temp; // Assign new memory block
this->limit = s; // Save new size value
curpos = len;
in = len;
out = 0;

// Boolean remove () -- Destructively remove item at current position; return
// TRUE if successful
// Input: None
// Output: TRUE or FALSE
Boolean CoolQueue::remove () {
int i;
if (in == out) return FALSE; // Fail if nothing in queue
if (in > out) { // Data is between out and in-1
if (curpos < out || curpos >= in) // Fail if invalid curpos
return FALSE;
for (i = curpos; i < in; i++)
data[i] = data[i+1];
else {
if (curpos >= out) { // Data is between out and limit
if (curpos >= limit) // fail if invalid curpos
return FALSE;
for (i = curpos; i >= out; i--)
data[i] = data[i - 1];
else { // data is between 0 and in-1
if (curpos >= in) // fail if invalid curpos
return FALSE;
for (i = curpos; i < in; i++)
data[i] = data[i+1];
return TRUE; // Report success

// Boolean remove (Type&) -- Destructively remove the first occurence of an
// element, starting from front of this CoolQueue; return
// TRUE if element is found and removed
// Input: Reference to Type value
// Output: TRUE or FALSE

Boolean CoolQueue::remove (const Type& value) {
return find(value) && remove(); // find it, Remove it & return status

// CoolQueue& operator= (CoolQueue&) -- Assignment
// Input: Reference to a CoolQueue
// Output: Reference to modified this

CoolQueue& CoolQueue::operator= (const CoolQueue& s) {
if (this != &s) {
int len = s.length();
int i;
if (this->limit < len) { // if not enough memory
if (this->alloc_size == INVALID) // If static size queue
this->assign_error (#Type); // Raise exception
if (this->limit != 0)
delete [] this->data; // Free it up
this->limit = s.limit; // New CoolQueue size
this->data = (Type*) new Type[s.limit]; // Allocate bigger memory
out = 0;
in = len;
curpos = len;
register Type* dp = this->data;
if ( >= s.out)
for (i = s.out; i <; i++) // copy from s.out to
*dp++ =[i]; // Copy value
else {
for (i = s.out; i < s.limit; i++) // copy from s.out to s.limit-1
*dp++ =[i]; // Copy value
for (i = 0; i <; i++) // copy from first to
*dp++ =[i]; // Copy value
return *this; // Return reference

// Boolean operator== (CoolQueue&) -- Compare this CoolQueue with another
// CoolQueue;
// Input: Reference to a CoolQueue
// Output: TRUE or FALSE if equal/non equal.

Boolean CoolQueue::operator== (const CoolQueue& q) const {
if (this->length() != q.length()) // If not same number
return FALSE; // Then not equal
int tp = this->out;
int qp = q.out;
while (tp != this->in) {
if (!(*this->compare_s)(this->data[tp],[qp]))
return FALSE; // Return failure if no match
if (++tp >= this->limit) tp = 0; // increment and wrap
if (++qp >= q.limit) tp = 0; // increment and wrap
return TRUE;

// Boolean is_data_equal -- Default data comparison function if user has not
// provided another one.
// Input: Two Type references
// Output: TRUE or FALSE

Boolean CoolQueue_is_data_equal (const Type& t1, const Type& t2) {
return (t1 == t2);

// void set_compare(Compare) -- Set this CoolQueue's compare function
// Input: Pointer to a compare function
// Output: None

void CoolQueue::set_compare (Boolean (*cf) (const Type&, const Type&)) {
if (cf == NULL)
this->compare_s = &CoolQueue_is_data_equal; // Default equality function
this->compare_s = cf; // Else set to user function

// operator<< -- Overload the output operator for CoolQueue
// Input: ostream reference, queue reference
// Output: CoolQueue data is output to ostream

ostream& operator<< (ostream& os, const CoolQueue& q) {
return q.qprint(os);

// This is a method because Glockenspiel's Cfront 1.2 doesn't let
// friend functions access the protected data members of our base class
ostream& CoolQueue::qprint(ostream& os) const {
if (in == out) // If no elements
os << " Empty "; // Report empty status
else {
int i;
os << "[ ";
if (in >= out)
for (i = out; i < in; i++) // copy from out to in-1
os << data[i] << " ";
else {
for (i = out; i < limit; i++) // copy from out to limit-1
os << data[i] << " ";
for (i = 0; i < in; i++) // copy from first to in-1
os << data[i] << " ";
os << "]";
return os; // Return stream reference

  3 Responses to “Category : C++ Source Code
Archive   : JCOOL01.ZIP
Filename : QUEUE.C

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: