Category : Communication (modem) tools and utilities
Archive   : MSKER314.ZIP
Filename : HEBREW.HLP

Output of file : HEBREW.HLP contained in archive : MSKER314.ZIP

The HEBREW.INI file sets up MS-DOS Kermit 3.13 (or later) for Hebrew terminal
emulation. To use it, just type HEBREW at the MS-Kermit> prompt (assuming
you have executed the standard MSKERMIT.INI file). Or give a TAKE command
for this file, e.g.:

take c:\kermit\hebrew\hebrew.ini

If you always want to have Hebrew terminal emulation available, use a text
editor like DOS EDIT to add the "hebrew" or "take hebrew.ini" command to your

The HEBREW.INI file defines two macros, HKEYS and EKEYS. HKEYS puts your
keyboard in Hebrew Mode; it sets up your keyboard so unshifted letter (and
certain punctuation) keys send Hebrew characters. EKEYS puts your keyboard
back in English (Roman) mode, so that these same keys send their normal
codes (Roman letters, etc).

These macros can be invoked in three different ways:

1. At the "MS-Kermit>" prompt, just type the name of the macro,
"hkeys" or "ekeys".

2. During terminal emulation, press the F5 key to enter Hebrew mode;
press F6 to enter English mode.

3. During terminal emulation, the host application can send special
VT-terminal escape sequences to switch Kermit between Hebrew and
English mode automatically. (See the Hebrew section of the KERMIT.UPD
file for details).

These macros make the following key assignments, which are compatible with the
Hebrew-model IBM PC keytops, and with Hebrew WordPerfect and other popular
Hebrew applications. You may refer to the WordPerfect Hebrew key diagram for
easy reference or, if you have a PostScript printer, you can print the
KEYMAP.PS file from this diskette.

The following are all valid Kermit commands, to make it easy for you to change
them if you desire. The HEBREW.INI file contains the same definitions, but in
compressed form for rapid execution.

; The following commands set up Hebrew keyboard mode.
; This is what the HKEYS macro does.
SET KEY \113 / ; q = slash (/)
SET KEY \119 \39 ; w = apostrophe (')
SET KEY \039 \44 ; ' = comma (,)
SET KEY \047 . ; / = period (.)
SET KEY \116 \128 ; t = Hebrew letter aleph
SET KEY \099 \129 ; c = Hebrew letter bet
SET KEY \100 \130 ; d = Hebrew letter gimel
SET KEY \115 \131 ; s = Hebrew letter dalet
SET KEY \118 \132 ; v = Hebrew letter he
SET KEY \117 \133 ; u = Hebrew letter waw
SET KEY \122 \134 ; z = Hebrew letter zain
SET KEY \106 \135 ; j = Hebrew letter chet
SET KEY \121 \136 ; y = Hebrew letter tet
SET KEY \104 \137 ; h = Hebrew letter yod
SET KEY \108 \138 ; l = Hebrew letter terminal kaph
SET KEY \102 \139 ; f = Hebrew letter kaph
SET KEY \107 \140 ; k = Hebrew letter lamed
SET KEY \111 \141 ; o = Hebrew letter terminal mem
SET KEY \110 \142 ; n = Hebrew letter mem
SET KEY \105 \143 ; i = Hebrew letter terminal nun
SET KEY \098 \144 ; b = Hebrew letter nun
SET KEY \120 \145 ; x = Hebrew letter samech
SET KEY \103 \146 ; g = Hebrew letter ayin
SET KEY \059 \147 ; ; = Hebrew letter terminal pe
SET KEY \112 \148 ; p = Hebrew letter pe
SET KEY \046 \149 ; . = Hebrew letter terminal zade
SET KEY \109 \150 ; m = Hebrew letter zade
SET KEY \101 \151 ; e = Hebrew letter qoph
SET KEY \114 \152 ; r = Hebrew letter resh
SET KEY \097 \153 ; a = Hebrew letter shin
SET KEY \044 \154 ; , = Hebrew letter taw

; The following commands set up English keyboard mode.
; This is what the EKEYS macro does.
SET KEY \113 \113 ; q
SET KEY \119 \119 ; w
SET KEY \047 \047 ; /
SET KEY \039 \039 ; '
SET KEY \116 \116 ; t
SET KEY \099 \099 ; c
SET KEY \100 \100 ; d
SET KEY \115 \115 ; s
SET KEY \118 \118 ; v
SET KEY \117 \117 ; u
SET KEY \122 \122 ; z
SET KEY \106 \106 ; j
SET KEY \121 \121 ; y
SET KEY \104 \104 ; h
SET KEY \108 \108 ; l
SET KEY \102 \102 ; f
SET KEY \107 \107 ; k
SET KEY \111 \111 ; o
SET KEY \110 \110 ; n
SET KEY \105 \105 ; i
SET KEY \098 \098 ; b
SET KEY \120 \120 ; x
SET KEY \103 \103 ; g
SET KEY \059 \059 ; ;
SET KEY \112 \112 ; p
SET KEY \046 \046 ; .
SET KEY \109 \109 ; m
SET KEY \101 \101 ; e
SET KEY \114 \114 ; r
SET KEY \097 \097 ; a
SET KEY \044 \044 ; ,


  3 Responses to “Category : Communication (modem) tools and utilities
Archive   : MSKER314.ZIP
Filename : HEBREW.HLP

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: