Category : C++ Source Code
Archive   : CPPTASK.ZIP
Filename : TSKKBD.ASM

Output of file : TSKKBD.ASM contained in archive : CPPTASK.ZIP
; CTask - Keyboard handler module.
; Public Domain Software written by
; Thomas Wagner
; Patschkauer Weg 31
; D-1000 Berlin 33
; West Germany
; This module traps the keyboard interrupts to allow task switching
; on waiting for a character.
; All characters are put into a (word)pipe, and can either be
; read directly from the pipe, or through the normal INT 16 channels.
name tskkbd
.model large
public _tsk_install_kbd
public _tsk_remove_kbd
public _t_read_key
public _t_wait_key
public _t_keyhit
extrn _asm_read_wpipe: far
extrn _asm_check_wpipe: far
extrn _asm_c_write_wpipe: far
include tsk.mac
intseg segment at 0
org 09h*4
hwdoff dw ? ; keyboard hardware interrupt
hwdseg dw ?
org 16h*4
kbdoff dw ? ; keyboard I/O interrupt
kbdseg dw ?
intseg ends
; Variables
extrn _key_avail: wpipe
kbd_flag db 0
; Original Interrupt-Entries
savhwd label dword ; original hardware int entry
savhwdoff dw ?
savhwdseg dw ?
savkbd label dword ; original keyboard I/O entry
savkbdoff dw ?
savkbdseg dw ?
; void tsk_install_kbd (void)
; Install keyboard handler
_tsk_install_kbd proc far
; Save old interrupt vectors
push es
xor ax,ax
mov es,ax
assume es:intseg
mov ax,kbdoff
mov savkbdoff,ax
mov ax,kbdseg
mov savkbdseg,ax
mov ax,hwdoff
mov savhwdoff,ax
mov ax,hwdseg
mov savhwdseg,ax
; Enter new Interrupt-Entries
mov kbdoff,offset kbdentry
mov kbdseg,cs
mov hwdoff,offset hwdentry
mov hwdseg,cs
pop es
assume es:nothing
_tsk_install_kbd endp
; void tsk_remove_kbd (void)
; Un-install keyboard handler
_tsk_remove_kbd proc far
push es
xor ax,ax
mov es,ax
assume es:intseg
; Restore interrupt entries
mov ax,savkbdoff
mov kbdoff,ax
mov ax,savkbdseg
mov kbdseg,ax
mov ax,savhwdoff
mov hwdoff,ax
mov ax,savhwdseg
mov hwdseg,ax
pop es
assume es:nothing
_tsk_remove_kbd endp
; int t_read_key (void)
; Waits for key from keyboard. Returns char in lower byte,
; Scan-Code in upper byte.
_t_read_key proc far
xor ax,ax ; no timeout
push ax
push ax
mov ax,offset _key_avail
push ds
push ax
call _asm_read_wpipe
add sp,8
_t_read_key endp
; int t_wait_key (dword timeout)
; Waits for key from keyboard. Returns char in lower byte,
; Scan-Code in upper byte.
_t_wait_key proc far
push bp
mov bp,sp
push 8[bp] ; timeout
push 6[bp]
mov ax,offset _key_avail
push ds
push ax
call _asm_read_wpipe
add sp,8
pop bp
_t_wait_key endp
; int t_keyhit (void)
; Checks if char is available. Returns -1 if not, else the
; character value. The character remains in the buffer.
_t_keyhit proc far
mov ax,offset _key_avail
push ds
push ax
call _asm_check_wpipe
add sp,4
_t_keyhit endp
; INT 9 - Keyboard hardware interrupt
hwdentry proc far
call cs:savhwd ; process key
push ds
push es
push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
mov ax,seg dgroup
mov ds,ax
mov es,ax
mov ah,1
call cs:savkbd ; check if char available
jz hwd_ret ; return if not
xor ah,ah
call cs:savkbd ; get the key
push ax ; push key
mov ax,offset _key_avail
push ds
push ax
call _asm_c_write_wpipe
add sp,6
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
pop es
pop ds
hwdentry endp
; INT 16 - Keyboard I/O
kbdentry proc far
cmp ah,2
jb kbd_funcs
jmp cs:savkbd ; pass on functions >= 2
push ds
push es
push dx
push cx
push bx
mov bx,seg dgroup
mov ds,bx
mov es,bx
cmp ah,1
jb kbd_read
mov bx,offset _key_avail
push ds
push bx
call _asm_check_wpipe
add sp,4
cmp ax,0ffffh
jne kbd_gotone
xor ax,ax
pop bx
pop cx
pop dx
pop es
pop ds
ret 2
xor ax,ax
push ax
push ax
mov bx,offset _key_avail
push ds
push bx
call _asm_read_wpipe
add sp,8
pop bx
pop cx
pop dx
pop es
pop ds
kbdentry endp

  3 Responses to “Category : C++ Source Code
Archive   : CPPTASK.ZIP
Filename : TSKKBD.ASM

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: