Category : Communication (modem) tools and utilities
Archive   : CA29-3.ZIP
Filename : REMAP.DOC

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COM-AND Remap Script

COM-AND Remap Script
Script based compiler for COM-AND remapping

COM-AND, and the REMAP script are copyright 1992 by CABER Soft-
ware. COM-AND is distributed freely and may be copied by anyone
for any number of machines, for purposes of evaluation. The
author offers COM-AND and its accessory programs as "shareware".
If you USE the program after evaluating it, you MUST pay for it.

The complete user license and registration information is to be
found in the file REGISTER.DOC. Limitations on redistribution
of COM-AND are set out in the file VENDOR.DOC. These two files
are included with the COM-AND program release.

CABER Software
R. (Scott) McGinnis
P.O. Box 3607 Mdse Mart
Chicago, IL 60654-0607

GEnie, Delphi: TARTAN
CIS .......... 73147,2665
Internet ..... [email protected]

Version 1.2: 921012

COM-AND Remap Script

Table of Contents

I. Introduction .............................................. page 1

A. What is COM-AND ......................................... page 1
B. Terminal Emulation ...................................... page 1
C. The REMAP Script ........................................ page 1

II. Running REMAP.CMD .......................................... page 2

III. REMAP source files ......................................... page 3

A. Comments ................................................ page 3
B. Section names ........................................... page 3
C. Redefinitions ........................................... page 3
D. Remapped keys within redefinitions ...................... page 5

IV. DOORWAY Remaps ............................................. page 6

V. Program Requirements ....................................... page 7

VI. Program and Author Information ............................ page 8


A. File structures ............................................ page 9

B. Syntax ..................................................... page 10

C. Tokens ..................................................... page 11

D. Unusual Remaps ............................................. page 12

E. REMAPS.TXT (source file) ................................... page 13

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I. Introduction

A. What is COM-AND?

COM-AND for the IBM PC and compatibles is a communications program
for use by itself, or for use with several integrated accessory
programs (which themselves may be used independently of COM-AND).
COM-AND provides standard comm program functions: a dialing
directory, macros, disk logging, binary and ASCII file transfers,
scripted execution and terminal emulation...

B. Terminal Emulation

COM-AND supports terminal emulation through 'display emulation',
'translation', and 'keyboard remapping' functions. These are
independent... VT100 display emulation may be combined with the
VT100 keyboard remap supplied, or the display emulation may be
combined with a different remap (one constructed to a different
set of preferences).

C. The REMAP script

The script REMAP.CMD is a compiler of sorts. It defines 'codes'
for each key COM-AND can detect (COM-AND doesn't detect all keys)
and a simple syntax for their redefinition. REMAP.CMD also
allows several redefinitions combined in one source file; each
set is given its own unique name.

This document discusses the function of the REMAP.CMD script,
and the syntax used in source files given to REMAP.CMD.

If all this seems overly complex, or if you have questions about
COM-AND's terminal emulation, feel free to write the author. I
am very interested in every reaction to COM-AND.

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The REMAP script is invoked through COM-AND's script processor (F2).
When invoked, REMAP opens a window offering a menu of choices. The
choices are:

1) Compile source into a new remap file (COM-AND.RMP)

Compilation of a source file produces a new COM-AND.RMP file
for use by COM-AND. The source file name is requested; when
the source file is opened it is scanned once for 'sections'.

If the source file contains one or more 'sections' (i.e. NAME
commands) the section names are listed in a new window, and
one must be selected.

When a source file contains no sections, or when a section has
been selected, a new window is opened and the compilation begins.
Lines of text are displayed within the new window as they are
processed. Press ESC to pause the compilation.

2) Syntax check a source file

REMAP allows a syntax check as well as compile. A syntax check
results in no change to the current COM-AND.RMP.

3) Search for files (Alt-F)

REMAP allows you to search for files using the Alt-F file
directory function of COM-AND.

4) Edit a file

REMAP allows you to invoke an editor on a source file (the syntax
for the invocation is assumed - you may wish to change it). When
you exit the editor, you are returned to COM-AND and REMAP.

5) Turn remap on (using current COM-AND.RMP map file)

6) Turn remap off

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III. REMAP source files

REMAP expects an ASCII file as source for the compilation. ASCII
files are prepared by text editors (e.g. EDLIN). Word processors
usually do not emit ASCII files... if you wish to use a word pro-
cessor to prepare a source file for REMAP, be sure it gives you
ASCII output (often called non-document format).

[NOTE: The REMAP script allows you to invoke a text editor or word
processor from within the script itself. Modify the first line of
the script to declare the complete program name (e.g. C:\PE.EXE).
If you leave it blank, REMAP queries for a program name. The value
"INTERNAL" invokes COM-AND's internal editor.]

[NOTE: FileMgr.CMD defaults to COM-AND's INTERNAL editor in its
distributed form, and after a failure to load the editor you specify
(if you change the script. Please refer to the document CASCRIPT.
DOC for a discussion of this editor.]

Lines of source to REMAP.CMD must be limited in length to 80
characters. Source files contain three types of lines:

A. Comments

Comment lines are blank, or begin with ";" or "*". They are
ignored by the compiler.

B. Section names

The source file may (optionally) be divided into several sections
through the inclusion of "NAME = ..." command lines. REMAP scans
the file before compilation; if section names are found, a window
is opened and you are asked to select a section to compile.

C. Redefinitions

All other lines of a source file are redefinitions. A redefin-
ition command declares a given key is redefined as another key
or keys. For example:

A = B ; redefines the 'A' key as 'B'
0x1a = AltX ; Redefines control-z (0x1a) as Alt-X
0x80 = F2 "remap.cmd!"

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III. REMAP source files (continued)

C. Redefinitions (continued)

The last example requires some explanation... 0x80 is 80 hex.
to get an 80 hex using the keyboard, press and hold the ALT key
while typing 1 2 8 on the numeric pad (128 decimal is 80 hex).

The last example declares that when you type 80 hex (alt-1-2-8),
COM-AND sees F2, then the string "remap.cmd" then a carriage
return (the "!" at the end is a carriage return).

You may declare a string using the usual conventions for macro
strings or may declare the keystrokes individually. For example,

0x80 = A B C CR ; and
0x80 = "ABC!" ; and
0x80 = "AB" CR ; and
0x80 = "AB^M"

are equivalent strings. The "CR" in the first example is a
carriage return token defined by REMAP. The "!" in the second
example is transformed to a carriage return (to declare a "!"
itself, type "!!"). The "^M" in the fourth line is 'control-M",
another way to say carriage return (to declare "^" by itself,
enter it as "^^").

The left side of the equals must be a token defined by the remap
script - tokens are listed in Appendix B below, page 10.

The redefinition may be any one token or character or group of
characters and characters. Blanks (" "), commas (",") and
semi-colons (";") must be declared within quotes - REMAP treats
those characters as delimiters.

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III. REMAP source files (continued)

D. Remapped keys within redefinitions

The remapping routines of COM-AND perform remapping on remaps
themselves, with one exception. Any redefinition longer than one
ASCII key or one function key is ITSELF subject to remapping.
For example:

^PgDn = PgDn ; Remap COM-AND's download ftn to ^PgDn
PgDn = ^PgDn "1!" ; Automatically select WXMODEM on PgDn

The second remap (the remap of the PgDn key) translates to the
sequence: PgDn (COM-AND's download select window), "1" and CR.
The ^PgDn is remapped itself to invoke PgDn when executed.

This rule is particularly important to recognize when remapping
COM-AND defined keys (such as PgDn, PgUp, F10, etc). The new
sequence assigned to the key is most likely more than one key-
stroke (one ASCII key or one function key) in length... and if
so, is subject to remapping itself. Be aware!

The original function being remapped may be itself assigned to
another key (usually one not used by COM-AND or the remap). To
avoid remapping of the remap the assignment MUST be limited to a
single key (one ASCII key or one function key).

The example above demonstrates: the first line, '^PgDn = PgDn',
declares Control-PgDn functions as the original COM-AND download
protocol select window. As it is one keystroke (PgDn) in length
it is not remapped itself. The second line, 'PgDn = ^PgDn "1!"'
declares that the PgDn key itself invokes the download selection
window, and select item #1.

One last note, had the second line above been written 'PgDn =
PgDn "1!"', the remap would be circular... and if allowed would
loop indefinitely. The REMAP script prohibits simple circular

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Considerable interest was expressed to the author about COM-AND 2.7's
use with the DOORWAY utility (and similar facilities). DOORWAY is
a communications program for the PC making certain programs (not
graphics mode) or DOS available to a remote caller. The host display
is transmitted to the remote caller in ANSI format, and received key-
strokes from the remote caller are made to appear (to the program, or
DOS) as if typed from the local keyboard.

The one problem with DOORWAY and DOORWAY-like functions is the set
of non-ANSI keys (e.g. F1-F10, Alt'd keys and so on). On the remote
caller's PC, in COM-AND, function and Alt'd keys invoke special func-
tions - how to send them to the DOORWAY host?

A simple (but tedious) remap can be made to redefine COM-AND function
and Alt'd keys to transmitted sequences. However, when the remap is
enabled, all special functions in COM-AND (tied to those function
and Alt'd keys) are disabled.

No matter... with COM-AND version 2.7 this remap was used, and
used successfully, with DOORWAY. One key was reserved for a remap
to toggle the remapping itself... making it very usable. [In one
case, the Alt-equal key was remapped to invoke a script to turn
remap ON if it was OFF, and OFF it is was ON. All other function
and Alt'd keys were transformed into the two byte sequence required
by DOORWAY when the remap was enabled.]

With version 2.8, the Alt-hyphen combination toggles 'remote' mode.
In remote mode, function and Alt'd keys are transmitted to a DOORWAY
or DOORWAY-like utility. Alt-hyphen serves as a toggle, making it
the one key NOT transmitted. Should Alt-hyphen itself be needed by
the application, it may be transmitted through a script.

Remapping is needed to meet many needs. However, innovations in the
use of COM-AND generally come from its user-base. As the author be-
comes acquainted with the real world needs of his customers, COM-AND
is extended and improved.

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V. Program requirements

This program can only function on an IBM PC or DOS compatible
machine. COM-AND does direct to screen buffer fetches and stores
(unless BIOS screen updates are directed using the /C switch or the
Alt-O options menu).

COM-AND is TopView aware even without the /C switch or Alt-O option.

COM-AND supports MDA, CGA, EGA and Hercules. COM-AND uses a Micro-
soft Mouse if one is available...

COM-AND disk I/O is done through the 'Handle' oriented I/O routines
added to DOS 2.0. Therefore DOS 2.0 is a minimum requirement.

COM-AND (Version 2.9) requires 277K for itself. You need 384K to
take advantage of the DOS Gateway and to load accessories.

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VI. Author information

COM-AND was written using Microsoft Macro-Assembler. The author
likes assembler. Assembly language is an entirely appropriate
vehicle for some of the program, and a not-inappropriate vehicle
for the rest of it. Everything, in moderation...

The author of this program is R. Scott McGinnis of Chicago, IL.
GEnie and Delphi ID: TARTAN. Comment and suggestions (and
criticism in moderation) are welcomed:

CABER Software
R. (Scott) McGinnis
P.O. Box 3607 Mdse Mart
Chicago, IL 60654-0607

I thank my wife, Elizabeth, who I love dearly.

This script (Version 1.2) may be distributed freely (but it isn't a
whole lot of use without COM-AND). Any improvements you suggest to
the author get attention... errors reported are corrected. COM-AND
is shareware. If you USE COM-AND after a 30 day evaluation, you
MUST pay for it. [Please read the file REGISTER.DOC.]

Most of the hardware names and software names in this document are
trademarks or trade names of specific manufacturers.

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A. File structures

COM-AND.RMP ; 768 bytes maximum

Entries are structured:

byte 0 1 2 ...
+---------+---------+---/ /---+---/ /---+---/ /---+
! Key ! Length ! Redefinition for length !
+---------+---------+---/ /---+---/ /---+---/ /---+

where 'key' refers to an ASCII key value

or as:

byte 0 1 2 3 ...
+---------+---------+---------+---/ /---+---/ /---+---/ /---+
! 0 ! Key ! Length ! Redefinition for length !
+---------+---------+---------+---/ /---+---/ /---+---/ /---+

where '0/key' refers to an extended scancode as defined by BIOS.

The table size is determined by the file's size. Optionally,
0,0 in an entry's first two bytes end the table.

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B. Syntax

REMAP.CMD defines a simple language for remapping. Special keys
(such as F1) are given 'names' (Function key F1 is 'F1'). A simple
syntax is defined to redefine any key COM-AND can detect (it cannot
detect all keys or key-combinations). REMAP.CMD expects a source
file prepared with a text editor (like a script). It compiles the
source file into COM-AND.RMP.

Lines of source in REMAP.CMD must be limited to 80 characters. The
script REMAP.CMD defines lines with three types of syntax.

. Comments: Comment lines are blank, or begin with ";" or "*"

. Sections: The source file can be divided into up to 15 sections
and separately compiled) with the in-line command:


. Remaps: Within a section, a remapping has the syntax:


The list of defined tokens is given below. The key> operand has the form:

(!!!) [(" "!"," ] [";"]

where "(...)" indicates a mandatory choice, "!"
indicates 'or', and "[...]" indicates an optional
choice. The final optional semi-colon allows in-line
comments following. For example:

F10 = F10
0x80 = F2 "remap.cmd!" ; Alt-1-2-8 (80 hex) invokes it

denotes a single character (with exception of
";", " " and ",").
denotes a double-quote delimited string. Within
strings, ^^ -> ^, !! -> !, `x -> x, and the rules
for macro strings otherwise apply.
denotes a hex numeric (e.g. 0x80).

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C. Tokens

Tokens defined in REMAP.CMD are:
Normal Shifted
--------------------------------------- --------
F1 CurL CR (any single SF1
F2 CurR BS key: e.g. A, SF2
F3 CurUp BELL case being SF3
F4 CurDn INS significant) SF4
F5 End DEL SF5
F6 Home TAB (any single SF6
F7 PgDn key in quotes: SF7
F8 PgUp e.g. "A", case SF8
F9 Tab significant) SF9
F10 Esc SF10
(decimal/hex numerics) RevTab
CF1 ^F1 ^A ^K ^U ^PrtSc
CF2 ^F2 ^B ^L ^V ^CurL
CF3 ^F3 ^C ^M ^W ^CurR
CF4 ^F4 ^D ^N ^X ^End
CF5 ^F5 ^E ^O ^Y ^Home
CF6 ^F6 ^F ^P ^Z ^PgDn
CF7 ^F7 ^G ^Q ^@ ^PgUp
CF8 ^F8 ^H ^R ^[
CF9 ^F9 ^I ^S ^\
CF10 ^F10 ^J ^T ^]
AF1 AltF1 AltA AltK AltU Alt0 (not numeric pad)
AF2 AltF2 AltB AltL AltV Alt1
AF3 AltF3 AltC AltM AltW Alt2
AF4 AltF4 AltD AltN AltX Alt3
AF5 AltF5 AltE AltO AltY Alt4
AF6 AltF6 AltF AltP AltZ Alt5
AF7 AltF7 AltG AltQ Alt6
AF8 AltF8 AltH AltR Alt7
AF9 AltF9 AltI AltS Alt- Alt8
AF10 AltF10 AltJ AltT AltEq Alt9
FUNCTN (operand only... produces 0/0x80 for COM-AND TV950)
NULL (Equivalent to Alt_NumericKeyPad_0)

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D. Unusual Remaps

Keyboard remapping is not necessarily limited to terminal emulation.
Remaps may be used to replace COM-AND function keys with new (perhaps
different) functions altogether.

A remap may define a string to be executed by COM-AND (similar to
the way a macro key might be used). The string may be text to
transmit, or any other function key. For example:

F10 = 255 "HELP" CR

This remap says in effect: When the F10 key is pressed, COM-AND
sees the character with value 255, the characters "H" "E" "L" "P"
and a CR. 255 as an ASCII character is documented in COM-AND.DOC
under Alt-M Macros. The character 255 in COM-AND has the same
function as F2 (run a script), but does not pop up a window and
search the drive for all files *.CMD and *.ENF. "HELP" would be
interpreted by the 255 function as a script name (either HELP.,
HELP.CMD or HELP.ENF on the default or COM-AND= subdirectory).
The CR causes the 255 function to execute the script named HELP.

So... one might write one's own help script (see the help screens
in FILEMGR or LEARN), call it HELP.CMD, put it in the COM-AND=
subdir, and never see the author's idea of a HELP summary again.
It might be paginated, indexed, what-have-you.

Another use for the '255' key is the execution of single script
statements. The remap:

AltX = 255 ".BYE"

remaps the Alt-X key to the subsequent characters. however, when
Alt-X is pressed, instead of a script being executed named BYE, the
script statement BYE is executed. The initial "." signals a script
statement for execution, instead of a script file name. [By the
way, this remap avoids the carrier test and query on termination...]

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E. REMAPS.TXT (source file)

A sample source file, REMAPS.TXT, is supplied with this document.
It contains several sections, with appropriate names, for terminals
COM-AND supports (or would like to support!). One section of the
file is presented here as an example:

name = VT100
; VT100 definitions
DEL = 0x7f ; Character delete
CurUp = ESC [ 0x41 ; Cursor up
CurDn = ESC [ 0x42 ; Cursor down
CurL = ESC [ 0x44 ; Cursor left
CurR = ESC [ 0x43 ; Cursor right
Home = ESC [ 0x48 ; Home cursor
End = ESC [ 0x4b ; Erase to end of line
^PgDn = ESC [ 0x48 ESC [ " " 0x4A ; Clear screen
^PgUp = ESC [ 0x4D ; Delete line
^Home = ESC [ 0x4c ; Insert line

AF1 = ESC O q ; Keypad application mode 1
AF2 = ESC O r ; Keypad application mode 2
AF3 = ESC O s ; Keypad application mode 3
AF4 = ESC O t ; Keypad application mode 4
AF5 = ESC O u ; Keypad application mode 5
AF6 = ESC O v ; Keypad application mode 6
AF7 = ESC O w ; Keypad application mode 7
AF8 = ESC O x ; Keypad application mode 8
AF9 = ESC O y ; Keypad application mode 9
AF10 = ESC O p ; Keypad application mode 0

CF10 = AF10 ; COM-AND uses AF10 as shell

SF1 = ESC O 0x50 ; Program function 1 (PF1)
SF2 = ESC O 0x51 ; Program function 2 (PF2)
SF3 = ESC O 0x53 ; Program function 3 (PF3)
SF4 = ESC O 0x54 ; Program function 4 (PF4)

SF5 = ESC O 0x6d ; Keypad application mode dash
SF6 = ESC O 0x6c ; Keypad application mode comma
SF7 = ESC O 0x4d ; Keypad application mode enter
SF8 = ESC O 0x6e ; Keypad application mode period

Although each item is commented, a discussion of this remap (and
others in REMAPS.TXT) follows:

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E. REMAPS.TXT (continued)

When the VT100 (or VT100.CMD script) remap is used:

. The DEL key is character delete.
. HOME homes the cursor. END erases to end of line.

. Control-PgDn sends a clear-screen sequence to the host.
. Control-PgUp sends a delete-line sequence to the host.
. Control-Home sends a insert-line command to the host.

. Cursor up/down/left/right are defined as keystrokes sent to
the host. COM-AND menu mode is therefore disabled under
this remap (you can't select/pulldown menu items).

. VT100 "Program function" (PF) keys 1-4 are transmitted using
Shift-F1 through Shift-F4.

. In "Keypad application mode":

The "Keypad application" the 1-9 keys are transmitted using
Alt-F1 through Alt-F9. Keypad application 0 is transmitted
using Alt-F10.

The "Keypad application" dash (hyphen) is transmitted using
Shift-F5. Similarly, comma, enter, and period are mapped
to Shift-F6 through Shift-F8 for this usage.

. COM-AND's shell-to-DOS becomes Control-F10 (Alt-F10 was used
for "Keypad application mode" 0).

The specific host implementation will determine key usage. For
example, your keyboard 'enter' key will function as you expect in
some cases... however, in other cases, you'll need to use Shift-F7.

This remap is the same as that created by the script VT100.CMD
(included with this release), which enables VT100 display emulation
and VT100 keyboard mapping.

REMAPS.TXT contains several other sections: ANSI, VT52, and TTY,
which are also embodied in scripts to simply terminal emulation.
Although each item is commented in each of these remaps, a
discussion of ANSI, VT52, and TTY remaps follows:

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E. REMAPS.TXT (continued)

When the VT52 remap (or VT52.CMD script) is used:

. The DEL key is character delete.
. HOME homes the cursor. END erases to end of line.

. Control-PgDn sends a clear-screen sequence to the host.
. Control-PgUp sends a delete-line sequence to the host.
. Control-Home sends a insert-line command to the host.

. Cursor up/down/left/right are defined as keystrokes sent to
the host. COM-AND menu mode is therefore disabled under
this remap (you can't select/pulldown menu items).

. VT52 "Program function" (PF) keys 1-2 are transmitted using
Alt-F1 and Alt-F2. VT52 "Program function" (PF) keys 3-4
are transmitted using Shift-F1 and Shift-F2.

. In "Keypad application mode":

The "Keypad application" the 1-9 keys are transmitted using
Alt'd and Shifted function keys. The keys are:

Alt-F7 = Keypad application mode 1
Alt-F8 = Keypad application mode 2
Shift-F7 = Keypad application mode 3
Alt-F5 = Keypad application mode 4
Alt-F6 = Keypad application mode 5
Shift-F5 = Keypad application mode 6
Alt-F3 = Keypad application mode 7
Alt-F4 = Keypad application mode 8
Shift-F3 = Keypad application mode 9
Alt-F9 = Keypad application mode 0
Alt-F10 = Keypad application mode 0 (dup)

The "Keypad application" dash (hyphen) is transmitted using
Control-F4. Comma is transmitted using Control-F5. Enter
and period in this mode are transmitted with Control-F8/9.

. COM-AND's shell-to-DOS becomes Control-F10 (Alt-F10 was used
as a duplicate for "Keypad application mode" 0).

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E. REMAPS.TXT (continued)

When the ANSI remap (or ANSI.CMD script) is used:

. The DEL key is character delete.
. HOME homes the cursor. END erases to end of line.

. Control-PgDn sends a clear-screen sequence to the host.
. Control-PgUp sends a delete-line sequence to the host.
. Control-Home sends a insert-line command to the host.

. Cursor up/down/left/right are defined as keystrokes sent to
the host. COM-AND menu mode is therefore disabled under
this remap (you can't select/pulldown menu items).

. ANSI "Program function" (PF) keys 1-4 are transmitted using
Shift-F1 through Shift-F4.

. In "Keypad application mode":

The "Keypad application" the 1-9 keys are transmitted using
Alt-F1 through Alt-F9. Keypad application 0 is transmitted
using Alt-F10.

The "Keypad application" dash (hyphen) is transmitted using
Shift-F5. Similarly, comma, enter, and period are mapped
to Shift-F6 through Shift-F8 for this usage.

. COM-AND's shell-to-DOS becomes Control-F10 (Alt-F10 was used
as a duplicate for "Keypad application mode" 0).

When the TTY remap (or TTY.CMD script) is used:

. All keys revert to their IBM PC (COM-AND) usages. Function
Alt'd keys are interpreted by COM-AND (and not transmitted
to the communicating host).

Version 1.2: 921012 Appendices

  3 Responses to “Category : Communication (modem) tools and utilities
Archive   : CA29-3.ZIP
Filename : REMAP.DOC

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: