Category : Communication (modem) tools and utilities
Archive   : SLRN_201.ZIP
Filename : SLEARN.SLT

Output of file : SLEARN.SLT contained in archive : SLRN_201.ZIP
// Module: slearn.slt
// Part of SLEARN (SALT learn utility) v2.01
// Copyright (C) 1989-1992 Paul Roub. All rights reserved.
// Version: 2.01
// Description: SALT script to invoke SLEARN.EXE from Telix.
// Recommended usage: using TFE, set up a dialing directory
// entry for the BBS you wish to learn a script for. Include
// 'slearn' as the Script field for that system.
// NOTES: This script assumes that CS.EXE and SLEARN.EXE are both
// available from the script directory. This means they must
// either be IN the script directory itself, or on the DOS
// PATH.
// Whenver possible, this script uses the run() function to
// run other programs , as it is faster and uses less memory.
// However, we do occasionally have to call some DOS commands,
// so dos() is used there. This is a bit inconsistent, but it
// is important, especially when calling SLEARN.EXE. If that
// takes too long, we could lose characters, thus rendering
// SLEARN all but useless.
// Author: Paul Roub

// various strings used by this script
str CmdLine [128]; // SLEARN command line
str fn [ 12]; // name of script file to create
str Deffn [ 12]; // 'best guess' script file name

str tmpfn [] = "slearn.$$$"; // name of temporary SALT file

// comm parameters:
str BaudStr [ 6]; // baud rate
str SetStr [ 3]; // settings (e.g. E71)

// Change these if you hate the colors this script asks questions in.
int AnswerColor = 112; // default: black on grey
int BoxColor = 7; // default: grey on black
int QuestionColor = 15; // default: white on black

// Set UseSetScr = 0 if you don't want SLEARN to add the new script's name
// to TELIX.FON, or if you use more than one dialing directory.
// Remember that even if UseSetScr == 1, SLEARN will still ask your
// permission before adding the script to TELIX.FON.
int UseSetScr = 1; // default: add new script to TELIX.FON

int result;
int SaveFile;
str numstr[5];
str dummy[81];
int fonfile;
int EntryPos;
str entname[25];

itos(get_baud(), BaudStr); // get comm. parameters (baud)

if (get_parity() == 0) // (parity)
SetStr = "N";
else if (get_parity() == 1)
SetStr = "E";
else // (get_parity() == 2)
SetStr = "O";

if (get_datab() == 7) // (data bits)
strcat(SetStr, "7");
strcat(SetStr, "8");

if (get_stopb() == 1) // (stop bits)
strcat(SetStr, "1");
strcat(SetStr, "2");

if (_script_dir) // change to script dir, if any

if (! filefind("slearn.cfg", 0, dummy))
if (_script_dir != "") // change to script dir, if any

// build the command line:
CmdLine = "-b"; // baud
strcat(CmdLine, BaudStr );
strcat(CmdLine, " -s" ); // settings
strcat(CmdLine, SetStr );
strcat(CmdLine, " " );

if (_strip_high)
strcat(CmdLine, "-h ");

if (_entry_name != "")
strcat(CmdLine, "-n ^""); // entry name, if any
strcat(CmdLine, _entry_name);
strcat(CmdLine, "^" ");

if (_entry_pass != "") // _entry_pass, perhaps
strcat(CmdLine, "-w ^"");

strcat(CmdLine, _entry_pass);
strcat(CmdLine, "^" ");

strcat(CmdLine, tmpfn ); // and the file to create

result = run("slearn.exe", CmdLine, 0); // and run slearn


if (result < 0) // Couldn't run it
prints("Error: Couldn't find or run SLEARN.EXE. SLEARN.EXE must either be in the");
prints(" TELIX script directory, or in a directory specified in the PATH");
prints(" environment variable.");


SaveFile = YesOrNo("Save the new script file?", "y");

if (SaveFile)
DefSLTname(Deffn); // get default SALT file name

// see what the user wants to call it
if (ask("Save with what name?", Deffn, fn, 12) == -1)
fn = Deffn;

if (strpos(fn, ".", 0) == -1) // tack on SLT extension if necessary
strcat(fn, ".slt");


CmdLine = "copy "; // copy temp file to permanent file
strcat(CmdLine, tmpfn);
strcat(CmdLine, " " );
strcat(CmdLine, fn );
dos(CmdLine, 0);

CmdLine = "del "; // delete temp file
strcat(CmdLine, tmpfn);
dos(CmdLine, 0);

SaveFile = YesOrNo("Compile the new script file?", "y");

if (SaveFile)
result = run("cs.exe", fn, 0); // and compile the new file

if (result == -1) // Couldn't run it
prints("Error: Couldn't find or run CS.EXE. CS.EXE must either be in the");
prints(" TELIX script directory, or in a directory specified in the PATH");
prints(" environment variable.");
CmdLine = "del "; // otherwise, just trash the temp
strcat(CmdLine, tmpfn);
dos(CmdLine, 0);
result = 0;

if (_telix_dir != "") // get back where we started

if (SaveFile && UseSetScr && (result == 0))
if (YesOrNo("Install this script in TELIX.FON?", "y"))
if (! filefind("zzz.fon", 0, dummy))
dos("copy telix.fon zzz.fon", 0);
status_wind("Dummy FON file ZZZ.FON was created.", 30);

if (! filefind("zzz.fon", 0, dummy))
status_wind("Dummy FON file ZZZ.FON does not exist! Can't write to TELIX.FON", 30);

dummy = "Setting script for entry ";
itos(_entry_enum, numstr);
strcat(dummy, numstr);
strcat(dummy, " (");
strcat(dummy, _entry_name);
strcat(dummy, ") to ^"");
strcat(dummy, fn);
strcat(dummy, "^"");

status_wind(dummy, 20);

fonfile = fopen("telix.fon", "r+");
if (fonfile <= 0)
status_wind("Error opening TELIX.FON", 20);
EntryPos = 64 + (86 * (_entry_enum - 1));
fseek(fonfile, EntryPos);
fread(entname, 25, fonfile);
setchr(entname, 25, 0);

if (entname != _entry_name)
status_wind("Entry name does not match _entry_name. Can't write to TELIX.FON");
setchr(fn, strpos(fn, ".", 0), 0);
fseek (fonfile, EntryPos + 46);
fwrite(fn, 12, fonfile);



status_wind("Thank you for using SLEARN -- support shareware!", 15);


// Function: DefSLTname
// Description: Try to guess a default SALT script name from the Telix
// script directory and entry name. We use the first 8
// alphanumeric characters in _entry_name, plus .SLT. If
// _entry_name is blank (or devoid of alphanumerics), then we
// use the name 'new.slt' instead.
// Parameters: str name - default name (returned)
// Returns: nothing
DefSLTname(str name)
int DstCount, SrcCount; // indices of source and dest strings

DstCount = 0;
SrcCount = 0;

while ((DstCount < 8) && (SrcCount < 25))
if (isalnum(subchr(_entry_name, SrcCount)))
setchr(name, DstCount, subchr(_entry_name, SrcCount));
DstCount = DstCount + 1;

SrcCount = SrcCount + 1;

setchr(name, DstCount, 0);

if (strlen(name) == 0)
name = "new.slt";
strcat(name, ".slt");



// Function: ask
// Description: prompt the user for a string
// Parameters: str question - prompt
// str default - default value for answer
// str answer - answer (returned)
// int max - maximum length of answer
// Returns: -1 if ESC hit
// length of answer otherwise
ask(str question, str default, str answer, int max)
int left, right; // left and right sides of box
int len; // length of longest string to display
int result; // return code
int SaveHandle; // handle of saved screen area
int top, bottom; // top and bottom sides of box
int x, y; // used to save/restore cursor position

top = 9;
bottom = 9 + 6;

len = strlen(question);
if (len < strlen(default) + 9)
len = strlen(default) + 9;
if (len < max)
len = max;

left = (80 - (len + 4)) / 2;
right = left + len + 3;

x = getx();
y = gety();
SaveHandle = vsavearea(left, top, right, bottom);
box(left, top, right, bottom, 3, 0, BoxColor);

pstraxy(question, left + 2, top + 2, QuestionColor);
pstraxy("Default: ", left + 2, top + 3, BoxColor );
pstraxy(default, left + 11, top + 3, BoxColor );

// Draw an 'input field' so the user can see right off the bat how long
// 'answer' is allowed to be.
pstraxy(" ", left + 2, bottom - 2, AnswerColor );

result = getsxy(answer, max, left + 2, bottom - 2, AnswerColor);

gotoXY(x, y);

if (result == 0)
answer = default;
result = strlen(answer);


// Function: YesOrNo
// Description: asks yes or no questions, with default
// displays question and default, and accepts one character
// if this character is CR or ESC, then default[0] is used
// keeps receiving characters until char is 'y' or 'n'
// Parameters: str question - question to ask
// str default - default string - "y" or "n"
// Returns: 1 if 'y' was entered
// 2 if 'n' was entered
YesOrNo(str question, str default)
int ch; // user's input character
int left, right; // left and right sides of box
int len; // length of question
int SaveArea; // handle of saved screen area
int top, bottom; // top and bottom sides of box
int x, y; // used to save/restore cursor position

if (strlen(default) > 1)
setchr(default, 1, 0);

if ((default != "y") && (default != "n"))
default = " ";

len = strlen(question);

top = 10;
bottom = top + 4;
left = (80 - (len + 6)) / 2;
right = left + len + 5;

x = getx();
y = gety();

SaveArea = vsavearea(left, top, right, bottom);
box(left, top, right, bottom, 3, 0, BoxColor);

pstraxy(question, left + 2, top + 2, QuestionColor);
pstraxy(default, left + 2 + len + 1, top + 2, AnswerColor);
gotoxy (left + 2 + len + 1, top + 2);

ch = inkeyw();

if ((ch == 13) || (ch == 27))
ch = subchr(default, 0);

ch = tolower(ch);
} while ((ch != 'y') && (ch != 'n'));


gotoxy(x, y);

return(ch == 'y'); // true if 'y', false if 'n'

  3 Responses to “Category : Communication (modem) tools and utilities
Archive   : SLRN_201.ZIP
Filename : SLEARN.SLT

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: