Category : C++ Source Code
Archive   : JCOOL01.ZIP
Filename : N_NODE.H

Output of file : N_NODE.H contained in archive : JCOOL01.ZIP
// Copyright (C) 1991 Texas Instruments Incorporated.
// Permission is granted to any individual or institution to use, copy, modify,
// and distribute this software, provided that this complete copyright and
// permission notice is maintained, intact, in all copies and supporting
// documentation.
// Texas Instruments Incorporated provides this software "as is" without
// express or implied warranty.
// Created: MBN 07/05/89 -- Initial design
// Updated: MBN 08/10/89 -- Initial implementation
// Updated: MBN 08/11/89 -- Inherit from Generic
// Updated: MBN 09/19/89 -- Added conditional exception handling
// Updated: MBN 12/21/89 -- Added optional argument to set_compare method
// Updated: MBN 02/27/90 -- Added operator= for pointer argument
// Updated: MJF 03/12/90 -- Added group names to RAISE
// Updated: VDN 02/21/92 -- New lite version
// Updated: JAM 08/19/92 -- modernized template syntax, remove macro hacks
// Updated: JAM 09/28/92 -- added ItemType and max_children members for
// new N_Tree convention
// The N_Node class implements parameterized nodes of a static
// size for N-ary trees. This node class is parameterized for both the type
// and some "N", the number of subtrees each node may have. The constructors
// for the N_Node class are declared in the public section to
// allow the user to create nodes and control the building and structure of an
// N-ary tree where the ordering can have a specific meaning, as with an
// expression tree.
// The private data section contains just two slots. The first is a static
// sized vector of "N" pointers to N_Node objects, one for each subtree. The
// second is a data slot of type Type to hold the value of the data item.
// There are three public constructors for the N-Node class. The first takes
// no arguments and initializes the pointer and data slots to NULL. The second
// takes an argument of type Type and initializes the data slot to that value.
// The third takes a reference to another N-Node object and duplicates its
// values.
// Methods are provided to set and get the node data value, determine if a node
// is a leaf or the root of some subtree, and implement member-wise assignment
// from one N-Node to another via the overloaded operator=. In addition, the
// brackets operator is overloaded to provided a mechanism to efficiently get
// and set individual subtree pointers in a specific node, thus allowing the
// user to control the orgranization and structure of a tree. Finally,
// insertion, and removal methods to allow the user to control placement and
// ordering of sub-trees of a node are available.

#ifndef N_NODEH // If no definition for class
#define N_NODEH

#ifndef MISCELANEOUSH // If we have not included this file,
#include // include miscelaneous useful definitions.

class CoolN_Tree; // Forward reference class

class CoolN_Node {
typedef Boolean (*Compare)(const Type&, const Type&);
typedef CoolN_Node* CoolN_Node_p; //Pointer to class

typedef Type ItemType;
static int max_children() { return nchild; }

CoolN_Node(); // Simple constructor
CoolN_Node(const Type&); // constructor with data value
CoolN_Node(const CoolN_Node&); // Copy constructor
~CoolN_Node(); // Destructor

inline void set (const Type&); // Set node data to value
inline Type& get (); // Get node data value
Boolean is_leaf () const; // TRUE if node has no children
inline CoolN_Node_p& operator[] (int); // Set/Get pointers
inline int num_subtrees () const; // Number of subtree slots

inline void set_compare (Compare = NULL); // Set compare
inline Boolean operator== (const Type&) const; // Overload operator==
inline Boolean operator!= (const Type&) const; // Overload operator!=
inline Boolean operator< (const Type&) const; // Overload operator<
inline Boolean operator> (const Type&) const; // Overload operator>
inline Boolean operator<= (const Type&) const; // Overload operator<=
inline Boolean operator>= (const Type&) const; // Overload operator>=

CoolN_Node& operator= (const CoolN_Node&); // Assignment
Boolean insert_before (CoolN_Node&, int); // Insert subtree
Boolean insert_after (CoolN_Node&, int); // Insert subtree

public: //## when friend below works with BC++, delete this line
//## CoolN_Node_p sub_trees[nchild]; // Vector of subtree pointers
CoolN_Node* sub_trees[nchild]; // Vector of subtree pointers
Type data; // Slot to hold data value
static Compare compare_s; // Compare function for class

CoolN_Node* copy_nodes(const CoolN_Node*) const; // Deep copy
void index_error (const char* fcn, int i); // Raise exception

//## friend class CoolN_Tree >; // Friend class to access data
friend int default_CoolN_Node_compare (const Type&, const Type&);

// num_subtrees -- Returns number of slots available for subtrees in node
// Input: None
// Output: int length of the allocated array for Nodes

inline int CoolN_Node::num_subtrees () const {
return nchild;

// set -- Set value of data slot in node
// Input: Reference to data slot value
// Output: None

inline void CoolN_Node::set (const Type& value) {
this->data = value; // Set data slot value

// get -- Get value of data slot in node
// Input: None
// Output: Reference to data slot value

inline Type& CoolN_Node::get () {
return this->data; // Return data slot value

// set_compare -- Specify the comparison function to be used in logical tests
// of node data values
// Input: Pointer to a compare function
// Output: None

inline void CoolN_Node::set_compare (/*Compare##*/Boolean (*c)(const Type&, const Type&)) {
if (c == NULL)
this->compare_s = &default_CoolN_Node_compare; // Default equality
this->compare_s = c; // Else use one provided

// operator== -- Overload the equality operator to use the compare function
// Input: constant reference to Type value
// Output: TRUE/FALSE

inline Boolean CoolN_Node::operator== (const Type& value) const {
return ((((*this->compare_s)(this->data,value)) == 0) ? TRUE : FALSE);

// operator!= -- Overload the inequality operator to use the compare function
// Input: constant reference to Type value
// Output: TRUE/FALSE

inline Boolean CoolN_Node::operator!= (const Type& value) const {
return ((((*this->compare_s)(this->data,value)) == 0) ? FALSE : TRUE);

// operator< -- Overload the less than operator to use the compare function
// Input: constant reference to Type value
// Output: TRUE/FALSE

inline Boolean CoolN_Node::operator< (const Type& value) const {
return ((((*this->compare_s)(this->data,value)) < 0) ? TRUE : FALSE);

// operator> -- Overload the greater than operator to use the compare function
// Input: constant reference to Type value
// Output: TRUE/FALSE

inline Boolean CoolN_Node::operator> (const Type& value) const {
return ((((*this->compare_s)(this->data,value)) > 0) ? TRUE : FALSE);

// operator<= -- Overload the less than or equal operator to use the compare
// function
// Input: constant reference to Type value
// Output: TRUE/FALSE

inline Boolean CoolN_Node::operator<= (const Type& value) const {
return ((((*this->compare_s)(this->data,value)) > 0) ? FALSE : TRUE);

// operator>= -- Overload the greater than or equal operator to use the compare
// function
// Input: constant reference to Type value
// Output: TRUE/FALSE

inline Boolean CoolN_Node::operator>= (const Type& value) const {
return ((((*this->compare_s)(this->data,value)) < 0) ? FALSE : TRUE);

#endif // End N_NODEH #if

  3 Responses to “Category : C++ Source Code
Archive   : JCOOL01.ZIP
Filename : N_NODE.H

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: