Category : C Source Code
Archive   : XMSLIB12.ZIP
Filename : XMS.C

Output of file : XMS.C contained in archive : XMSLIB12.ZIP
This program will determine whether or not an XMS driver is
installed, and will return several statistics about it if
a driver is found.

It will also test most of the XMSLIB routines.


#include "xmslib.h"

int main()
unsigned char error; /* error code returned be most routines */
unsigned int freemem, totmem; /* memory stats */
unsigned int ver_proto, ver_driver, hma_avail; /* version stats */
unsigned int state; /* state of the A20 line. */
unsigned int handle; /* EMB handle allocated */
void far *address; /* pointer to EMB. Note: this is a 32bit linear */
/* address, so it cannot be used directly. */
unsigned char locks, fhandles; /* locks on the handle, and handles free */
unsigned int blength; /* size of the block (for info request) */
unsigned int maxumb, segaddr; /* for UMB request. (not on MY machine!) */
char message[30] = "This be a test."; /* for extended mem move */
char message2[30] = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"; /* " " " " */

struct EMMMoveStruct moverec; /* also for extended memory move */

if(!XMS_Setup()) { /* must be called before using any other XMS function */
printf("There seems to be no XMS driver installed!\n");
XMS_Version(&ver_proto, &ver_driver, &hma_avail);
printf("XMS Status: Protocol version: %x Internal version: %x HMA avail: %s\n",
ver_proto, ver_driver, hma_avail ? "Yes" : "No");
if(ver_proto!=0x0200) {
printf("Protocol version is NOT 2.00, so I'm gonna FREAK!\n");
XMS_FreeMem(&freemem,&totmem); /* query free XMS memory */
printf("XMS Status: %dk total, %dk total\n", totmem, freemem);
printf("Allocate HMA: %x\n",XMS_RequestHMA(0xffff));
printf("Release HMA: %x\n",XMS_ReleaseHMA());
printf("GlobalDisableA20: %x :",XMS_GlobalDisableA20());

printf("A20 state: %s\n",state ? "Enabled" : "Disabled");
printf("LocalEnableA20: %x :",XMS_LocalEnableA20());

printf("A20 state: %s\n",state ? "Enabled" : "Disabled");
printf("LocalDisableA20: %x :",XMS_LocalDisableA20());

printf("A20 state: %s\n",state ? "Enabled" : "Disabled");

error = XMS_AllocEMB(10,&handle); /* allocate 10k of memory */
printf("AllocEMB: %x handle: %x\n",error, handle);

/* next, copy our little message to extended memory */
moverec.Length = sizeof(message);
moverec.SourceHandle = 0; /* handle of 0 means direct memory */
moverec.SourceOffset = (unsigned long)message;
moverec.DestHandle = handle; /* our EMB handle */
moverec.DestOffset=0; /* copy to the front of the block */
error = XMS_MoveEMB(&moverec);
printf("MoveEMB: %x\n",error);
printf("String 1: %s\nString 2: %s\n",message, message2);

moverec.Length = sizeof(message); /* now, move it to the second string */
moverec.DestHandle = 0;
moverec.DestOffset = (unsigned long)message2;
moverec.SourceHandle = handle;
error = XMS_MoveEMB(&moverec);
printf("MoveEMB: %x\n",error);
printf("String 1: %s\nString 2: %s\n",message, message2);

error = XMS_LockEMB(handle, &address);
printf("Handle %x located at linear memory address %p\n",handle, address);
printf("Lock returned error %x\n",error);

error = XMS_ReallocEMB(handle, 20); /* reallocate as 20k instead of 10 */
printf("ReallocEMB: %x\n",error); /* THIS SHOULD FAIL BECAUSE OF LOCK */

error = XMS_GetEMBHandleInfo(handle, &locks, &fhandles, &blength);
printf("Info on handle %x: Locks: %d Free handles: %d Block length: %d\n",
handle, locks, fhandles, blength);

error = XMS_UnlockEMB(handle);
printf("Unlock returned error %x\n",error);

error = XMS_ReallocEMB(handle, 20); /* reallocate as 20k instead of 10 */
printf("ReallocEMB: %x\n",error);

error = XMS_GetEMBHandleInfo(handle, &locks, &fhandles, &blength);
printf("Info on handle %x: Locks: %d Free handles: %d Block length: %d\n",
handle, locks, fhandles, blength);

error = XMS_FreeEMB(handle); /* free memory */
printf("FreeEMB: %x\n",error);

error = XMS_RequestUMB(0xffff, &segaddr, &maxumb);
printf("RequestUMB: %x MaxSize: %d\n",error, maxumb);

return 0;

  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : XMSLIB12.ZIP
Filename : XMS.C

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: