Category : C++ Source Code
Archive   : CPPTUT.ZIP
Filename : WORDS.CPP

Output of file : WORDS.CPP contained in archive : CPPTUT.ZIP
#include "words.h"
#include "clock.h"

extern clock time_of_day;

// This function reads a line of text from the keyboard, parses
// it, and does some limited checking. Only the first two
// words are considered.
void words::get_command(void)
enum word wd1, wd2;

do {
verb = (enum word)0;
noun = (enum word)0;
read_a_line(wd1, wd2); // Get a line from the player
if (wd1) { // If there is a value for wd1
if (is_a_verb(wd1)) verb = wd1; // it is a verb
if (is_a_noun(wd1)) noun = wd1; // or a noun.

if (wd2) { // If there is a value for wd2
if (is_a_verb(wd2)) {
if (verb == 0)
verb = wd2; // it is a verb
else {
verb = noun = (enum word)0; // Two verbs, illegal
printf("Two verbs are illegal, ignored!\n");
if (is_a_noun(wd2)) {
if (noun == 0)
noun = wd2; // It is a noun.
else {
verb = noun = (enum word)0;
printf("Two nouns are illegal, ignored!\n");

if ((verb == 0) && (noun != 0)) {
verb = noun = (enum word)0;
printf("A verb is required, ignored!\n");
} while (verb == 0);

// This function reads words in ASCII form from the keyboard
// ignoring any words after two have been read. The words
// are checked to see if they are in the dictionary as de-
// fined by the enumeration variable named "word".

void words::read_a_line(word &wd1, word &wd2)
char string1[25], string2[25], string3[25];
char last_char;

last_char = get_an_ASCII_word(string1); // Get first word
if (last_char != '\n') {
last_char = get_an_ASCII_word(string2); // Get second word
while (last_char != '\n') { // Ignore all trailing words
last_char = get_an_ASCII_word(string3);
} else {
string2[0] = 0; // No second word

wd1 = (enum word)find_in_dictionary(string1);
wd2 = (enum word)find_in_dictionary(string2);


// This function reads a string, after ignoring the leading
// blanks. The string is terminated when any character is
// read that is not alphabetic. All characters are converted
// to lower case for internal use to allow typing flexibility.

int words::get_an_ASCII_word(char in_string[])
int char_count = 0;
int char_found = FALSE;
char c;

for (int index = 0 ; index < 80 ; index++) {
c = tolower(getchar());
if (c == '\n') { // End of line found
in_string[char_count] = 0;
return c;
if (isalpha(c) && char_count < 25) {
in_string[char_count++] = c;
char_found = TRUE;
} else {
if (isspace(c) && !char_found)
; // Ignore leading blanks
else {
in_string[char_count] = 0; // ASCIIZ terminator
return c;

// This function uses the dictionary pairs to convert the
// ASCII input strings into the internal enumeration values.
// This list must be maintained along with the enumerated
// type "word".

struct dict_pair {
char dict_string[10];
word found_word;

dict_pair pair[] = {"north" ,north,
"n" ,north,
"east" ,east,
"e" ,east,
"south" ,south,
"s" ,south,
"west" ,west,
"w" ,west,
"drop" ,drop,
"get" ,get,
"look" ,look,
"read" ,read,
"buy" ,buy,
"help" ,help,
"quit" ,quit,
"keys" ,keys,
"candy" ,candy,
"ticket" ,ticket,
"money" ,money,
"monitor" ,monitor,
"paper" ,paper,
"" ,(enum word)0 }; // List terminator

int words::find_in_dictionary(char in_string[])
int wd;
dict_pair *pointer = &pair[0];

if (in_string[0] == 0) return 0; // No string to look up
do {
if (strcmp(in_string, pointer->dict_string) == 0)
return pointer->found_word;
pointer = pointer + 1; // Next word in list
} while (pointer->found_word); // End of word list
printf("I don't know what \"%s\" is.\n",in_string);
return 0; // Word not found in list

// Is the input word a verb?
int words::is_a_verb(enum word input_word)
return ((input_word >= north) && (input_word <= quit));

// Is the input word a noun?
int words::is_a_noun(enum word input_word)
return ((input_word >= keys) && (input_word <= paper));

// Is the input word a direction?
int words::is_a_direction(enum word input_word)
return ((input_word >= north) && (input_word <= west));

// Is the input word a operation?
int words::is_an_operation(enum word input_word)
return ((input_word >= drop) && (input_word <= quit));

  3 Responses to “Category : C++ Source Code
Archive   : CPPTUT.ZIP
Filename : WORDS.CPP

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: