Dec 182017
MFC VC++ class library. GridWiz ver 1.0 demo. Grid class (shareware).
File GRIDWI.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category C++ Source Code
MFC VC++ class library. GridWiz ver 1.0 demo. Grid class (shareware).
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
GRID3.EXE 205792 100531 deflated
GRID3VW.CPP 3278 1133 deflated
GRID3VW.H 1346 597 deflated
README.TXT 1047 530 deflated

Download File GRIDWI.ZIP Here

Contents of the README.TXT file

GridWiz Version 1 Demo

GridWiz is a CView derived class which implements a UI similar to
MS Excel. To use GridWiz, simply derive a view class from it.
To specialize the drawing of a cell, you will overide CGridView::
DrawGridCell(..). You will be passed the Cell's row and column
index along with a CRect for clipping if you want. There is even an
option for CRecordset, just supply a CRecordset*. There are a wide
variety of virtual functions and notifications to help customize
your app.

At press time, GridWiz was not quite ready. This demo does have a
couple bugs which are being worked on. If you like what you see,
GridWiz will be available by 5/14/94.

GridWiz (library $59)
GridWiz (source $299)

The Midnight Software Co.
17180 Creighton Dr.
Chagrin Falls, Oh 44023
(216) 543-2550

 December 18, 2017  Add comments

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