Jan 012018
Fast Fone 1.0 is an auto phone dialer designed to work quickly with a mouse or keyboard. Uses an ASCII text file for dialing directory. Finds the phone number in each line. User configurable.
File FASTFONE.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Communications
Fast Fone 1.0 is an auto phone dialer designed to work quickly with a mouse or keyboard. Uses an ASCII text file for dialing directory. Finds the phone number in each line. User configurable.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
ATCOMAND.TXT 9119 1776 deflated
FASTFONE.DIR 432 179 deflated
FASTFONE.EXE 73548 41058 deflated
FASTFONE.TXT 8946 3537 deflated
FF.BAT 10 10 stored
FFCONFIG.DAT 102 55 deflated
FFCONFIG.EXE 56983 33800 deflated
PRINTMAN.BAT 25 25 stored
README.1ST 529 301 deflated

Download File FASTFONE.ZIP Here

Contents of the README.1ST file

Packing List and brief explanation of files in Fast Fone 1.0

FASTFONE DIR: ASCII Text file of people and names to dial
FASTFONE EXE: Actual Executable program
FF BAT: Shortcut batch file to start Fast Fone
FFCONFIG DAT: Data file with colors and modem configurations
FFCONFIG EXE: Configuration program (Run before first use)
ATCOMAND TXT: Text file with commands for Hayes compatible modems
FASTFONE TXT: Fast Fone manual
PRINTMAN BAT: Batch file to print Fast Fone manual
README 1ST: This file

 January 1, 2018  Add comments

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