Category : Communication (modem) tools and utilities
Archive   : MSKER314.ZIP
Filename : ROLM.SCR

Output of file : ROLM.SCR contained in archive : MSKER314.ZIP
; To be used with MS-DOS Kermit 3.11 or later.
; An MS-DOS Kermit script program for dialing from a ROLMphone DCM
; (Data Communication Module).
; Stored in Kermit Distribution as MSIROLM.SCR; rename to ROLM.SCR if
; necessary so the DIAL macro can find it. Place this file in your current
; directory, or any directory in your DOS PATH.
; Expects variable \%1 to contain the phone number or data group name. This
; is done by the DIAL macro defined in MSKERMIT.INI. To make the DIAL macro
; use this file instead of HAYES.SCR, add the following line to your
; If you lack the DIAL macro definition, use this simple substitute:
; To use, just type "DIAL nnnnnnn" at the MS-Kermit> prompt, where "nnnnnnn"
; is the desired phone number or Rolm data group name.
; Sets SUCCESS flag if dialing succeeds, sets FAILURE flag
; if it fails, for use with IF SUCCESS, IF FAILURE, \v(status).
; Author: Christine M. Gianone, September 1991.
; Revised September 1992.

; Fatal error macro.
def errfail if not def \%1 def \%1 Failed - try again later.,-
echo \%1, hangup, goto fail

; Macro to check error messages.
def chkmsg reinput 0 \%1, if success errfail

if < VERSION 311 errfail {MS-DOS Kermit 3.11 or later required.}
set input timeout proceed ; Allow IF SUCCESS, IF FAILURE
set input echo on ; Let's watch what happens
clear ; Clear out old stuff from INPUT buffer
set count 3 ; Try up to 3 times to get Rolm prompt

output \13 ; Send carriage return
input 3 MODIFY\63\13\10 ; ROLMphone says "CALL, DISPLAY OR MODIFY?"
if success goto dial ; Got it.
if count goto loop ; Didn't get it, try again.

echo ROLMphone not responding on port \v(port) at speed=\v(speed).
errfail {Please check your connection and try again.}

if def \%1 if equal "\%1" "=" end 0 ; Phone number "=" means initialize only.
pause 1 ; Wait a second
output CALL \%1\13 ; Dial the number or datagroup name
set count 12 ; Try up to 12 times to read a known response

input 40 \13 ; Look for a carriage return.
if fail errfail {No response to CALL command}
reinput 0 CALL COMPLETE ; The response we wanted.
if success goto gotit
chkmsg {NOT A DATALINE} ; Check for error messages.
chkmsg {FAILED} ; This lets us fail right away, rather
chkmsg {BUSY} ; than waiting forever for CALL COMPLETE
chkmsg {LACKS PERMISSION} ; not to show up...
chkmsg {ABANDONED}
reinput 0 NOT AVAILABLE ; This one needs a hint
if fail goto again
echo Failed - Most likely cause: \v(speed) bps can't be used with \%1.
errfail {Please change your speed and try again.}
if count goto getmsg ; None of these, wait for another message.
errfail {Sorry - I don't understand these reponses.} ; Too many tries.

echo \7 ; Succeeded, beep
define errfail ; Erase ERRFAIL definition
define chkmsg ; CHKMSG definition too
end 0 ; Finished, return success code.

:FAIL ; Dialing failed.
define errfail ; Erase ERRFAIL definition
define chkmsg ; CHKMSG definition too
end 1 ; Return failure code.

  3 Responses to “Category : Communication (modem) tools and utilities
Archive   : MSKER314.ZIP
Filename : ROLM.SCR

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: