Category : Communication (modem) tools and utilities
Archive   : CA29-3.ZIP
Filename : VT100.CMD

Output of file : VT100.CMD contained in archive : CA29-3.ZIP
LEGEND "Installing VT100 emulation"
; ----- Set an emulation, enabling both display and remap
; commenced: 9/23/92 R.McG
; ----------------------------------------------------------------
; Note: This script creates the file COM-AND.RMP on the default
; subdirectory (if no COM-AND= subdir) or on the COM-AND= subdir.
; An existing COM-AND.RMP is destroyed.
; ----------------------------------------------------------------
; If COM-AND.RMP is on the current subdirectory, use it
S0 = "COM-AND.RMP" ; Default to current subdir
IF ISFILE S0 GOTO WriteRMP ; Skip if on current subdir
; Construct the file name with the COM-AND= pathing (if provided)
ENVIRON S1 "COM-AND=" ; Look for COM-AND= environment var
IF FOUND ; If environment variable found
S1 = S1&"" ; Trim trailing blanks
LENGTH S1 N0 ; Get its length
IF N0 GT 0 ; If trimmed len > 0
IF NOT STRCMP S1(n0-1:n0-1) "\" S1 = S1&"\"
S1 = ""
S0 = S1&S0 ; Concatenate path and name
; Open the output file and write the remap
FOPENO S0 text ; Open the output file
IF FAILED ; Catch open error
MESS "Cannot open "*S0
WRITE "^@S^A^@H^C^[[A^@P^C^[[B^@K^C^[[D^@M^C"
WRITE "^[[C^@G^C^[[H^@O^C^[[K^@v^G^[[H^[[ J^@"
WRITE "„^C^[[M^@w^C^[[L^@h^C^[Oq^@i^C^[Or^@j^C"
WRITE "^[Os^@k^C^[Ot^@l^C^[Ou^@m^C^[Ov^@n^C^["
WRITE "Ow^@o^C^[Ox^@p^C^[Oy^@q^C^[Op^@g^B^@q^@"
WRITE "T^C^[OP^@U^C^[OQ^@V^C^[OS^@W^C^[OT^@X^C"
WRITE "^[Om^@Y^C^[Ol^@Z^C^[OM^@[^C^[On"
; Add a remap for F10 (help) if help script is installed
WRITE "^@D^KÿVT100.HLP^M^@^@"; The " " is char value 255
FCLOSEO ; Close the file
; ----- Enable display emulation and remap
EMULATE VT100 ; Display emulation
SET REMAP ON ; Load new remap file

  3 Responses to “Category : Communication (modem) tools and utilities
Archive   : CA29-3.ZIP
Filename : VT100.CMD

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: