Category : C Source Code
Archive   : XMS11.ZIP
Filename : XMS.H

Output of file : XMS.H contained in archive : XMS11.ZIP
// Microsoft eXtended Memory Specification
// C++ Interface Library Header File
// by Richard Vuduc
// Copyright 1990, Richard Vuduc

#ifndef _XMSMGR
#define _XMSMGR 1

// Types and constants
enum boolean { False, True }; // analogous to Pascal's boolean
const HMASeg = 0xFFFF; // Last physical segment in real-mode
const HMAOff = 0xA; // 16 bytes + HMASeg = The 1 MB boundary

#ifndef NULL
#define NULL 0

class XMSDriver; // Incomplete declaration
#include "xmshndl.h"

// Extended Memory Block Move structure
struct XMSMoveBlock
unsigned long Length; // Length of move block, in bytes
unsigned int SrcHandle; // Source Handle #; 0 = conventional Mem
unsigned long SrcOffset; // Offset of source handle or off,seg
unsigned int DestHandle; // Destination handle
unsigned long DestOffset; // Destination offset

// XMSDriver class
// Handles allocation and deallocation of XMS blocks
class XMSDriver
static long Avail; // Extended Memory available to application
static long Total; // Total extended memory installed
static boolean Installed; // XMM installed?
boolean InstHMA; // XMM HMA available
char far *HMAPtr; // Pointer into High Memory Area
XMSHandle *CurrHandle, // Linked list - Current handle
*First, // First handle in linked list
*Last; // Last handle in linked list
XMSDriver( void ); // constructor
~XMSDriver( void ); // destructor

// ***************** High Memory Area management functions (1024K-1088K)
boolean ReqHMA( void ); // Allocate HMA
void RelHMA( void ); // Deallocate HMA
void far *GetHMAPtr( void ); // Get a pointer to HMA
boolean A20Enable( void ); // Globally enable A20 line
void A20Disable( void ); // Globally disable A20 line
boolean A20LEnable( void ); // Locally enable the A20 line
void A20LDisable( void ); // Locally disable the A20 line
boolean A20Query( void ); // Query state of A20 line
void far *HMAWrite( unsigned ItemSize, unsigned Index, unsigned Length,
void far *Data ); // Write a block to high memory
// Read from HMA
void far *HMARead( unsigned ItemSize, unsigned Index, unsigned Length,
void far *Data );

// **************** Extended Memory Block Functions... (1088K+)
unsigned EMBAlloc( unsigned size ); // Allocate EMB
void EMBFree( unsigned handle ); // Free EMB
long EMBLock( unsigned handle ); // Lock EMB
boolean EMBUnlock( unsigned handle ); // Unlock EMB
boolean EMBMoveToExt( unsigned dhandle, unsigned doff,
void far *p, long size );
boolean EMBMoveToCon( void far *p, unsigned shandle, unsigned soff,
long size );
boolean EMBExtToExt( unsigned dhandle, unsigned doff,
unsigned shandle, unsigned soff, long size );
boolean EMBRealloc( unsigned handle, unsigned size ); // Realloc block

// **************** Upper Memory Block management routines (640K - 1024K)

// **************** Miscellaneous Management routines
long GetAvail( void ); // Get available Extended Memory
boolean Inst( void ) { return Installed; } // XMS Installed?
boolean HMAInst( void ) { return InstHMA; } // HMA Installed?
long GetTotal( void ) { return Total; }

// **************** XMS Hi-Level Memory Managment Routines
XMSHandle *HndReqPtr( unsigned handle );
void HndRelPtr( unsigned handle );

// Internal functions - private only
void CopyBlock( char far *dest, char far *src, unsigned len );
void XMSChainHandle( unsigned int handle, unsigned int size );
XMSHandle *XMSFindLastHandle( void ) { return (CurrHandle=Last); }
XMSHandle *XMSFindFirstHandle( void ) { return (CurrHandle=First); }
XMSHandle *XMSFindHandle( unsigned handle );

// End XMS.H

  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : XMS11.ZIP
Filename : XMS.H

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: