Category : Communication (modem) tools and utilities
Archive   : TAPDO541.ZIP
Filename : TAPDOC.IDX
&C1 4-10
&D2 4-10 Phone Hang Up 3-12 Thread 6-7
(P)rivate 6-28
(X) after the 6-13 Restart Output 3-13
recipient's name Join Forums 3-7
6-18, 6-21
*SYSOP 1-4, 6-27 Review Last 350 contents 3-14
.SND File 6-24 Lines 3-12
[TAPCIS: ] messages
description C-1
/ex 6-24
/IRQ 4-9
/LOG 4-4, 4-6 Execute Macro 3-12 Toggles Conference
/NUMORDER 6-11 Macros 3-8 Mode 3-12
/split 6-25
90-day money-back
guarantee 1-2 Set Default
9600 baud modem 4-12 Parameters 3-7
?3 4-11
^U 10-3 Logoff After File
Transfer 7-7 Edit a File 3-11
---------------------- Logoff After
Keystrokes Transfer 3-12
Refresh Indicators
6-7, 6-15 3-11 Abort 3-12
Simple Terminal Refresh Markers Cancel prompt 3-14
3-11 10-5 Online Toggle 3-12
<$> 4-15 6-28
STATS 3-11
<$> function 9-1 Catalog 3-10
<*> 6-18 Reply in New Forum
Formfeed to Printer 3-10 6-20, 6-24, 6-26
<^> 6-5 7-7
<0> 6-23
Address Book 3-10
Advanced Commands Abort CIS Command
3-8 3-13 Save 3-10
ddress 6-20
dvanced 4-16,
6-28 Reformat> 6-22
Switch Forum and
Parameter Files Online and Messages 6-24
3-7 to You 3-9
Switch Parameter Stop Output 3-13
Files 3-11
TAPCIS Index X-1
4-10 Import Message 3-10 4-3
nitialize modem
A-1 10-4 Downloaded Headers
nteractive 3-5,
6-15, 7-7 New Subject Sent to
Library Search 3-8,
Mark Headers 3-10 New Message Subject Sysop Commands 4-3
Search the Message 3-10
File 6-26 Search the ----------------------
Get New Messages and se Address 6-17 Abort 4-8
Headers 3-8 ser 4-16 Aborting downloads
6-12 Search the Save File Access Networks 4-12
Go Online 3-9 3-10 Active messages 6-8
6-6, 6-24 Write a Message 3-8 6-2
Write New Message Adding a forum 3-3
Parameters 3-7 3-10 Address
arameters 4-9,
6-15, 9-1 5-6, 6-20, 6-21, 6-21
Screen 7-5 6-27 Address book 2-5,
Capture CompuServe Start a New Search Address Options 5-5
Information 3-12 6-26 Addresses 5-6
Scroll Down Searched
File 6-26
Execute Script 3-12 6-26 Editor keys help
Top of Searched File 3-14
6-26 ---------------------- Alt-F10
Read Waiting 3-9 ---------------------- 3-13
Reply 3-9
Save to forum.SAV Catalog 4-3 Archiving
file 3-10
ave 6-7 Download Script 4-3 ASCII file retrieve
X-2 Index TAPCIS
Professionals CISSTATS.COM (see Creating directories
1-3 <$>) 4-15 4-5
Asterisks 6-4 CO mode 8-1 Ctrl-Bksp
ATDT 4-10, A-1 /HANdle 8-3 Delete Word 3-13
Attributes 6-22 /HELP 8-3 Ctrl-End
Auto reformatting Color radar maps Delete From Cursor
6-22 10-4 to End of Line
Auto-membership 6-1 Colors 4-15 3-13
Autopilot 2-4, 3-8, COM: port 4-9 Ctrl-F1
6-7 Change 4-9 Shell to DOS 3-7,
Select 4-9 3-13
---------------------- Command Ctrl-F3
B Del 6-18 Reformat 3-13
---------------------- Command Conventions Ctrl-KB
B Plus Protocol 7-5 1-1 Mark Start of Block
B+ protocol 2-2, 2-6 Command Reference 3-14
Backspace 3-13 3-7 Ctrl-KC
Binary file 5-1, Commands 3-7 Copy Block 3-14
5-9, 7-3 CO 8-2 Ctrl-KH
/binary 7-3 Script 9-3 Hide a Block 3-14
format 5-9 Composing 3-13, 6-26 Ctrl-KK
Binary file transfer CompuServe Mark End of Block
5-8 Defaults 4-19 3-14
Block Commands 3-14 CompuServe Default Ctrl-KV
BROwse 7-5 Parameters Move Block 3-14
Short 6-15 CompuServe Forums Yank Block 3-14
BYE 7-7 E-1 Ctrl-T
CompuServe Delete to End of
---------------------- Information Word and Space
C Service 2-1 3-13
---------------------- CompuServe Mail 2-3, Ctrl-Y
Cancel 6-5 Delete Line 3-13
Discard 6-24 5-13
F1 4-8 Delivery delay 5-10 ----------------------
Search 6-26 FAX 5-11 D
Capture 4-18 File Transfer 5-8 ----------------------
Captured messages 5-11 4-9
4-3 Receiving ASCII Data Libraries 7-1,
Carrier A-2 Files 5-10 7-2
Remote A-2 CompuServe parameters Data library 2-2
Catalog 4-3, 7-3 4-1 DataPac 4-2
Commands 7-4 Conference 6-16, 8-2 Date 7-4
Create 7-1 CO 2-2 Default option 6-23
Data Library files Congressgrams 5-13 Default printer 6-18
4-3 Connect charges 7-8 Default rates 9-1
Download marking Connect time 5-2 Defaults 4-19
7-3 Connection charge Delete 3-13
Mark 3-5 statistics for free Delete message 6-18
Search 3-5 forums 6-3 Description 7-4
Updating 7-2 Control characters Desqview 1-6
CHANGES.TAP 1-1, 4-3 A-1 Dial
CheckFree 4-17 Convert 6-25 Manually A-2
Chit chat 6-11 CRC 7-5 Directories
CIS.SCR 4-2 Creating 4-5
TAPCIS Index X-3
Directory Elapsed time online Forum Support 2-5
Download 3-1 7-5 Libraries 2-6
Storage 3-1 Electronic mail 5-1 Message 2-5
subdirectory 4-5 Email 6-23 Other 2-7
Discard 6-22 Emoticons 10-1 FEEDBACK 5-12
Discard message 6-23 ENS 5-13 File
Disk full Erases the current Date 7-4
Errors 4-5 line Formatted 6-25
Distribution Files ^Y 8-3 Mark 7-4
4-2 Error Send 6-24
Distribution lists LOGINE 4-18 Size 7-4, 7-7
2-5 Error checking 8-1 Transfer 7-6
DL 2-2 Error messages File transfer
DL action Disk full error 4-5 Log 7-6
Down Triangle 7-3 Insufficient memory Filed 5-4
DL Search command 4-5 Filename 7-3
7-1 write error 4-5 Files 4-3, 7-1
DOS box 1-6 Error-free Archive 7-9
DOS Text format Downloading 7-1 Listing 7-2
File 6-25 Exclamation mark Mark 7-3
Double-headed up and 6-7, 6-15 Multiple 7-9
down arrow 6-24 Executive News FIND FORUMS 6-2
Down triangle 7-3 Service 5-13 Formatted
Download 6-6 Exit 6-20 File 6-25
Abort 10-4
File path 4-14 F7 4-8 Forum 2-1
Interrupted 7-7 To a DOS program .SND file editing
Log 7-6 6-19 6-24
Tips 7-7 To DOS 6-19 Adding a new 3-3
Download catalog 7-3 To main menu 6-20 Joining 6-1
Downloaded headers Extension .SCR Libraries 7-1
4-3 Scripts 8-1 list E-1
Downloading 2-2, 7-1 Max total messages
Marking the file ---------------------- 6-8
7-7 F Scroll rate 6-8
Script 7-4 ---------------------- Section selection
Downloads 6-5 F1 6-13
DPC.SCR 4-2 Cancel 3-7 Section updating
Dynamics F3 6-13
Forum 6-8 Help 3-7 Status markers 10-4
F5/F6 Forum number 6-24
---------------------- Scroll window 3-14 Forum select screen
E F7 6-3
---------------------- Exit 3-7 Forums 4-7, 6-1
E>dit 5-5 F8
Edit 6-24 Switch Between
Editing 6-21 Message and Reply Files for
Editing Commands 3-10 downloading 7-1
3-13 Toggle between M 2-5
Editing keys editor windows Q 2-5
Alt-F3 6-22 3-14 R 2-5, 6-10
Editor 3-13, 6-17, F9 Select all 6-4
6-22 Import file 3-14 Forwarding 6-20
Editor Reference Fail report 4-11 FRONTEND.SCR 4-2
3-13 FAX 5-11 Function key 6-22
Editor screen 5-4 Features 2-5
Communications 2-6
X-4 Index TAPCIS
---------------------- Internet 5-12 MACROS.CIS
G Introductory Macros 4-4
---------------------- Membership Mail
Gateway 2-1, 3-4 Sign-on 3-3 File transfer 5-8
GIF 7-3 Introductory Mailing Lists 5-7
GO BILLING 9-1 Membership Kit Main menu 6-24, 8-1
GO DEFAULT 3-3, 4-19 1-1, 4-17 screen 4-7
GO TAPCIS 1-4 Introductory Sign-on Main Menu Commands
Guarantee 1-2 ID 4-13 3-10
IntroPak 4-17 MANUAL.SCR 4-2
---------------------- Manually
H ---------------------- Dial A-2
---------------------- J Mark
Hard drive ---------------------- Headers 6-8
installation 3-1 Join 6-3 Marked Message Forums
Hardware Required Joining a Forum 6-1 M Forum 6-11
1-6 Marking 6-10
Hayes compatible A-1 ---------------------- Marking headers 6-7
HAYS 4-11 K Marking the file 7-7
Header 5-3 ---------------------- MCI Mail 5-12, 10-2
Fake 6-15 Keyword searches 2-6 Membership Directory
Header marking 6-7 Keywords 7-2, 7-4, 4-16
Headers 6-5 7-9 Menu 2-1, 6-22
Mark 6-8 Parameters 4-9
Marked 6-6 ---------------------- Message
Quick Scan 6-15 L /split 6-25
Help 4-7 ---------------------- Composing 3-13
F3 2-7 L;
New User 1-5 6-24 Edit before sending
Help Files 4-1 LATA 4-2, 9-3 6-24
High message number Libraries 3-5, 7-1 Editing commands
6-13 Library 2-2 3-13
Management System Formatting 6-23
---------------------- 2-6 Forwarding 6-20
I LIBs 7-1 Reading Select
---------------------- Limit Threads 6-29
Import 6-26 24 characters 6-22 Replying 5-4
Inbox Processing 3-9 Limitations 1-6 Reset 6-28
Indicator 6-6 File Libary Catalogs Saving 5-4
! 3-5 1-6 Thread 2-2
^ 3-5 Hardware 1-6 Message #0 6-15
Forum status 6-7 Mail Messages 1-6 Message editor 6-17
INFONET.SCR 4-2 Line breaks 6-23 Message forwarding
Initial Parameters Line Noise 10-3 6-20
4-17 Log Times 9-1 Message headers 6-5
Input Editing Login 6-3 Message Navigation
3-14 LOGINE 4-18 6-16
Insert/overwrite LOGmm-yy.CIS Message size limit
3-13 Accounting Record 6-24
Installation 3-1 4-3 Message Status Marks
Networks 1-6 Logoff 6-7 6-19
Interactive 2-4, 7-1 Message threads 4-3
Keyboard 8-1 ---------------------- Messages 2-1, 6-8
Interactive Commands M Append 4-15
3-12 ---------------------- Discard 6-23
Interactive Mode Macros 9-7 Line breaks 6-23
3-5, 6-15, 8-1 Conference Mode 9-7 Maximum length 6-24
TAPCIS Index X-5
New 6-28 ---------------------- Print
Overwrite 4-15 O Message 6-18
Pending 6-15 ---------------------- Print this message
Read 6-29 Offline commands 7-1 6-18
Reading 3-4 Online 6-28 Private messages
Splitting long ones Activity 6-24 2-3, 6-18
6-25 Script 6-28 Program File 4-1
Subjects 6-22 Online report 4-10 Protocol transfer
Transmit 6-24 ONLINE.LOG 4-2, 7-5 Aborting 10-4
Truncated 6-25 Records Session 4-4 Protocol transfers
Unformatted 6-23 Options 6-3 7-1
Writing 3-4, 6-21 OS/2 1-6 Logging 4-15
Messages subjects Outbox Actions 3-8 Public sections 6-13
6-22 Overwrite 4-15 Pulse dialing A-1
MNP 10-3 Overwrite parameter
Modem 6-15 ----------------------
Commands A-1 Owning Pages 3-4 Q
Dial A-1 ----------------------
Fail report 4-11 ---------------------- Q-forum 6-22
Initialize 4-10 P Quick B Protocol 7-5
Online report 4-10 ---------------------- Quick Scan 6-2, 6-15
Reset A-1 Packet Size
Reset command 4-11 Adjust 2-6 ----------------------
Modems 4-9 Packets 7-5 R
Monitor Page 2-1 ----------------------
Colors 4-15 Parameter R Forums 6-10
Multi-part reply Overwrite 6-15 Radar maps 10-4
6-25 Parameter settings Rates 9-1
Multiple addresses 4-18 RATES.CIS 4-1
5-1, 5-6 Parameters Read
Multiple parameter CompuServe 3-3 Navigation 6-16
files 9-2 Menu 4-9 Read by the recipient
Multiple sessions Multiple 9-2 (X) 6-21
6-15 Recheck 4-17 READ.ME 4-2
Setting 4-9 Reading Messages
---------------------- TAPCIS 3-2 6-15
N Parameters menu Reading mode
---------------------- 4-13 Marked messages 6-2
Name PARAMS 9-2 Quick scan 6-2
Changing in a forum PARAMS.CIS 3-1, 4-1 Read all threads
6-29 PARAMS.SCR 4-1 6-2
Navigation 6-29 parity 4-9 README.TAP 4-2
Network 4-13 Password 4-13, 4-17 Reformat 6-22
Network access Permanent 3-3 Reformatting 6-23
Cost/Performance Temporary 3-3 Refunds 1-2
4-12 Path Registered 1-5
Network installation Directory 6-25 Registering 1-3
1-6 Drive 6-25 Remote carrier A-2
Network surcharges Pause 9-3 Replies 6-6, 6-8
7-8 Pending messages Reply
Networks 4-12 6-15 Different forum
New mail 5-3 Permanent settings 6-17
Nodes 4-12 4-19 Multi-part 6-25
PHONES.SCR New Subject/Section
800-346-3247 4-2 6-17
Postal delivery 5-11 Replying 5-4
Practice Forum 10-1 Reset modem 4-11
X-6 Index TAPCIS
Retrieving 6-25 Setting Parameters TAPCIS directory 4-3
Retrieving Text 6-25 4-9 TAPCIS Forum 1-4
Return receipt 2-3, Setup TAPCIS Forum
5-7 R Forum 6-10 Registration 6-27
Return Receipts 5-1 Setup Commands 3-7 TAPCIS.CFG 4-1
Running TAPCIS 4-6 Sh-F1 TAPCIS.HLP 4-1
Execute DOS Command TAPCIS.SCR 4-2
---------------------- 3-7 TapRoom 6-11
S Sh-F9 Telephone numbers
---------------------- Import original 4-11
Save failure 5-4 message 3-14 Telex 5-12
Save this message Shareware 1-3 Temporary Number
6-18 Shell to DOS 6-19 6-27
Saved message file Shell to program Terminal Mode 3-6,
4-3 6-19 8-1, 8-3
Saving messages 5-4 Shelling to DOS 2-7 Thread 2-2, 6-6
SCAN QUICK NEW 6-8 Short bulletin 6-15 Threads 6-25
Scanned Sign-on 4-17, 4-18 TLA's 10-1
Catalog files 7-3 Sign-on Procedure Top box 6-28
Screen size 4-18 Top window 6-26
4-6 Size Transfer log 7-6
Script File 7-4 Transmit 5-2
Downloading 7-4 Skip forward/backward Travel Kit 10-5
Upload 9-5 Message 2-5 TRAVEL.KIT 10-5
Script commands 9-3 Thread 2-5 Triangle 7-5
Script files 4-1 Special Interest Truncated 6-25
Scripts 8-1, 9-4 Groups 2-1 Tymnet 4-2, 4-12,
Scroll rate 6-8 Split-screen text 9-3
Search editor 2-5
Address book 5-6 Splitting messages ----------------------
Cancel 6-26 6-25 U
Search Another File Sprintnet ----------------------
6-26 4-1, 9-3 Unformatted
Section 6-13 Standard time 9-1 Messages 6-23
Section box 6-2 Start Up Options B-1 Unmark
Section list 6-13 Starting TAPCIS 3-1 Selection 6-6
Section selection STATS.EXE 4-1, 4-2 Upgrading 1-1, 3-2
6-13 Status line 5-3, Upload
Sections 2-2, 6-11, 6-16
6-16 Status markers 10-4 ASCII file 8-1
Public 6-13 Storage directory Manually 3-6
Turning off 6-11 5-10 Upload script 9-5
Send 6-22 Storage disk path Uploading 2-2, 7-8
Options 5-2 4-14, 5-10 Tips 7-9
Privately 6-23 Subdirectory 6-25 Usage reports 4-3
Transmit to Subtopics 2-2 Usage statistics 9-1
CompuServe 5-2 Support 1-4 User ID 5-5
Send "text" 9-4 Support Group, Inc. User ID's 6-8
Send menu 5-1 1-3 User identification
Send options 6-23 Surcharge 5-2 number
Serial ports 4-9 PPN 4-13
Service Agreement ---------------------- User Name 5-6
4-17 T USERID.CIS 4-1, 5-5
Sessions ---------------------- UST 6-8
Multiple 6-15 TAP.EXE 3-1
M Forum 6-12 Executing 4-6
TAPCIS Index X-7
Village Inn 6-11
Wait for a four
character sequence
Wait for a single
character "x" 9-4
Wildcard 7-1
Window 8-1
Windows 1-6
WordPerfect 6-25
WordStar 2-5
WordStar Cursor
Commands 3-13
Address book 5-6
ASCII files 6-25
Retrieving DOS files
Transmit to
CompuServe 6-24
While reading 6-20
Writing Messages
XFER.LOG 4-15, 7-6,
Log of File Transfer
Activity 4-4
X-8 Index TAPCIS
Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!
This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.
But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: