Category : Communication (modem) tools and utilities
Archive   : VA202.ZIP
Filename : VAHELP.BBS

Output of file : VAHELP.BBS contained in archive : VA202.ZIP
| V I E W A R C |
| |
| Hÿe l p D i s p l a y |
| ----------------------- |
| |
| ViewARC is a facility used to assist users in determining the value |
| of archived files on a bulletin board system. This utility provides |
| many features which are not found on the GTÿbulletin board menu. |
| |
| ViewARC is a self-contained program used in conjunction with the host |
| mode of GTÿPowerComm. It reads the GT directory structure and allows |
| the user to change directories and examine various archives contained |
| on a directory. In ViewARC, the menu selection is much like that of |
| GT. In fact, a few of the commands are the same, such as the C)hange |
| Directory, F)ile Describe, L)ist Files, and W)here Is File commands. |
| |
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| V I E W A R C |
| |
| ViewARC Menu Commands |
| |
| C - Change directory. This allows you to select one of the available |
| directories set up under the host mode of GTÿPowerComm. You will |
| be asked to select a directory from a directory list menu. |
| D - Download times. This allows you to list estimated download time |
| for each file contained in the selected directory. |
| F - File descriptions. This allows you to list the file descriptions |
| for files in the selected directory. This lists the FILES.BBS |
| file contained in the current directory. |
| L - List files on directory. This allows you to list files contained |
| on the selected directory. |
| N - List new files on all GTÿdirectories that have been added/modified |
| after a user entered date. You will be asked to enter the date. |
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| V I E W A R C |
| |
| ViewARC Menu Commands |
| |
| T - Type a file contained within an archive. You will be asked for |
| the name of the archive file (must have ".ARC" extention). You |
| will also be asked whether you would like to view the contents |
| of the archive prior to selecting a text file to be listed. When |
| prompted for the text file, ViewARC will extract the text from |
| the file directly to the console. This will enable you to look |
| at program documentation to see if the archive is of desire to you. |
| V - View contents of an archive file. You will be asked if you want |
| a list of files on the directory. You are then asked to enter a |
| filename of the archive you wish to view. All files contained in |
| the archive will be list with the date of each file. This is very |
| helpful when checking whether the contents are a recent version. |
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| V I E W A R C |
| |
| ViewARC Menu Commands |
| |
| W - Where is a file. You will be asked for the name of the file |
| you are looking for. You may specify a file name in full and |
| you can include wild cards in the file specification. ViewARC |
| will search all GT directories for the existence of the file. |
| Directories contining files that match the specification will |
| be identified. |
| P - Pause mode toggle. When pause mode is on, all output will be |
| paginated by the "More (Y/n)?" prompt. This will give you the |
| option of terminating subsequent pages and return to the main |
| menu. When the Pause Mode Toggle command is used, it will toggle |
| between paginated and non-paginated screen output. |
| Q - Quit ViewARC and return to GT main menu. |
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| V I E W A R C |
| |
| ViewARC Support |
| |
| If you are using GTÿPowerComm as a host mode program, it can |
| be extremely helpful to you and the users of the board to have |
| ViewARC set up as a Door. ViewARC can also be used offline, |
| provided that the GTPATH parameter has been set in the DOSÿ |
| environment. ViewARC will search for the GTDIR.BBSÿfile on |
| the GTÿdirectory to determine the directories available in |
| the host mode. The commands will execute the same offline as |
| when performed online in a GTÿdoor. |
| |
| ViewARC is a Shareware program. Copyright (c) 1987: Chris B. |
| Smith, "The Private Sector" (713)664-7679. |
| |

  3 Responses to “Category : Communication (modem) tools and utilities
Archive   : VA202.ZIP
Filename : VAHELP.BBS

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: