Category : Communication (modem) tools and utilities
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Filename : CAEDIT.DOC

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COM-AND Text Editor

COM-AND Text Editor

COM-AND is copyright 1992 by CABER Software. It is distributed
freely and may be copied by anyone for any number of machines,
for purposes of evaluation. The author offers COM-AND and its
accessory programs as a package, as "shareware". If you USE
COM-AND after evaluating it, you MUST pay for it.

The complete user license and registration information is to be
found in the file REGISTER.DOC. Limitations on redistribution
of COM-AND are set out in the file VENDOR.DOC. These two files
are included with the COM-AND program release.

CABER Software
R. (Scott) McGinnis
P.O. Box 3607 Mdse Mart
Chicago, IL 60654-0607

GEnie, Delphi: TARTAN
CIS .......... 73147,2665
Internet ..... [email protected]

Version 1.0: 921012

COM-AND Text Editor

COM-AND version 1.0 is copyright 1992 by CABER Software. All
rights are reserved world wide, excepting redistribution under the
shareware concept. COM-AND is distributed freely and may be copied
by anyone for any number of machines, for purposes of evaluation.

Restrictions on redistribution are set out in the document file
VENDOR.DOC. You may NOT distribute COM-AND or its documentation in
connection with ANY commercial venture, product, publication or
service without written approval from CABER Software.

COM-AND is distributed as shareware. You may try COM-AND without
charge, to evaluate its usefulness to you. You may evaluate COM-AND
for a period of up to 30 days. If you continue to use COM-AND after
30 days, then you must pay for it. Please read REGISTER.DOC for the
terms and conditions of the User License.

Additional benefits are available when you register COM-AND. These
values include:

. A free Compuserve intro-pack
. The Compuserve Automation script-set for COM-AND
. A tailored dialing directory for your area code
. Discounts on shareware magazines and books

These offers are discussed in detail in REGISTER.DOC. A simple
registration form is provided in the file REGISTER.FRM. Please
print this form (or use REGISTER.CMD to print it), and include the
form with your payment.

The author supports COM-AND through electronic mail on the various
on-line services. Several BBSes focused on COM-AND exist at this
time. Voice support for COM-AND is also available from Support
EtCetera in Long Beach, CA. Please read REGISTER.DOC for details
on support, and COM-AND BBSes.

CABER Software is a member of the Association of Shareware Profes-
sionals (ASP). The ASP offers an ombudsman service to help you
resolve shareware related disputes with ASP members. Please read
the file REGISTER.DOC for information on how to contact the ASP

Version 1.0: 921012

COM-AND Text Editor

Table of Contents

I. Introduction .............................................. page 1

A. What is COM-AND? ........................................ page 1
B. The text editor ......................................... page 1

II. Opening a file ............................................. page 2

III. Saving a file .............................................. page 3

IV. Closing a file ............................................. page 4

V. File Manipulation .......................................... page 5

1. Replacing text .......................................... page 5
2. Inserting text .......................................... page 5
3. Inserting lines ......................................... page 6
4. Deleting lines .......................................... page 6
5. Marking an area ......................................... page 6
6. Deleting a marked area .................................. page 6
7. Copying a marked area ................................... page 7
8. Moving a marked area .................................... page 7
9. Reflow .................................................. page 7
10. Locate .................................................. page 7
11. Global changes .......................................... page 7

VI. Manual Commands ............................................ page 8

VII. Command Buffer Commands .................................... page 10

VIII. Program Requirements ....................................... page 13

IX. Program and Author Information ............................ page 14


A. Command Buffer Index ....................................... page 15

B. Manual Command Index ....................................... page 16

Version 1.0: 921012

COM-AND Text Editor Page 1

I. Introduction

A. What is COM-AND?

COM-AND for the IBM PC and compatibles is a communications
program for use by itself, or for use with with several
integrated accessory programs (which themselves may be used
independently of COM-AND). COM-AND provides standard comm
program functions: a dialing directory, macros, disk logging,
binary and ASCII file transfers, scripted execution... and a
text editor.

B. The text editor

A text editor has been included in COM-AND for many reasons...

. Scripts written for COM-AND are ASCII text files. Popular
word-processors do NOT produce ASCII files (unless the capa-
bility is provided, and the word processor is then instruc-
ted to produce an ASCII file)...

. Many scripts (such as the scripted BBS) eventually need a text
editor to prepare text (such as a reply to a note) for use by
the script. In most cases, the text needs preparation WITHIN
the script...

. Often, the need arises to view a capture log quickly, or to
view the call-log...

The text editor added to COM-AND 2.9 is a light-duty editor,
capable of opening up to 5 files at one time. It is intended
for viewing/searching long files, and creation of short files.

When modifying text, this text editor is severely limited by the
amount of memory available above COM-AND. It does not use EMS
memory, and does not spill to disk. For this reason, it is named
a light duty editor.

This document details the function and use of the text editor
built into COM-AND. A detailed guide to installation, and an
introduction to modem communication is to be found in the
document INTRO.DOC. For manual use of COM-AND, and functional
reference, the reader is referred to the document COM-AND.DOC.

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COM-AND Text Editor Page 2

II. Opening a file

The text editor is invoked from COM-AND with Alt-Q. Alt-Q prompts
for a file name. Escape from this prompt returns to COM-AND proper.
The file name you enter may exist, but need not exist. If the file
already exists, it is read (but not modified at this time). If the
file does NOT exist, no file of that name is created at this time.

If the file exists and is not ASCII, or text lines exceed the
editor's maximum line size (128 bytes), or the number of text lines
exceeds the editor's maximum file size (19,200 lines), you are
informed of 'truncation' and asked if you wish to proceed.

Once the editor has opened a file, the screen is divided into three
areas. The top line is status information (file name, current
cursor row/column, and insert/replace mode). The bottom line is a
command buffer (64 characters) and on-screen clock. The area
between the top and bottom lines display lines of the text file.
The cursor is positioned to the first line of the text area.

Cursor keys move the cursor accordingly. Home moves the cursor to
the beginning of the line. End moves the cursor to the end of the
line. PgDn moves the display down one screenful of lines. PgUp
moves the display up one screenful of lines. Control-Home moves
the display to the first line of the file. Control-End moves the
file to the last line of the file.

As you move through the file (if it existed before opening it), you
may notice disk activity. The text editor goes to disk to re-read
text... but does not modify the file until it is closed (or saved).

A second (or third or fourth or fifth) file may be opened while you
have one file open to the editor. F1 (alternatively Alt-Q) prompts
for a new file name. The new file display replaces the current
display (the previous file remains open). Up to five files may be
open at one time (given sufficient memory).

When more than one file is open, F8 switches the display from one
file to the next. Lines of text may be copied or moved from one
file to another.

Version 1.0: 921012

COM-AND Text Editor Page 3

III. Saving a file

Changes to a file may be saved without exiting the editor or the
file. In fact, in most any editor or word processor, regularly
saving changes is a wise precaution. In COM-AND's text editor,
it also has the side effect of freeing memory tied up by changed
text when the saved file name is the same as the original.

When the editor saves a file to disk, it opens a temporary file
first. Unchanged blocks of the old file are copied to the temporary
file directly; changed blocks of the old file are written to the
temporary file from memory.

When the temporary file is complete the editor deletes the original
file and renames the temporary. The deletion of the original file
is the ONLY modification the editor makes to the original file.

F2 (Save file) prompts for a file name, defaulting to the original
file name. A carriage return in response to the prompt results in
the changes overlaying the original file. A differing file name
may be entered if desired.

When the saved file name is the same as the original, memory
'locked' by modifications is freed for general use by the editor.

Version 1.0: 921012

COM-AND Text Editor Page 4

IV. Closing a file

A file may be closed in the editor by either "quit"ing it (throwing
away changes made, if any), or by "file"ing it (saving changes, if
any). In either case, when a file is closed and it is the last file
the editor has open, the editor is exited, and you are returned to
COM-AND. When a file is closed and it is NOT the last file open,
the display switches to the next open file.

F3 (File file) saves the current file, with a prompt for save-file
name just as F2 (Save) described above. It closes the current file
after saving it. [NOTE: If the file name given is not the same as
the original, F3 saves to the given file name, and closes the origi-
nal. The original file is not modified in this case.]

F4 (Quit file) checks to see if modifications have been made. If
the file has been modified, you are informed, and have a chance to
decide again. If the file is unmodified, or if you decide to quit
anyway, the current file is closed; the original file is not

If the original file did not exist when opened, and you quit the
file, no file of that name is ever created.

Version 1.0: 921012

COM-AND Text Editor Page 5

V. File Manipulation

When the editor first opens a file, the cursor is placed into the
text area, and 'REPLACE' is displayed on the status line. Press a
text key and the key replaces the text under the cursor. The text
editor has two modes: INSERT and REPLACE. Mode is toggled with the
the INS key. In INSERT mode, keystrokes are inserted before the
character under the current cursor.

When a second (or third...) file is opened, it is opened in the
REPLACE mode. The INSERT/REPLACE mode is saved for each file.
When you switch files (F8), the mode you used last becomes the
current mode.

Similarly, the cursor may be moved from the text area to the command
line (the last line on the display) with the ESCAPE key. When a
file is opened, the cursor is placed at the first line of the file,
in the text area. However, the cursor position is saved for each
file. When you switch files (F8), the cursor reappears where you
last left it.

For the most part, editing a file keeps the cursor in the text area.
Text is INSERTed or REPLACEd at the current text area cursor. A
block of text is copied or moved using the current text area cursor
(copy and move require an area be marked first, and then the destin-
ation indicated with the current cursor).

However, a few commands require are more complicated. For these
commands (LOCATE and CHANGE), a command buffer is used. The F7 key
moves the cursor to the command buffer unconditionally. The ESCAPE
key moves the cursor back and forth between text and command lines.

Certain functions (such as clear line (F5) and clear to end-of-line
(F6)) apply to the line the cursor occupies... either command buffer
or text line. Other functions (such as top-of-file (Ctl-Home) and
insert line (F9)) apply only to the text area.

Version 1.0: 921012

COM-AND Text Editor Page 6

V. File Manipulation (continued)

1. Replacing text

When the 'mode' indicator on the status line reads 'REPLACE',
text typed overlays text under the current cursor. This mode
applies to the command buffer as well as to text lines.

2. Inserting text

When the 'mode' indicator on the status line reads 'INSERT',
text typed is inserted BEFORE the text under the current cursor.
This applies to the command buffer as well as to text lines.

3. Inserting lines

A new line is inserted after the text area cursor with F9. The
new line is blank. The cursor is positioned to the left margin
on the new line.

4. Deleting lines

The line indicated by the text area cursor may be deleted simply
with the Alt-Dash key (not the dash on the numeric keypad). The
cursor is left unchanged.

5. Marking an area

A line (or lines) in the text area may be marked (for later use)
with Alt-L. Position the text cursor to the first line of the
area and press Alt-L. The line is highlighted on the screen.
Subsequent Alt-L's mark out the block of lines. All lines within
a marked area are highlighted on the screen.

6. Deleting a marked area

After marking an area (a line or lines), the area may be deleted
with Alt-D. The cursor is left positioned on the line after the
last of the marked area. An area may be marked in one file, and
another file opened. Alt-D switches the display back to the file
where the marked lines reside.

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V. File Manipulation (continued)

7. Copying a marked area

After marking an area (a line or lines), the area may be copied
with Alt-Z. The cursor is left positioned on the line after the
last line copied. The copy operation may be done within one
file, or across two files. The original marked area remains

8. Moving a marked area

After marking an area (a line or lines), the area may be moved
with Alt-M. The cursor is left positioned on the line after the
last line moved. The move operation may be done within one file
or across two files. The original marked area is deleted as
lines are moved.

9. Reflow

When margins are set (SET MARGIN, on the command line), text may
forced to fit within the margins with Alt-P. Alt-P, reflow,
starts at the current cursor, skipping blank lines until it finds
text. Each text line is split/joined with subsequent lines to
make the text fit the margin setting. Reflow stops at the next
blank line (or end of file).

10. Locate

The LOCATE command, entered on the command line, locates the
first occurrence of a text string prior to (or after) the current
line. The cursor is left positioned on the new line (if found).
See below, page 10, for the syntax of this command.

11. Global changes

The CHANGE command, entered on the command line, changes all
occurrences of a text string to a new value (or deletes it if
no new value is specified). The change command begins at the
current text area cursor, and proceeds either forwards to the
end of file, or backwards to the top of the file. The cursor is
left positioned to the last change made. See below, page 10,
for the syntax of this command.

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COM-AND Text Editor Page 8

VI. Manual Commands

F1 Edit (open) a file. Up to 5 files may be opened
together. The file opened may or may not exist.

F2 Save the current file (but don't close). The file
may be saved to the original, or a differing file.

F3 File the current file (save and close the file).
Exit the editor if this is the last file open.

F4 Quit the current file (throw away changes).
Exit the editor if this is the last file open.

F5 Clear the entire line. When the cursor is on the
command line, the command line is cleared. When the
cursor is on a text line, the text is cleared.

F6 Clear from cursor to end of line. When the cursor is
on the command line, the command line is cleared.
When the cursor is on a text line, it is cleared.

F7 Force the cursor to command buffer unconditionally.

F8 Switch to another file's display (if more open).

F9 Insert a blank line into the text area after the
current line.

F10 Display a summary of commands (Help).

Home Move the cursor to the first column of the current
line (either command line or text line).

End Move the cursor to the end of current line (either
command line or text line).

CurUp Move the cursor up a line. When on the command line
the cursor is returned to the text area.

CurDn Move the cursor down a line. When on the command
line the cursor is returned to the text area.

PgUp Move the display up a screenful of lines
PgDn Move the display down a screenful of lines

CurRight Move the cursor right (text or command line).
CurLeft Move the cursor left (text or command line).

Version 1.0: 921012

COM-AND Text Editor Page 9

VI. Manual Commands (continued)

CtlHome Move the cursor to the top of the file.
CtlEnd Move the cursor to the end of the file.

CtlPgUp Move the cursor to the top of the screen
CtlPgDn Move the cursor to the bottom of the screen

CtlCurRight Move the cursor right 40 columns.
CtlCurLeft Move the cursor left 40 columns.

Esc Toggle the cursor between text and command areas.
Ins Toggle insert/replace mode.
Del Delete the character under the cursor (either
text or command line).

Tab Move the cursor right to the next tab stop
ShiftTab Move the cursor left to the next tab stop

Alt-Dash Delete current line (either text or command line).

Alt-E Force an ESCAPE as text at the current text cursor.

Alt-L Mark a line or lines. Perform Alt-L twice to mark an
area of more than one line.
Alt-U Unmark an marked area.
Alt-Y Position the cursor to the top of a marked area.
Alt-D Delete a marked area.
Alt-Z Copy a marked area.
Alt-M Move a marked area.

Alt-S Split the current line at or before the cursor. The
line is split at a word boundary, if possible. The
cursor is positioned to the end of the new line.

Alt-J Join the current line to the next. Words from the
next line (if any) are added to the current until the
line is full (according to margin setting).

Alt-P Reflow lines. This command skips over blank lines
until it finds text. The subsequent text lines are
reflowed (word by word) to fit into the current
margin setting. Reflow stops at the next blank line.

Alt-C Center the current line within current margins.

Alt-F Display a directory of files (COM-AND Alt-F).
Alt-B Insert the backscreen after cursor (COM-AND Alt-B).

Version 1.0: 921012

COM-AND Text Editor Page 10

VII. Command Buffer Commands

When the cursor is positioned on the command buffer (the last line of
the display), textual commands may be entered. The command buffer is
'execute' with a . Commands performed on the command buffer
usually require a rigorous syntax, and are detailed here.

In the following discussion, some notation must be used to describe
syntax. For the purposes of this brief language, we'll designate:

[A] optional keyword A - and -
A!B!C... Required choice: A or B or C - and -
item, such as string, file name ...

Command buffer commands are:

; Comment. A command beginning with ";" (often used in
editor batch files) is a comment.

L [-] Locate. The locate command searches for for-
wards (default) or backwards (optional "-") from the
current cursor. The search is case insensitive. If
a match is found, the cursor is positioned at the
match. The text must be delimited by (/), ('),
or ("). For example:


searches backwards from the current cursor, looking
for the text "urnamehere".

C [-] Change all occurrences of to . This
command searches for occurrences of the string
forwards (default) or backwards (optional [-]) from
the current cursor. The search is case insensitive.
When a match is found, the string is replaced by the
string . The text is delimited by (/),
(') or ("). For example:


searches backwards from the current cursor, changing
all occurrences of 'urname' (any case) to 'MyName'.
The change command stops at top or bottom of file.

Version 1.0: 921012

COM-AND Text Editor Page 11

VII. Command Buffer Commands (continued)

@ Batch execution of . Text from
is executed as if typed into the command buffer.
A batch file may contain ONE "@" batch command
(nothing after the one "@" batch command executes).

E Edit: as F1; 'E' may be used to abbreviate 'EDIT'.

EDIT Edit: as F1; Open a new file. The ' ' is required.
When is already open, the display is switched.

SAVE Save: as f2; Save current file. The ' ' is required.
When no is given, the original name is used.
[The file is saved, but not quit.]

FILE File: as F3; File current file. The ' ' is required.

[The file is saved, and then quit.]

QUIT [] Quit: as F4; Quit a file. However, unlike F4, you
may quit a other than the currently displayed
file. When no is given, the original name is
used. When the last file is quit, the editor ends.

TOP Move text cursor to the top of the file.

BOTTOM Move text cursor to the bottom of the file.

INSERT Insert a line after the text cursor.

DELETE Delete the text cursor's line.

HOME Home the text cursor on the current line.

END Move the text cursor to the end of the current line.

UP Move the text cursor up one line

DOWN Move the text cursor down one line.

SWITCH Switch to the next file's window (if more than one).

BACKSCREEN INSERT the backscreen (COM-AND Alt-B) after the
current text line's cursor.

Version 1.0: 921012

COM-AND Text Editor Page 12

VII. Command Buffer Commands (continued)

SET 25 Set the display to 25 lines (CGA mode).

SET 43 Set the display to 43/50 lines (EGA, VGA modes).

SET MARG Set left and right margins. and are
column positions. must be smaller than .

SET INSERT Set insert mode on (immediately).

SET REPLACE Set replace mode on (immediately).

SET EXIT C!T Set cursor position after completion of batch file
execution. A "C" indicates command buffer; The "T"
indicates the text area. The default is 'Text'.
This value is reset to default each time a "@" batch
command is executed.

= DATE Insert the DOS date into text at the text cursor.
The ' ' after the "=" is required.

= TIME Insert the DOS time into text at the text cursor.
The ' ' after the "=" is required.

Version 1.0: 921012

COM-AND Text Editor Page 13

VIII. Program requirements

COM-AND can only function on an IBM PC or DOS compatible machine.
COM-AND does direct to screen buffer fetches and stores (unless BIOS
screen updates are directed using the /C switch or the Alt-O options

COM-AND is TopView aware even without the /C switch or Alt-O option.

COM-AND supports MDA, CGA, EGA and Hercules. COM-AND uses a Micro-
soft Mouse if one is available...

COM-AND disk I/O is done through the 'Handle' oriented I/O routines
added to DOS 2.0. Therefore DOS 2.0 is a minimum requirement.

COM-AND (Version 2.9) requires 277K for itself. You need 384K to
take advantage of the DOS Gateway and to load accessories. For this
editor, you'll need as much memory above COM-AND as you can get...
640K is recommended (if the editor is used).

Version 1.0: 921012

COM-AND Text Editor Page 14

IX. Author information

COM-AND was written using Microsoft Macro-Assembler. The author
likes assembler. Assembly language is an entirely appropriate
vehicle for some of the program, and a not-inappropriate vehicle
for the rest of it. Everything, in moderation...

COM-AND has been written by, and is supported by R. Scott McGinnis
of Chicago (CABER Software), Illinois. My GEnie and Delphi IDs are:
TARTAN. My CIS ID is 73147,2665. Comment and suggestions (and
criticism in moderation) are welcomed:

CABER Software
R. (Scott) McGinnis
P.O. Box 3607 Mdse Mart
Chicago, IL 60654-0607

I thank my wife, Elizabeth, who is making CABER a proper business,
now, and who has been fascinated with telecommunications generally

since the beginning of time. She is a wonderful partner.

COM-AND is copyright by 1992 by CABER Software (R. Scott McGinnis).
All rights are reserved world wide, excepting redistribution under
the ShareWare concept. COM-AND is distributed freely and may be
copied by anyone for any number of machines, under the Shareware
concept. Restrictions on redistribution are discussed in the
accompanying document VENDOR.DOC.

Version 1.0: 921012

COM-AND Text Editor Page 15

A. Command Buffer Index

Syntax Description Page(s)
------------ --------------------------------------------- -------
L [-] Locate ( delimited by /,', or ") 10,7
C Change ( delimited by /,', or ") 10,7

@ Batch execution of (' ' req'd) 11

E Edit: as F1; Open a new file (' ' req'd) 11
EDIT Edit: as F1; Open a new file (' ' req'd) 11
SAVE Save: as f2; Save current file (' ' req'd) 11
FILE File: as F3; File current file (' ' req'd) 11
QUIT [] Quit: as F4; open file (' ' req'd) 11

TOP Move to top of file 11
BOTTOM Move to bottom of file 11
INSERT Insert line 11
BACKSCREEN Insert backscreen after current line 9
DELETE Delete line 11
HOME Home cursor on line 11
END End cursor on line 11
UP Up cursor 11
DOWN Down cursor 11

SET Set optional values

SET 25 Set display to 25 lines. 12
SET 43 Set display to 43/50 lines. 12
SET MARGIN Set left/right margin columns. 12
SET INSERT Set insert mode. 12
SET REPLACE Set replace mode. 12
SET EXIT CMD!TEXT Set cursor when batch ends. 12

= DATE Insert DATE into text at cursor 12
= TIME Insert TIME into text at cursor 12

Version 1.0: 921012 Appendices

COM-AND Text Editor Page 16

B. Manual Command Index

Key Description Page(s)
------------ --------------------------------------------- -------
F1 Edit (open) a file 8,2
F2 Save file (but don't close) 8,3
F3 File a file (save and close the file) 8,4
F4 Quit a file (throw away changes) 8,4
F5 Clear the entire line 8
F6 Clear from cursor to end of line 8
F7 Force cursor to command buffer 8
F8 Switch file (if more than one loaded) 8,2
F9 Insert a blank line 8,6
F10 Help summary 8
Home Move cursor to column 1 8
End Move cursor to end of line 8
CurUp Move cursor up a line 8
CurDn Move cursor down a line 8
PgUp Move display up a screenful of lines 8
PgDn Move display down a screenful of lines 8
CurRt Move cursor right 8
CurLf Move cursor left 8
CtlHome Move to top of file 9
CtlEnd Move to end of file 9
CtlPgUp Move cursor to top of screen 9
CtlPgDn Move cursor to bottom screen 9
CtlCurRt Move cursor right 40 cols 9
CtlCurLf Move cursor left 40 cols 9
Esc Toggle command-buffer/text area entry 9,5
Ins Toggle insert/replace mode 9,5
Del Delete character under the cursor 9,6
Tab Move the cursor right to the next tab stop 9
ShiftTab Move the cursor left to the next tab stop 9
Alt-Dash Delete the current line 9
Alt-B Insert backscreen after cursor 9
Alt-C Center the current line 9
Alt-D Delete marked area 9,6
Alt-E Force ESCAPE as text 9
Alt-F File directory query 9
Alt-J Join the current line to the next 9
Alt-L Mark line or lines 9,6
Alt-M Move marked area 9,7
Alt-P Reflow lines (to a blank line) 9,7
Alt-S Split the current line at the cursor 9
Alt-U Unmark area 9
Alt-Y Position to marked area 9
Alt-Z Copy marked area 9,7

Version 1.0: 921012 Appendices

  3 Responses to “Category : Communication (modem) tools and utilities
Archive   : CA29-2.ZIP
Filename : CAEDIT.DOC

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: