Category : C++ Source Code
Archive   : CPPTUT.ZIP
Filename : MULTINH1.CPP

Output of file : MULTINH1.CPP contained in archive : CPPTUT.ZIP
// Chapter 9 - Program 1

class moving_van {
float payload;
float gross_weight;
float mpg;
void initialize(float pl, float gw, float in_mpg) {
payload = pl;
gross_weight = gw;
mpg = in_mpg; };
float efficiency(void) {
return(payload / (payload + gross_weight)); };
float cost_per_ton(float fuel_cost) {
return(fuel_cost / (payload / 2000.0)); };

class driver {
float hourly_pay;
void initialize(float pay) {hourly_pay = pay; };
float cost_per_mile(void) {return(hourly_pay / 55.0); } ;

class driven_truck : public moving_van, public driver {
void initialize_all(float pl, float gw, float in_mpg, float pay)
{ payload = pl;
gross_weight = gw;
mpg = in_mpg;
hourly_pay = pay; };
float cost_per_full_day(float cost_of_gas) {
return(8.0 * hourly_pay +
8.0 * cost_of_gas * 55.0 / mpg); };

driven_truck chuck_ford;

chuck_ford.initialize_all(20000.0, 12000.0, 5.2, 12.50);

cout << "The efficiency of the Ford is " <<
chuck_ford.efficiency() << "\n";

cout << "The cost per mile for Chuck to drive is " <<
chuck_ford.cost_per_mile() << "\n";

cout << "The cost of Chuck driving the Ford for a day is " <<
chuck_ford.cost_per_full_day(1.129) << "\n";

// Result of execution
// The efficiency of the Ford is .625
// The cost per mile for Chuck to drive is 0.227273
// The cost of Chuck driving the Ford for a day is 195.530762

  3 Responses to “Category : C++ Source Code
Archive   : CPPTUT.ZIP
Filename : MULTINH1.CPP

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: