Category : Communication (modem) tools and utilities
Archive   : EXECHOST.ZIP
(M)essage Menu - This option displays the three message options available
to the SysOp. They are as follows:
(E)nter a message
(R)ead messages
(K)ill all public messages - this option, although dangerous, is nice
to have available in some extreme cases. A safety feature is built in.
(C)olor Menu - Displays a menu of colors available and allows the SysOp
to change the text and menu color of the Host. Note: This is a global
color option that changes the colors for all callers. However, any changes
to the default colors will be lossed whenever the host is shut down for any
reason. The Host will always start up with the default colors. If "7" is
chosen from the color menu, then no ansi at all will be displayed to all
callers. If the SysOp wishes only to change his current ansi mode, he may
do so by entering "CM" from the main menu.
(EDIT) Guest List - The guest list is the file that contains the list
of users of the host. This command allows the SysOp to directly modify
the security levels of callers, even from remote.
The sub-options for this command are:
(V)iew Guest List - Allows the SysOp to view the current list of callers
along with their current status (security), and their password.
(A)dd a new guest to list - This option allows the SysOp to add a new
caller's name and password to the guest list. The new caller always is
given full guest access to the Host (level 5).
(U)pgrade a New Caller - This option will raise the access level of a new
caller is the SysOp has set the new caller security level at either 1 or
2. By entering the caller's name, his access will then be raised to 5.
(D)eny a Guest Access to Host - This in effect "locks-out" a caller. In
other words, his access level is set to 0, and when he calls and enters his
correct password he will immediately be hung-up on.
(S)uspend Download Priviledges - This options will suspend all the
downloading priviledges of a caller by setting his access level to 4.
(R)einstate a Guest's Access - This will reset a caller's access level to
5, which is full guest access.
(UTIL) Host Utilities - This option allows the use of four SysOp utilities.
These utilities are:
(S)hell to DOS - This allows the SysOp to shell to dos from remote. This
option may be used when in local mode, but the F2 key is probably a better
choice in this case. The shell to dos may be executed without using the
"UTIL" option by just entering "S" from the main menu.
(R)ead Host Caller's Log - Allows the remote view of the host caller's log,
which is a text record of everything that takes place on the host.
(D)OS Command Line - Allows the execution of dos commands without having
to drop to DOS.
(T)urn off Host - Shuts down the host from remote. When this option is
chosen, the SysOp will be prompted to decide which environment the host
should quit to (Telix or DOS). By quitting to DOS, the SysOp may return
to a batch file that was run earlier.
Descriptions of the Main Menu Commands displayed to all Host callers:
(D)ownload - Sends a file from Executive Host to you.
(U)pload - Sets Executive Host up to receive a file from you.
(F)ile Directories - Gives a list of all files available for download,
with file sizes, dates, and transfer times. After each screen is filled,
the display will pause until a key is pressed. If you are a level 2 user,
you may specify the contents of any directory of the disk.
(V)iew - The (Z) sub-option will view any Zip file in the download
directories of Executive Host. A guest may also view text files
that are compressed inside of the zip file.
The (T) sub-option will allow a guest to view any text file that the SysOp
has made available. A directory of text files available for view can
be found with the (F) option from the main menu, and then the (T)
sub-option. The (S)ysOp view sub-option allows the SysOp to view any
text file, anywhere on the system.
(T)ext Search - This option allows the caller to do a text search of the
file directories made available by the SysOp. Searchs for specific text,
file names, portions of file names, or even dates (in the correct format)
are allowed. Wildcards (* or ?) will be searched for literally and
should not be used.
(O)pen Door - Displays a menu of doors that may be entered.
(X)pert Mode - This will make Executive Host stop displaying the main
and protocol menus.
(G)oodbye - This will log you off, and set Executive Host up for another
(E)nter Message - Will allow you to enter a message to any registered
user of this board. Choose "Yes" for the word-wrap option if you are
entering messages normally, "no" if you want the word-wrap turned off,
such as when entering ansi colorized messages.
(R)ead Messages - Will allow you to read any public message that is in
the Executive Host message base. Enter (R S) to read mail that has
been left since you last read messages.
(C)olor Menu - Displays the color menu. From there the SysOp may change
the text and menu colors of the host.
(I)nfo on BBS - This will display information about Executive Host or
whatever the SysOp wants to be displayed here.
(P)age - This will page the SYSOP for 20 seconds.
(H)elp - Will display this help file.
If you need more help please consult the manual, or contact the author at
one or the three support Bulletin Board Systems.
Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!
This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.
But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: