Category : Communication (modem) tools and utilities
Archive   : COP09B.ZIP
Filename : ED.DOC

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ED - Text Editor i

Table Of Contents Page #

Copyright Notice.......................................1

Starting The Editor....................................1

Editor Commands........................................2

The EdConfig Program...................................5

ED - Text Editor 1

Copyright Notice

The Author does not require any donation or contribution
to allow you to evaluate this program for a short period of time.
However, if you like the program and use it, your registration
would be appretiated. Software such as this takes Months to
Create and debug, and without such software computers would be
useless. Please help support the free enterprise system and send
a $20.00 donation. If you like the program but do not feel it is
worth a $20.00 donation, please send the amount you feel it is
worth. Send to:

Bit by Bit Software
P.O. Box 33161
Louisville, KY 40232

It is through the generousity of people like yourself that
make the free enterprise system work. Please distribute this
software to whomever wishes to use it.

Starting The Editor

The syntax for starting the editor is:

ED [File Name]

The file name is optional. If a file name is not given,
you will be asked for one. The file name can also be replaced
with a wild card specification, at which time a list of all
matching files will appear in a window with a highlighted bar on
the first file. Move the bar to the file you wish to edit and
strike the return key. You may also press the key while
the highlighted bar is on a file. This will show the file's
size, date, and time that it was created.

Editing A File

To Edit a file, simply move your cursor to the position you
wish to change and type. Use your key to delete the
character above your cursor, and the key to delete
the character to the left of your cursor. Your key will
take you to the beginning of the current line. The key
will take you to the end of the current line. Press the
and key to move up and down by pages. You may go to the
top of your file by holding down the key while pressing
the key. You may also go directly to the bottom of your
file by holding down the key and pressing the
key. Save your file by pressing , and exit the editor
with . These commands are enough for you to get
started. Other advanced commands are listed on the pages that
follow. A list of commands can be brought up in the editor by
pressing the key.

ED - Text Editor 2

Edit New File

This command is used to edit a file other than the one you
are currently editing. If you have not saved your current file,
you will be asked if you wish to save it.

Goto Line

This command allows you to go to any line number in the

Restore Line

From time to time you may make some changes to a line that
you wish you hadn't. As long as you do not move off that line
or press the key, you may restore the line to what it was
when you first moved to it by pressing .

Delete Line

Deletes the line that the cursor is on. There is no way to
bring back a line that has been deleted, so be careful.

Uppercase Line

Causes all letters on the line that the cursor is on to be
converted to upper case. Characters other than letters are not

Lowercase Line

Causes all letters on the line that the cursor is on to be
converted to lower case. Characters other than letters are not

Rename File

Changes the name of the current file in the editor, but
does not automatically save the file.

ED - Text Editor 3

Toggle Insert

Normally when you type a letter on the keyboard, it is
inserted into the current line under the cursor, moving all
other characters over one position to the right. This is called
the "Insert" mode and the word "Insert" is displayed on the
bottom of your screen. The key will toggle the mode
between "Insert" and "Replace". In the replace mode, any
characters you type will be placed on top of the characters
already on the line.

Toggle Indent

Normally when you strike the key, your cursor will
be placed in the column directly below the first non-blank
character on the line above. You may toggle the "Indent" mode
on and off by pressing the
key. If the indent mode is
off, your cursor will stay on the first column after the
carriage return is struck. The current status of the Indent
mode is displayed on the status line at the bottom of your
screen to the right of the "Insert\Replace" mode display. The
word "Indent" will appear if the mode is on, and nothing will be
displayed if the mode is off.

Mark Block Begin

Marks the beginning of a block of text to be copied,
deleted, moved, printed, or to be written to a file. The marked
block will be displayed in light blue on color monitors.

Mark Block End

Marks the end of a block of text to be copied, deleted,
moved, printed, or to be written to a file. The marked block
will be displayed in light blue on color monitors.

Copy Block

Copies the marked block of text to the location of the
cursor. If no block is marked, nothing is changed.

Move Block

Moves the marked block of text to the location of the
cursor. If no block is marked, nothing is changed.

ED - Text Editor 4

Delete Block

Deletes the marked block of text. There is no way to
recover a deleted block of text.

Write Out Block

Writes the current block of text to a file specified by the

Read In Block

Reads a block of text from a file specified by the user to
the current cursor location.

Print Block

Prints the current marked block of text.

Find String

This command will ask the user for a string and search for
that string from the cursor location to the end of the file.
After the string is typed in, you will be asked for any special
options you would like. They are listed below:

B: Will cause a search backwards through the file.
I: Will treat upper and lower case letters as equal.
G: Causes a global search through the file.
C# #: Causes a search on the column of text specified
by # #, the first number specifies the first character
of the column, the second number specifies the with
of the column.

These options may be combined by simply typing in a
combination of them on the same line. For example, typing in
"BI" will cause a backward search though the file treating upper
and lower case characters as equal. While searching, the word
"SEARCH" will be placed on top of the "Indent" location.

Find & Replace String

This command will search for a string specified by the
user, and will replace the string with another string specified
by the user. All options that apply to the "Find String"
command also applies to this command. Another option is also
available for this command.

ED - Text Editor 5

S: This chooses the silent mode. Normally when you tell
the computer to find and replace strings without asking
you to verify each substitution, you will be able to see
each substitution flash on the screen. With this option
you will not see each substitution flash on the screen,
but the operation will take place much faster.

This option may also be combined with other options defined

Repeat Last Find

Repeats last "Find String" or "Find & Replace String",
whichever one was chosen last.

Start/Stop Recording Macro

By pressing the key the computer will record every key
that you press on the keyboard until the key is pressed
again. Then the (Playback Macro) key may be pressed to
play back the sequence of keystrokes that you just recorded.
This is useful for making tedious typing easy. While recording,
the word "RECORD" will be placed on top of the "Indent"
location. A maximum or 500 keystrokes may be recorded at one
time. After that, the recording will automatically be turned
off. All function, arrow, control, and alternate keys use two

Playback Macro

Plays back a sequence of keystrokes defined by the
"Start/Stop Recording Macro" command.


Causes the computer to be returned to DOS (disk operating
system) keeping the editor intact in memory. When the command
"EXIT" is typed at the DOS prompt, you will be returned to the
editor exactly the way that you had left it.

Dos Commands

Allows you to define commands to DOS that may be executed
with the <0-9> keys. This may be useful for commands that
are issued frequently to DOS, like perhaps the command to
compile a program that you are editing.

ED - Text Editor 6

Execute Dos Command <0-9>

Executes a DOS command previously defined by (Dos

The EdConfig Program

This Program is used to configure some of the defualt values

for Ed.Exe.

  3 Responses to “Category : Communication (modem) tools and utilities
Archive   : COP09B.ZIP
Filename : ED.DOC

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: