Boyan scripts for advanced users. This also has boymodem.bsc which is a modem setup for Boyan, supports 75 different modems and checks MNP settings. | |||
File Name | File Size | Zip Size | Zip Type |
END.BSC | 3949 | 998 | deflated |
GT.BSC | 4023 | 1461 | deflated |
HOSTSET.BSC | 236 | 188 | deflated |
HOSTSET1.BSC | 196 | 170 | deflated |
LISTFILE.BSC | 1360 | 636 | deflated |
MAKEMAIL.BSC | 21915 | 4753 | deflated |
MODEM.BSC | 38044 | 4757 | deflated |
MODEM.TXT | 1264 | 652 | deflated |
NITE.BSC | 5258 | 1696 | deflated |
OPUS.BSC | 3542 | 1317 | deflated |
PCBOARD.BSC | 7394 | 2075 | deflated |
QEFILES.BSC | 1465 | 783 | deflated |
QTUP.BSC | 1318 | 631 | deflated |
RBBS.BSC | 3451 | 1256 | deflated |
README.TXT | 19587 | 6794 | deflated |
SCRIPT.BSC | 24043 | 5499 | deflated |
START.BSC | 747 | 362 | deflated |
TCOMM.BSC | 1834 | 885 | deflated |
TIMER.BSC | 1041 | 361 | deflated |
TIMERLOG.BSC | 205 | 165 | deflated |
Download File BOYMKS5E.ZIP Here
Contents of the README.TXT file
This script is offered AS IS with all its flaws, as an example of the
many different options available with BOYAN script language. There are no
warranties, express or implied. This is the efforts of my time, as well
as others who have tried, tested, modified and corrected spelling
make this what it is.
This idea was inspired by Kendall D'Andres, and help from Paul Buerkle.
The new scripts contain a new feature called SMART script, which will
allow you to have inter-action with a remote system while the script is
running and then return control back to the script. It will also allow
you to abort the script the script and allow it to RESUME where it left
New script has improved file transfers, supports BBSee15 for
handling filenames using QWK newfiles.dat info.
Now supports RoseMail!
These are a few scripts that will make a system script that will set all of
the variables necessary for calling a system for mail, and file functions.
It is self explanatory to generate the script, but there are some things
that will need to be modified in your current boyan.mac file for all of
this to work.
The files contained are:
Readme.txt - this file
Script.bsc - this contains all of the commands that will be used to
run the system script.
Makemail.bsc - is the file that you will need to run that makes the
system script for you.
Nite.bsc - is a sample of my own script that I use to start calling
all of the systems that I call.
Boy.mac - this is my own macro file that I use on my system. If
you would like to look at it, I would suggest
that you rename your own boyan.mac file and then ren
boy.mac to boyan.mac and look at mine.
If you do, you might need to make the following changes
if you plan on trying to use it:
a) modem init string. macro #9
b) macro #1 has commands for call waiting.
Script LIST:
end bsc This is a nice script that I run after disconnecting
from a system (Macro #7), it displays the time and
lenght of connection from the last call
file bsc This is a boyan script file similar to list.
gt bsc Logon script for GTComm boards
hostset bsc Setup host script at specified time
makemail bsc MAIL Script generator
modem bsc Modem setup script and checks MNP Settings
nite bsc Sample unattended nite mail setup script
opus bsc Logon script for Opus boards
pcboard bsc Logon script for PCBoards
qefiles bsc Filename grabber script.
quote bsc Message quote macro
rbbs bsc Logon script for RBBS boards
script bsc Main script for mail calls
start bsc Startup script for setting log file by date
tcat bsc Logon script for TCat with Wildcat boards
tcomm bsc Logon script for TComm boards
timerlog bsc Script for use with an answer machine to display time
of call
wildcat bsc Logon script for WildCat boards
This program is to aid anyone interested in calling systems unattended
for mail and file transfers to PCBoard systems. All of this is will be
done with Boyan scripts. Even the process of creating a script will be
done with a Boyan script.
Getting started:
First place all of the *.bsc files in the boyan script file directory.
Next hit ALT-R and delete anything on the status line, followed by
Highlight the script called makemail.bsc and hit
You will need to have the following handy to complete the script.
Name to call the script.
Type of door for mail.
Door number.
Name of system mail packets for both up and downloads.
The number of mail packets that you wish to keep.
The script called MailMake.bsc will check for your first and last name in
macros #111 and #112. If not contained there, it will ask you for your
first and last name. Then it will install them in 111 and 112 for you. The
next time that you run MakeMail it will display your first and last name
on the screen and ask if this is correct.
It will be displayed as Lee ` Breeden
the back quote character, one character after your first name MUST be
there for all of this to work.
The script will then check to see if you have a defined password in the
setup. If not it will ask you to install one. The rest of the script will
be question and answer of the above questions. All of this information
will be stored in your user defined script name.
Operation of the script.
Once you have created the User defined script, it will set all of the
variables that will be needed for the call. All of the variables will be
used in the script call SCRIPT.bsc. This way, if there are any changes in
the mail door(s). A new script.bsc file can be easily replaced for the
existing one without having to changes to the related commands for the
Here is what your system script should look like:
\\ This script automates Mail runs to EDSHOME Bulletin Board.
\\ You must set the following macros with BOYAN's configuration module:
\\ \! = Macro # 111 = Your first name
\\ \@ = Macro # 112 = Your last name
\\ %PW = Is your defined password.
\\ \sv1 used for mail system report file *.rep.
\\ \sv2 used for prodoor option number.
\\ \sv3 used for mail door option number.
\\ \sv4 used for mail packet system name *.qwk.
\\ \sv5 used for up-file name or names.
\\ \sv6 used for file upload description.
\\ \sv7 used for file upload description, leave blank if not used
\\ \sv8 used for file upload description, leave blank if not used
\\ \sv9 used for file upload description, leave blank if not used
\\ \sv0 used for system name in call back option.
\\ \svA used to set option for call back block.
\\ \svB used for setting number of mail packets to keep.
\\ \svC used for setting file scan option pload ll etc.
\\ \svD used internally to read variable
\\ \svE used internally for selection option
\\ \svF used for setting cursor position in mail door.
\\ \svG used for setting the maximun number of messages in mail door.
\\ \svH used for setting timer to wait for no messages prompt in mail door.
\\ Need to have in boyan macro #7 \AT+[\qd]
\\ as last command.
\\Script assumes that you put your message replies in upload dir.
\\Script assumes that you put your messages packets in DN dir.
\\Script assumes that you use Zmodem configured as Z.
|LOGON \\ Start script blocks
\IE+OFF,%LD[\LD+] \\ Turn on Log to disk file
\SV0[%SN] \\ set existing system number to %v0
\sv1[EdsHome.rep] \\ Report packet name
\SV2[1] \\ enter door number [#]
\sv4[EdsHome.qwk] \\ Mail Packet name
\SV5[ ] \\ Name of file to UpLoad
\SV6[Great boyan script for viewing portions ]\\ file description
\SV7[of the boyan 5.0 manual. Has menu and ]\\ file description
\SV8[table of contents. By Paul Buerkle ]\\ file description
\SV9[ ] \\ enter file name to download
\SVB[9] \\ enter number of qwk's to keep
\SVC[a] \\ scanning directories for files A all or U uploads
\SVF[35] \\ Cursor position
\SVG[800] \\ Maximum message counter for mail
\SVH[1] \\ Timer to wait for NO messages 2-15 sec
\DM[CONNECTED TO %SN] \\ System display message
\to[40]\pl \\ Set timer
\\CA-[\eb] \\ Check carrier currently off
\CA+[\SC[SCRIPT;NAME]] \\ Enter name block
\ie+%VA,X[\gs[script;calback]\eb] \\ Checking for errors
\CA+[\SC[SCRIPT;QUEST]] \\ Question block
\ie+%VA,X[\gs[script;calback]\eb] \\ Checking for errors
\CA+[\SC[SCRIPT;mail]] \\ Mail block
\ie+%VA,X[\gs[script;calback]\eb] \\ Checking for errors
\CA+[\FE+%u:%V1[\SC[SCRIPT;QMul]]] \\ Upload block
\ie+%VA,X[\gs[script;calback]\eb] \\ Checking for errors
\CA+[\SC[SCRIPT;QMdl] \\ Mail download
\ie+%VA,X[\gs[script;calback]\eb] \\ Checking for errors
\CA+[\SC[SCRIPT;FILES]] \\ Scan for new files block
\\CA+[\FE+%U:%V5[\SC[SCRIPT;upload]]] \\when doing upload or download remove
\\CA+[\FE-%D:%V9[\SC[SCRIPT;download]]] \\slash from beginning of line
\CA-[\AB]\CA+[\gs[SCRIPT;Logoff]] \\ Log off block
Extra Tips:
I use a separate phone directory for calling systems at nite. The
reason being, is that the delete option in the phone directory can fowl up
the order that the phone numbers are in, thus causing you some problems.
You can use the clone fon option in the dialing directory to easily create
a nite.fon file, and delete the entries that you don't use.
I have a path for the log files off of the boyan directory, called \log.
There is also a file called start.bsc that is called from macro #9 that
sets the current date of the log to disk file. Each time the nite.bsc
file runs it deletes one log file, keeping the last five of them.
If you run into any problems related to the doors or the script(s), I can
be reached on any Boyan conference that you can find. I currently host the
Boyan conference on the following nets: Rime, Ilink, SmartNet and U'NInet.
Comments welcome. I support the Boyan 5.0 program for Justin, and I
answer the order line up until 10:00pm EST. (301)805-7168 If you need
help just yell..... not too loud...
If you are using one of these scripts and having some difficulties with
one or any of them, please let me know. I will be running the Boyan
support line from 10pm(Nite) to 2am(morning) EST for the latest release.
If you have any ideas, or suggestion, I would be happy to hear of them.
New SMART script features:
This is something totally different from anything that I have done with
the script language before. These scripts will allow the user to leave
the script running and have inter-action with the remote system. When
your thru you can resume the script where you left off. Your even able to
abort the script and have it restart at the last place (block) that you
left off at........ IMPRESSIVE....hum.....
QUICK Start. Install all of the files in the script directory.
I had to change the file that is called script.bsc. It would be a good
idea to MAKE A BACKUP copy of the SCRIPT.bsc just incase you have some
problems with this script. Run the MakeMail.bsc file. The easiest way
to do this is to hit Alt-R and highlight the file and then go thru the
questions to create a script.
Using the New features.
You run the scripts in the same manor as before. You will have a status
line message that says "Hit
OnLine MENU %HR:%MI %Mo/%DA/%YR
= edit Phone directory = edit Phone directory
= Quick Note file
= Scroll-back buffer
= Upload a file
At this point you can choose anything on the menu
To start inter-active mode hit "T"erminal mode. At this point you can
enter commands online with the remote, make changes, chat with sysop
etc.... and then hit
Whoops.....! hit the ESC button.... darn.... But guess what..... New
SMART script feature will allow you to re-start the script and start where
it left off as well......(look out Chuck.... resume too...!)
ReSTART script:
To use this feature you need the start the script with this macro key
configured somewhere to your liking.
Say your online and the script is scanning for new files, hit
then croll-back buffer to view files or what ever, hit ESC to get out
of scroll back buffer and at the MENU hit "R" to resume where you were
I removed this from the menu for space reasons but the command is active.
* = Quick Note file
* = Scroll-back buffer
= Upload a file
* commands will return you to the menu
Other commands will return you to the script/terminal mode
The commands on the menu will issue the block commands or line commands
for NORMAL board operations... I know that there are some sysops in there
infinite wisdom who will insist that this command HAS to be....... but
they should work (95%) of the time
When using the resume command, it should work as long as the command to
\eb (end the block) wasn't executed. Smart script is a term that I am
using for this operation. What happens upon every completion of a block,
it is flagged so that the script knows that the commands have already been
completed. So when you restart the script, it will start at the first
block that was NOT completed. This should work for all of the blocks
except for the mail blocks. Terminating within the door is fine, and
resuming at the Command prompt is fine, but you can NOT reSTART the script
in the process of getting mail. The commands would reStart the download
or the upload blocks of the script.
If a block has already been completed, the menu option for the command
will call up the block and re-execute the commands again.
The View settings window allow you to see your settings, just some things
else to play with.....
Manual Macro command is for anything that you might come up with. You
could use it to reset the \gv[] command while the script is running.
* * * * File Transfers Uploading and downloading * * * *
I have improved upon to interface for transferring files both uploading
and downloading. You can still do the file transfers exactly as before if
you like, but I think that once you have tried the new approach that you
will no longer have any interest in the older method.
This idea all started with Dan Potvin, who brought Martin Vallevand (author
of BBSee in) with the idea of multi file downloading/uploading with the aid
of BBSee.
File downloading:
To download files, you need to create a file list that is the same name
as the script that will be used in the dialing directory. This file needs
to reside in the script directory. For downloading, the filename format
can be either liner (80 characters max) or in a column format. IE:
edshome.dow - download file name
Once the files have been downloaded the file will be renamed, so that the
next time that you call the system it will not attempt to repeat the
process, or if there is a problem you will still have your list.
All of the above can also be done with BBSee, using the file tag option.
This will make the file and place all of the filenames in it.
File Uploading.
File uploading is just as simple, only you have some guidelines to follow.
For a single file upload follow this format.
first line :filename
second line : description one (42 characters max)
third line : description two (42 characters max)
fourth line : description three (42 characters max) only three lines!
For more than one upload, follow this format
first line :filename
second line : description one (42 characters max)
third line : description two (42 characters max)
fourth line : description three (42 characters max) only three lines!
+ Must contain a plus for additional uploads
IE: Sample
Diagnostics utility for SCSI hard drives
Phone convert program, supports most
current comm programs.
Scout 5.4 file manager TRS with Hot Key
Hyperdisk v4.30 Disk Cache
LIST version 7.6E
The latest update in the McAfee's series of
virus detection.
CLEAN85.ZIP to go along with scan 85
I used the \GV[] macro command in the script.bsc. PLEASE realize this
concept! If you call a system and abort the script, the \GV command opens
a file. The file stays open until the command is called to close it or
that a new \gv[] command is executed. If you abort the script and try a
again, when the next \GV command is called, it will grab the next filename
and description. If see the wrong filename being shown on the remote
systems end THIS IS WHY. You can correct the problem by issuing the
manual macro command Alt-M and enter \gv[].
Please HELP OUT. If you are using these scripts and are having problems
with them, I would like to know about them. I try to make these so that
they will work on every system (sysop) who gets in our way.....
I can be reached in any Boyan conference that you can find. I can be
FAXed as (301)805-7168 from voice mail hit 22#.
Lee Breeden
On Monday December 16, 1991 at 11:40 pm from Bowie Md