Category : Communication (modem) tools and utilities
Archive   : MSKER314.ZIP
Filename : VT300.INI

Output of file : VT300.INI contained in archive : MSKER314.ZIP
; VT300.INI - MS-DOS Kermit keyboard setup for DEC VT200-300 series terminals.
; Originally contributed by Kevin Lowey, University of Saskatchewan Computing
; Services. For use only with MS-DOS Kermit 3.10 or later. Adapted for new
; features of version 3.10 at Columbia University. Further modified by Kevin
; Lowey to correct some problems in the original keyboard layouts. etc etc.
; Two different setups are provided, one for the 101-key extended PC keyboard,
; one for the 88-key original keyboard. This file (when used with MS-DOS
; Kermit 3.10 or later) automatically determines which kind of keyboard you
; have. See the comments in the file to learn the key assignments.
; NOTE: The key assignments made by this file comprise just one of an infinite
; number of possible arrangements. No two people agree about how best to map
; DEC keyboard keys to IBM PC keys. If the mappings done by this file do not
; suit your taste, feel free to make modifications.
; Usage: TAKE VT300.INI (specify complete path if necessary).
; Or put this TAKE command in your MSCUSTOM.INI file.
; If you will be emulating a VT220 or VT320 terminal on a DEC VAX computer
; VMS 5.0 or later, and you have an 8-bit (no-parity) connection to it,
; also uncomment or otherwise issue the following command:

; If you need to use the ISO Latin-1 character set in the 7-bit environment
; with the host sending Shift-In/Shift-Out (Ctrl-N/Ctrl-O) to switch between
; ASCII and special characters, uncomment the following command:
;;; set terminal character-set latin1 G1

; Standard VT terminal settings
set term tabs at 1:8

; Version test
if not < version 310 goto systest
echo VT300.INI requires MS-DOS Kermit Version 3.10 or later.

; System check
if eq "\v(platform)" "IBM-PC" goto kbtest
echo VT300.INI is only for IBM PCs, PS/2s, and compatibles.

; Automatic keyboard test
set key on
asg \%9 \v(keyboard)
if eq "\%9" "88" goto kb88
if eq "\%9" "101" goto kb101
if numeric \%9 if > \%9 101 goto kb101
echo Keyboard type "\%9" not supported by VT300.INI.

echo VT300.INI: IBM-101 Extended Keyboard Setup...
; IBM-101 Extended Keyboard Definitions
; Numeric Keypad
; There are two definitions for each of the numeric keypad keys,
; one for when is pressed, and one when it isn't.
set key \850 \kkp0 ; Keypad 0 (Numlock) Keypad 0
set key \338 \kkp0 ; Keypad 0 (Normal) Keypad 0
set key \847 \kkp1 ; Keypad 1 (Numlock) Keypad 1
set key \335 \kkp1 ; Keypad 1 (Normal) Keypad 1
set key \848 \kkp2 ; Keypad 2 (Numlock) Keypad 2
set key \336 \kkp2 ; Keypad 2 (Normal) Keypad 2
set key \849 \kkp3 ; Keypad 3 (Numlock) Keypad 3
set key \337 \kkp3 ; Keypad 3 (Normal) Keypad 3
set key \843 \kkp4 ; Keypad 4 (Numlock) Keypad 4
set key \331 \kkp4 ; Keypad 4 (Normal) Keypad 4
set key \844 \kkp5 ; Keypad 5 (Numlock) Keypad 5
set key \332 \kkp5 ; Keypad 5 (Normal) Keypad 5
set key \845 \kkp6 ; Keypad 6 (Numlock) Keypad 6
set key \333 \kkp6 ; Keypad 6 (Normal) Keypad 6
set key \839 \kkp7 ; Keypad 7 (Numlock) Keypad 7
set key \327 \kkp7 ; Keypad 7 (Normal) Keypad 7
set key \840 \kkp8 ; Keypad 8 (Numlock) Keypad 8
set key \328 \kkp8 ; Keypad 8 (normal) Keypad 8
set key \841 \kkp9 ; Keypad 9 (Numlock) Keypad 9
set key \329 \kkp9 ; Keypad 9 (Normal) Keypad 9

set key \334 \kkpminus ; Keypad + Keypad -
set key \2382 \kkpcoma ; ALT Keypad + Keypad ,
set key \851 \kkpdot ; Keypad . (Numlock) Keypad .
set key \339 \kkpdot ; Keypad . (normal) Keypad .
set key \4365 \Kkpenter ; Keypad Enter Keypad Enter

; F1 PF1 (default Kermit)
; Use GOLD.COM to make Num Lock work as F1/PF1/Gold.
set key \325 \kPF1 ; This works with WPGGOLD.COM.

set key \4399 \kPF2 ; Keypad / PF2
set key \311 \kPF3 ; Keypad * PF3
set key \330 \kPF4 ; Keypad - PF4 Key

; F1 thru F20 keys IBM DEC
set key \1374 \kholdscrn ; Control-F1 F1
set key \1375 \kprtscn ; Control-F2 F2
set key \1376 \khelp ; Control-F3 Setup
; No Definition ; Control-F4 F4

; Default mapping ; F1 Gold (PF1)
; Default Mapping ; F2 PF2
; Default Mapping ; F3 PF3
; Default Mapping ; F4 PF4
set key \319 \kbreak ; F5 Break
set key \320 \Kdecf6 ; F6 DEC F6
set key \321 \Kdecf7 ; F7 DEC F7
set key \322 \KdecF8 ; F8 DEC F8
set key \323 \KdecF9 ; F9 DEC F9
set key \324 \KdecF10 ; F10 DEC F10
set key \389 \kdechelp ; F11 DEC Help
set key \390 \kdecdo ; F12 DEC Do
set key \2408 \kdecF11 ; Alt-F1 F11
set key \2409 \kdecF12 ; Alt-F2 F12
set key \2410 \kdecF13 ; Alt-F3 F13
set key \2411 \kdecF14 ; Alt-F4 F14
set key \2412 \kdechelp ; Alt-F5 Help (F15)
set key \2413 \kdecdo ; Alt-F6 Do (F16)
set key \2414 \kdecF17 ; Alt-F7 F17
set key \2415 \kdecF18 ; Alt-F8 F18
set key \2416 \kdecF19 ; Alt-F9 F19
set key \2417 \kdecF20 ; Alt-F10 F20

; Cursor Keypad
set key \4434 \kdecinsert ; Gray Insert DEC Insert Here
set key \4435 \kdecRemove ; Gray Delete DEC Remove
set key \4423 \kdecFind ; Gray Home DEC Find
set key \4431 \KdecSelect ; Gray End DEC Select
set key \4425 \KDecPrev ; Gray Page Up DEC Prev Screen
set key \4433 \KDecNext ; Gray Page Down DEC Next Screen

if < version 314 pop ; User Defined Keys (UDKs), new to version 3.14.

; These are available as verbs \KudkF6..F20, but it's up to you to decide
; what keys or key combinations to assign them to.


echo VT300.INI: IBM-88 Original Keyboard Setup...
; Key Definitions:
; The numeric keypad is mapped as follows:
; IBM Function VT100 Keys
; Normal Shifted On the Numeric Keypad
; ------------------------- -------------------------
; | F1 | F2 | SF1 | SF2 | | PF1 | PF2 | PF3 | PF4 |
; |-----+-----+-----+-----| |-----+-----+-----+-----|
; | F3 | F4 | SF3 | SF4 | | 7 | 8 | 9 | - |
; |-----+-----+-----+-----| |-----+-----+-----+-----|
; | F5 | F6 | SF5 | SF6 | | 4 | 5 | 6 | , |
; |-----+-----+-----+-----| |-----+-----+-----+-----|
; | F7 | F8 | SF7 | SF8 | | 1 | 2 | 3 | |
; |-----------+-----|-----| |-----------+-----|ENTER|
; | F9 | F10 | SF9 | F10 | | 0 | . | |
; ------------------------- -------------------------
; F9 is defined as DEC's Keypad-0 key.
; F10 is defined as DEC's Keypad-Enter key.
; SF9 is defined as DEC's Keypad-DOT key.
; The DEC F1 to F10 keys are mapped to the PC's Ctrl-F1 through Ctrl-F10 keys.
; The DEC F11 to F20 keys are mapped to the PC's Alt-F1 to Alt-F10 keys.
; Definition PC key DEC key
set key \315 \kpf1 ; F1 PF1
set key \316 \kpF2 ; F2 PF2
set key \317 \kkp7 ; F3 Keypad 7
set key \318 \kkp8 ; F4 Keypad 8
set key \319 \kkp4 ; F5 Keypad 4
set key \320 \kkp5 ; F6 Keypad 5
set key \321 \kkp1 ; F7 Keypad 1
set key \322 \kkp2 ; F8 Keypad 2
set key \323 \kkp0 ; F9 Keypad 0
set key \324 \kkpenter ; F10 Keypad Enter

set key \852 \kpf3 ; Shift-F1 PF3
set key \853 \kpf4 ; Shift-F2 PF4
set key \854 \kkp9 ; Shift-F3 Keypad 9
set key \855 \kkpminus ; Shift-F4 Keypad Minus
set key \856 \kkp6 ; Shift-F5 Keypad 6
set key \857 \kkpcoma ; Shift-F6 Keypad Comma
set key \858 \kkp3 ; Shift-F7 Keypad 3
set key \859 \kkpenter ; Shift-F8 Keypad Enter
set key \860 \kkpdot ; Shift-F9 Keypad Dot
set key \861 \kkpenter ; Shift-F10 Keypad Enter (duplicate)

set key \1374 \kholdscrn ; Control-F1 F1
set key \1375 \kprtscn ; Control-F2 F2
set key \1376 \khelp ; Control-F3 Setup
; No Definition ; Control-F4 F4
set key \1378 \kbreak ; Control-F5 F5
set key \1379 \kdecF6 ; Control-F6 F6
set key \1380 \kdecF7 ; Control-F7 F7
set key \1381 \kdecF8 ; Control-F8 F8
set key \1382 \kdecF9 ; Control-F9 F9
set key \1383 \kdecF10 ; Control-F10 F10

set key \2408 \kdecF11 ; Alt-F1 F11
set key \2409 \kdecF12 ; Alt-F2 F12
set key \2410 \kdecF13 ; Alt-F3 F13
set key \2411 \kdecF14 ; Alt-F4 F14
set key \2412 \kdechelp ; Alt-F5 Help (F15)
set key \2413 \kdecdo ; Alt-F6 Do (F16)
set key \2414 \kdecF17 ; Alt-F7 F17
set key \2415 \kdecF18 ; Alt-F8 F18
set key \2416 \kdecF19 ; Alt-F9 F19
set key \2417 \kdecF20 ; Alt-F10 F20

; DEC cursor keypad equivalents:
set key \327 \kdecfind ; Home Find
set key \335 \kdecselect ; End Select
set key \329 \kdecprev ; PgUp Prev Screen
set key \337 \kdecnext ; PgDn Next Screen
set key \330 \kdechelp ; Keypad - Help
set key \334 \kdecdo ; Keypad + Do
set key \338 \kdecinsert ; Insert Insert Here
set key \339 \kdecremove ; Del Remove

; End of VT300.INI

  3 Responses to “Category : Communication (modem) tools and utilities
Archive   : MSKER314.ZIP
Filename : VT300.INI

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: