Category : Communication (modem) tools and utilities
Archive   : KERMUTIL.ZIP
Filename : MSK230QL.INI

Output of file : MSK230QL.INI contained in archive : KERMUTIL.ZIP
comment MSK230QL.INI for MsKermit version 2.30
comment Emulation of QL VT52 QCODE keypad on PC/XT, PC/AT, and Zenith Z-181
comment by Timo Salmi 31.01.88 (Ver. 1.0)

comment F1 (GOLD) *PF1*
set key \315 \Kgold

comment F2 (HELP) *PF2*
set key \316 \Kpf2

comment F3 (find next/find) *PF3*
comment my”s Zenith ALT 8
set key \317 \Kpf3

comment F4 (delete line, undelete line) *PF4*
set key \318 \Kpf4

comment F5 (select/reset) *(.)*
set key \319 \Kkpdot

comment Zenith F6 (char/specins)
set key \320 \27Os

comment Zenith F7 undefined
set key \321

comment Zenith F8 (sect/fill)
set key \322 \27Ox

comment Zenith F9 (append/replace)
set key \323 \27Oy

comment Zenith F10 (backspace)
set key \324 \8

comment Zenith ALT 1 (word/change case)
set key \2424 \27Oq

comment Zenith ALT 2 (to end of line/delete to the end of line)
set key \2425 \27Or

comment Zenith ALT 3 (cut/paste)
set key \2426 \27Ov

comment Zenith ALT 4 (advance/bottom)
set key \2427 \27Ot

comment Zenith ALT 5 (backwards/top)
set key \2428 \27Ou

comment Zenith ALT 6 (delete character/undelete character) *(,)*
set key \2429 \Kkpcoma

comment Zenith ALT 7 (page/command)
set key \2430 \27Ow

comment Zenith ALT 8 (find next/find)
set key \2431 \27OR

comment Zenith ALT 9 (delete word/undelete word) *(-)*
set key \2432 \Kkpminus

comment Zenith ALT 0 (line/open line)
set key \2433 \27Op

comment SHIFT F10 tai num +
set key \861 \Kkpenter
set key \334 \Kkpenter

comment Zenith DEL (linefeed)
set key \339 \10

set baud 1200

comment Scandinavian characters host --> screen by Hannu Hirvonen
set translation input on
set translation input \091 \142
set translation input \092 \153
set translation input \093 \143
set translation input \123 \132
set translation input \124 \148
set translation input \125 \134
comment Scandinavian characters keyboard --> host
comment Converts the 8-bit PC scandinavian characters to 7-bits
set key \142 \091
set key \153 \092
set key \143 \093
set key \132 \123
set key \148 \124
set key \134 \125

; Change the baud rate as relevant
set baud 1200

; Put here any other commands/definitions you wish to make
; See MsKermit documentation for more details

  3 Responses to “Category : Communication (modem) tools and utilities
Archive   : KERMUTIL.ZIP
Filename : MSK230QL.INI

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: