Category : C Source Code
Archive   : ZTIMER20.ZIP
Filename : INSTALL.ME

Output of file : INSTALL.ME contained in archive : ZTIMER20.ZIP

SciTech Software Distribution - Standard Directory Structure

This file describes the general directory structure of the SciTech Software
programming libraries that you have installed. This directory structure
is common to all SciTech Software products.

Find a nice home for it all

Before you install any of SciTech Software Products, you should decide upon
a standard root directory for installing all of the products into. The
default that we use is under the \SCITECH directory of one of our hard drives
(in my case C:). Then you should install all the files for all the
distributions that you have under the same directory tree. Many of the
products use common libraries to get things done (like the PMODE library)
and common header files. When you install them into the same directory
you will only have one copy of each of these common files.

IMPORTANT: Once you decided on a root directory for installing your SciTech
Software Products, you should install them all into the same
directory. The command to do this with PKZIP would be (assuming
that all products are installed under C:\SCITECH):

pkunzip -d .zip C:\SCITECH

This will correctly unzip all the archived files and create the
correct directory structure under the root directory C:\SCITECH

Note that the '-d' command line option is essential to ensure
that the correct directory structure is built.

Installing for use

Once you have created the directory structure for the distribution, and
all files have been installed, you will need to perform two final steps
before you can use the libraries:

1. Change your compilers default include path to include the
d:\SCITECH\INCLUDE directory so your compiler can find the required
include files, where d: is the drive that you have installed the
software onto.

2. Change your compilers default library path to include the
d:\SCITECH\LIB\??? directory (substitute the correct sub-directory
name for your compiler - d:\SCITECH\LIB\BC3 is for Borland C++ 3.1).

Once you have done this, you can simply start using the library files as
provided. If you intend to re-compile any of the libraries from the
provided source code, you will need to follow the steps in the next

SciTech Software Common Makefile Utilities

In order to be able to re-compile any of the SciTech Software Distributions
that come with source code, you will also need to install the SciTech
Software Common Makefile Utilities package. This can be found in the
archive called MKUTIL??.ZIP from the same location that you obtained this
package from. This archive contains all of the relevant executable files
(including a copy of DMAKE 3.8), batch files and DMAKE startup files
required to re-compiled the source code for any of the supported compilers.

Once you have installed the files onto your hard drive, you will need to
perform the following steps:

1. Change the default executable file path in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file
to include the d:\SCITECH\BIN directory. This should be placed
at the START of your path, so that the MAKE.EXE file in the BIN
directory will be found first, rather than your compilers usual
make utility.

2. Set the environment variables SCITECH and MGL_ROOT (if you are using
the MegaGraph Graphics Library). The batch file MGL_ENV.BAT in
the root \SCITECH directory is a sample of this. The SCITECH
environment variable is used by the batch files in the BIN
directory for setting up for compiling with a particular compiler,
and by the DMAKE program so that it can find all of the relevant
files during compilation.

3. Set up the enivornment variables needed by the bacth files in the
next step, so that they can located your compilers executable files,
include files and library files. The file BIN\SET-VARS.BAT is an
example that we use, so you can start with this to build you own
batch file.

4. Run the relevant batch file to set the environment up for your
compiler. The will file begin with a two letter prefix, and
end in either 16-VAR.BAT or 32-VAR.BAT (depending on whether you will
be compiling for 16 or 32 modes). These files require the SCITECH
environment variable to setup correctly, and the relevant variables
from the previous step to be set up correctly.

The following compilers are usually supported by SciTech Software, along with
the code used by the batch files from step 4 above (some libraries may not
support a particular compiled depending on lanuage requirements):

bc3 - Borland C++ 3.1 16 bit
bc16 - Borland C++ 4.0 16 bit
bc32 - Borland C++ 4.0 32 bit
vc16 - Microsoft Visual C++ 1.
vc32 - Microsoft Visual C++ 1.
sc16 - Symantec C++ 6.1 16 bit
sc32 - Symantec C++ 6.1 32 bit
wc16 - Watcom C++ 10.0 16 bit
wc32 - Watcom C++ 10.0 32 bit
hc32 - Metaware High C/C++ 3.2
dj32 - DJGPP GNU C/C++ 32 bit

Once you have everything set up correctly, you should simply be able to
type MAKE in any of the source directories and be in business.

Compiling with Optimisations or for Debugging

By default when you build the libraries, not optmisations and no debugging
information is generated. You can turn either (or both) of these features
on by setting the OPT or DBG variables for DMAKE. You can do this either
by passing them on the command line, or setting them as environment

make OPT=1 DBG=1


set OPT=1
set DBG=1

Changing the default DOS Extender

All of the SciTech Software libraries are DOS Extender independant. All
DOS extender dependant information is encapsulated in the PMODE.LIB library.
The default library provided for each of the compilers is compiled for
the default DOS extender normally used by that compiler. All you need to
do in order to use a different DOS extender is re-compile the PMODE
library with the appropriate command line options, and then link with
this new library. Refer to the documentation on the PMODE library for
more details.

All SciTech Software distributions that require the PMODE library, come
with a pre-compiled version of the library for the default DOS extender
used by that compiler. If you wish to change the DOS extender, or you
wish to have a look at the source code, you will need to obtain the
PMODE library source archive. You should be able to get this from the
same site that you downloaded this archive from as the file PMLITE??.ZIP.

Directory tree

The following is a brief outline of the directory tree, and the contents of
all the sub-directories (note that not all of these will be present in
every SciTech Software Distribution archive):

SCITECH ROOT directory (SCITECH is default official name)
ÃÄÄÄBIN Useful tools and batch files for library building
ÃÄÄÄDOC Documentation files. Each individual product has its own
³ separate directory which contains all files specific to
³ that product.
ÃÄÄÄFONTS All MGL font files installed here.
ÃÄÄÄBITMAPS All MGL bitmap files installed here.
ÃÄÄÄCURSORS All MGL mouse cursor files installed here.
ÃÄÄÄICONS All MGL icon files installed here.
ÃÄÄÄEXAMPLES Any example source code. Separate sub-directories are
³ provided for each of the different products.
ÃÄÄÄMANIFEST List of all files installed for each Distribution
ÃÄÄÄINCLUDE All installed header files.
ÃÄÄÄLIB All installed library files. Separate sub-directories are
³ ÃÄÄÄBC16 provided for each of the different supported compilers.
³ ÃÄÄÄ... These directories contain the pre-compiled versions of
³ ÀÄÄÄWC32 the library files ready for use.
ÃÄÄÄLIBSW All installed shareware library files. In the shareware
³ ÃÄÄÄBC16 distributions these directories contain pre-compiled
³ ÃÄÄÄ... shareware versions of the library files ready for use.
ÀÄÄÄSRC All source code for building the libraries (if provided).
ÃÄÄÄPMODE Each package has a separate directory that contains all
ÃÄÄÄ... of the source code and makefiles for building the library
ÀÄÄÄSVGAKIT and installing it under \SCITECH\LIB.

  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : ZTIMER20.ZIP
Filename : INSTALL.ME

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: