Dec 092017
Example DLL with MSC v7 source for implementing timers in Windows apps.
File DLLTIMER.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category C++ Source Code
Example DLL with MSC v7 source for implementing timers in Windows apps.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
DLLTIMER 386 189 deflated
DLLTIMER.C 5989 1946 deflated
DLLTIMER.DEF 510 215 deflated
DLLTIMER.DLL 27400 12194 deflated
DLLTIMER.H 733 357 deflated
DLLTIMER.LIB 1536 243 deflated
DLLTIMER.LNK 160 102 deflated
DLLTIMER.MAP 2698 510 deflated
DLLTIMER.OBJ 17179 8019 deflated
EXAMPLE 600 290 deflated
LIBENTRY.ASM 2265 938 deflated
LIBENTRY.OBJ 241 227 deflated
STRINGS 466 216 deflated
STRINGS.C 1615 581 deflated
STRINGS.DEF 382 187 deflated
STRINGS.DLL 25364 11167 deflated
STRINGS.H 217 148 deflated
STRINGS.HH 334 180 deflated
STRINGS.LIB 1536 155 deflated
STRINGS.LNK 194 99 deflated
STRINGS.MAP 2556 462 deflated
STRINGS.OBJ 14543 6556 deflated
STRINGS.RC 494 299 deflated
STRINGS.RES 335 212 deflated

Download File DLLTIMER.ZIP Here

 December 9, 2017  Add comments

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