Category : C Source Code
Archive   : YICONS24.ZIP
Filename : SB.H

Output of file : SB.H contained in archive : YICONS24.ZIP
/* Include file for Soundblaster library */

/* Defines for Soundblaster and Soundblaster Pro IO address */
#define LEFT_FM_STATUS 0x00 /* Pro only */
#define LEFT_FM_ADDRESS 0x00 /* Pro only */
#define LEFT_FM_DATA 0x01 /* Pro only */
#define RIGHT_FM_STATUS 0x02 /* Pro only */
#define RIGHT_FM_ADDRESS 0x02 /* Pro only */
#define RIGHT_FM_DATA 0x03 /* Pro only */
#define MIXER_ADDRESS 0x04 /* Pro only */
#define MIXER_DATA 0x05 /* Pro only */
#define DSP_RESET 0x06
#define FM_STATUS 0x08
#define FM_ADDRESS 0x08
#define FM_DATA 0x09
#define DSP_READ_DATA 0x0A
#define DSP_WRITE_DATA 0x0C
#define DSP_DATA_AVAIL 0x0E
#define CD_ROM_DATA 0x10 /* Pro only */
#define CD_ROM_STATUS 0x11 /* Pro only */
#define CD_ROM_RESET 0x12 /* Pro only */
#define CD_ROM_ENABLE 0x13 /* Pro only */

#define ADLIB_FM_STATUS 0x388
#define ADLIB_FM_ADDRESS 0x388
#define ADLIB_FM_DATA 0x389

/* Defines for 8237 DMA Controller IO addresses */
#define DMA 0x00
#define CH0_BASE DMA+0
#define CH0_COUNT DMA+1
#define CH1_BASE DMA+2
#define CH1_COUNT DMA+3
#define CH2_BASE DMA+4
#define CH2_COUNT DMA+5
#define CH3_BASE DMA+6
#define CH3_COUNT DMA+7
#define DMA_STATUS DMA+8
#define DMA_CMD DMA+8
#define DMA_MASK DMA+10
#define DMA_MODE DMA+11
#define DMA_FF DMA+12
#define DMA_TMP DMA+13
#define DMA_CLEAR DMA+13
#define DMA_CLRMSK DMA+14
#define DMA_WRMSK DMA+15
#define DMAPAGE 0x80

/* Types of Soundblaster Cards */
#define SB15 1
#define SBPro 2
#define SB20 3

/* DSP Commands */
#define DIRECT_8_BIT_DAC 0x10
#define DMA_8_BIT_DAC 0x14
#define DMA_2_BIT_DAC 0x16
#define DMA_2_BIT_REF_DAC 0x17
#define DIRECT_ADC 0x20
#define DMA_ADC 0x24
#define MIDI_READ_POLL 0x30
#define MIDI_READ_IRQ 0x31
#define MIDI_WRITE_POLL 0x38
#define TIME_CONSTANT 0x40
#define DMA_4_BIT_DAC 0x74
#define DMA_4_BIT_REF_DAC 0x75
#define DMA_26_BIT_DAC 0x76
#define DMA_26_BIT_REF_DAC 0x77
#define HALT_DMA 0xD0
#define CONTINUE_DMA 0xD4
#define SPEAKER_ON 0xD1
#define SPEAKER_OFF 0xD3
#define DSP_ID 0xE0
#define DSP_VER 0xE1
#define MDAC1 0x61
#define MDAC2 0x62
#define MDAC3 0x63
#define MDAC4 0x64
#define MDAC5 0x65
#define MDAC6 0x66
#define MDAC7 0x67

extern "C" {
/* Functions that are in the library */
int Sb_Init(void);
int Sb_Get_Params(void);
void Sb_Sample_Rate(unsigned rate);
void Sb_Voice(int state);
void Sb_OutVoice_DMA(char far *data, unsigned dlen, int stereo);
void Sb_Init_Voice_DMA(void interrupt (*handler)(void));
void Sb_DeInit_Voice_DMA(void);
int Sb_DMA_Complete(void);
void Sb_Halt_DMA(void);
void Sb_Continue_DMA(void);

/* DMA routines */
int far dma_reset(int Channel);
int far dma_setup(int Channel,char far *Buffer,unsigned Length,int Dir);
int far dma_done(int Channel);

extern int far dma_errno;
extern char far *dma_errlist[];

/* Card parameters */
extern unsigned SbIOaddr;
extern unsigned SbIRQ;
extern unsigned SbDMAchan;
extern int SbType;

/* Define a useful macro for writing data to the DAC */
#define writedac(x) { while(inportb(SbIOaddr+DSP_WRITE_STATUS) & 0x80); \
outportb(SbIOaddr+DSP_WRITE_DATA,(x)); }

/* Write a byte to the SB Pro mixer chip */
#define writemixer(x,y) { outportb(SbIOaddr+MIXER_ADDRESS,(x)); \
outportb(SbIOaddr+MIXER_DATA,(y)); }

/* FM Instrument definition */
typedef struct {
unsigned char SoundCharacteristic[2];
unsigned char Level[2];
unsigned char AttackDecay[2];
unsigned char SustainRelease[2];
unsigned char WaveSelect[2];
unsigned char Feedback;
unsigned char filler[6];
} FM_Instrument;

/* FM sound routines */
void Sb_FM_Reset(void);
void Sb_FM_Key_Off(int voice);
void Sb_FM_Key_On(int voice, int freq, int octave);
void Sb_FM_Voice_Volume(int voice, int vol);
void Sb_FM_Set_Voice(int voice_num, FM_Instrument *ins);

/* MIDI routines */
int Sb_Read_MIDI(void);
void Sb_Write_MIDI(int data);

  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : YICONS24.ZIP
Filename : SB.H

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: