Category : Communication (modem) tools and utilities
Archive   : PCPTD988.ZIP
Filename : PCPLUS.NEW

Output of file : PCPLUS.NEW contained in archive : PCPTD988.ZIP
All Rights Reserved

**** Additions and corrections in version September 1988 ****************


- SENDFILE SEALINK fixed to send multiple files with a wildcard.
- SEALINK changed to use "$" file renaming conventions.
- Telink time/date stamp problem fixed.
- ASCII download Ctrl-Z/append bug fixed.
- Better file error checking on ASCII downloads.
- Seldom encountered problem with YMODEM-G fixed.
- Fixed send init ctrl quote request in Kermit.
- Fixed bug with software flow control flag at startup.
- Changed auto file lookup to handle all valid filename characters.
- Fixed problem with default protocol after ESCing from transfer window.
- Dialer no longer requires minimum 1 second pause between dial.
- Host mode welcome message is now translated.
- Fixed a bug with the GET command wrapping into the status line.
- Fixed problem updating DOS clock when host mode rolls over midnight.
- MENUMODE ON will not allow an ESC from a script file.
- Repaired and enhanced various terminal emulation features involving
protected fields with Wyse and TeleVideo terminals.
- VT102 now identifies itself as VT102, not VT100 with AVO.
- Dedicated print now requires 2 ESC's locally to exit to allow users to
send ESC's to the remote.
- Dedicated print now supports Alt-B to send a break.
- Added separate attributes in terminal mode for normal, bold,
low, reverse and underline.
- Added Setup option for ANSI.SYS compatibility (see addendum).
- Expanded length of dialing buffer from 40 to 60, even though most
modems will handle only 40.
- Added SET MENUMODE ON/OFF ASPECT command (see addendum).
- The EMULATE command will now accept both TVI9xx and TV9xx.
- AUTOBAUD DETECT now defaults to OFF.
- Fixed cursor positioning error under Desqview and Windows.
- Fixed various problems displaying the status line in command files.
- Fixed 3270 and TV9xx display attribute problems.
- Fixed Backspace error with masked fields.
- Fixed return values of KEYGET for control characters.
- Fixed error with ASCII upload blank line expansion and Wordstar files.
- Fixed Backspace error in command files.
- Fixed Elapsed Time (Alt-T) and PCPLUS.FON time calculations.
- Fixed enhanced keyboard problems with help menu.
- Fixed problem of some file transfers eating ^Z at end of file.
- ^Z no longer clears the screen in TTY emulation.
- Fixed format problem displaying directories in Alt-F.
- Removed screen dump (Alt-G) from redisplay--use write to file.
- Changed default color of status line highlight.
- Fixed ASPECT file handling of blank lines to avoid error 9s.
- Fixed display handling under multitaskers.
- Fixed Kermit checksum problems with type 2.
- Changed SET DISPLAY OFF to stop all display from remote.
- Host now sends init string after A)bort command.
- Host mode chat mode sends each character as typed, not a line at a time.
- Fixed various redisplay problems.
- Redisplay uses WRAP option in its display.
- Changed time formatting so that midnight is 12:00AM, not 00:00AM
with 12 hour clock.
- Fixed error in autobaud routine that caused CONNECT 19200 to
signal CONNECT 1200.
- Fixed ANSI processing of .NWS file.

**** Additions and corrections in version 1.1 ***************************


- EGA washout problem removed.
- Fixed internal memory problem causing errors with external programs
and redisplay.
- Extra CR/LF in half duplex fixed.
- CIS Quick B protocol supported.
- Fixed error using keypad digits in some menus.
- "CANNOT OPEN FILE" error in Kermit uploads fixed.
- DIAL ASPECT command correctly sets default terminal and protocol.
- Alarm rings when connected after dialing.
- Response improved when cycling or aborting during dialing.
- Quicker hangups between calls when dialing.
- Added SORTDIR program to sort directories.
- ASPECT file selection window restored.
- Added DLOAD "filename" ASPECT command for loading dialing directories.
- Added SET DISPLAY ON|OFF command to control display of incoming
characters during WAITFOR and RGET commands.
- Made the pause character (default=~) user settable.
- Added option to strip high bit during ASCII transfers.
- Added up- and download directories for host mode.
- Added option to send init string when CD is found (default = YES).
- Moved the ABORTED DOWNLOADs option to Protocol Options in Setup.
- Altered comm port addresses to accept 4 hex digits for PS/2.
- Added support for the enhanced keyboard.
- "ERROR 10" when using SENDFILE and some protocols fixed.
- XMODEM last block padded with ^Z, not nulls.
- SEALINK download name error repaired.
- ANSI dedicated print functions repaired.
- Added ANSI sequence support to TV 955.
- Added dedicated print functions to TV terminals.
- Miscellaneous repairs/additions to TV and Wyse terminal emulations.
- Fixed format in .FON problem.
- Updated .HLP file for new functions.
- Ctrl-S sends XOFF without no scroll function (Alt-N).
- Removed pause displaying "**BREAK**" message so you can send
multiple breaks close together.
- Added PCPLUS.HHP file to supplemental disk as specified in manual.
- Fixed character insert with text in column 80 error.

  3 Responses to “Category : Communication (modem) tools and utilities
Archive   : PCPTD988.ZIP
Filename : PCPLUS.NEW

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: