Category : C Source Code
Archive   : XLIB06.ZIP
Filename : XRECT.ASM

Output of file : XRECT.ASM contained in archive : XLIB06.ZIP
; Rectangle functions all MODE X 256 Color resolutions
; Compile with Tasm.
; C callable.
; ****** XLIB - Mode X graphics library ****************
; ****** ****************
; ****** Written By Themie Gouthas ****************
; [email protected]
; [email protected]


; Plane masks for clipping left and right edges of rectangle.
LeftClipPlaneMask db 00fh,00eh,00ch,008h
RightClipPlaneMask db 00fh,001h,003h,007h

; Mode X (320x240, 256 colors) rectangle solid colour fill routine.
; Based on code originally published in DDJ Mag by M. Abrash
; with TASM 2. C near-callable as:
; void x_rect_fill_clipped(int StartX, int StartY, int EndX, int EndY,
; unsigned int PageBase, unsigne int color);

_x_rect_fill_clipped proc
ARG StartX:word,StartY:word,EndX:word,EndY:word,PageBase:word,Color:word
push bp ;preserve caller's stack frame
mov bp,sp ;point to local stack frame
push si ;preserve caller's register variables
push di

mov dx,[_TopClip] ; Compare u.l. Y coord with Top
mov cx,[_BottomClip]
mov ax,[StartY]
mov bx,[EndY]
cmp dx,ax
jle @@CheckBottomClip
cmp dx,bx
jg @@NotVisible
mov [StartY],dx

cmp cx,bx
jg @@CheckLeftClip
cmp cx,ax
jl @@NotVisible
mov [EndY],cx

mov dx,[_LeftClip] ; Compare u.l. Y coord with Top
mov cx,[_RightClip]
mov ax,[StartX]
mov bx,[EndX]
sal dx,2
sal cx,2
cmp dx,ax
jle @@CheckRightClip
cmp dx,bx
jg @@NotVisible
mov [StartX],dx

cmp cx,bx
jg RFClipDone
cmp cx,ax
jl @@NotVisible
mov [EndX],cx
jmp RFClipDone

mov ax,1
pop di ; restore registers
pop si
pop bp
_x_rect_fill_clipped endp

; Mode X (320x240, 256 colors) rectangle solid colour fill routine.
; Based on code originally published in DDJ Mag by M. Abrash
; with TASM 2. C near-callable as:
; void x_rect_fill(int StartX, int StartY, int EndX, int EndY,
; unsigned int PageBase, unsigne int color);

_x_rect_fill proc
ARG StartX:word,StartY:word,EndX:word,EndY:word,PageBase:word,Color:word
push bp ;preserve caller's stack frame
mov bp,sp ;point to local stack frame
push si ;preserve caller's register variables
push di

mov ax,[_ScrnLogicalByteWidth]
mul [StartY] ;offset in page of top rectangle scan line
mov di,[StartX]
sar di,2 ;X/4 = offset of first rectangle pixel in scan
add di,ax ;offset of first rectangle pixel in page
add di,[PageBase] ;offset of first rectangle pixel in
; display memory
mov ax,SCREEN_SEG ;point ES:DI to the first rectangle
mov es,ax ; pixel's address
mov dx,SC_INDEX ;set the Sequence Controller Index to
mov al,MAP_MASK ; point to the Map Mask register
out dx,al
inc dx ;point DX to the SC Data register
mov si,[StartX]
and si,0003h ;look up left edge plane mask
mov bh,LeftClipPlaneMask[si] ; to clip & put in BH
mov si,[EndX]
and si,0003h ;look up right edge plane
mov bl,RightClipPlaneMask[si] ; mask to clip & put in BL

mov cx,[EndX] ;calculate # of addresses across rect
mov si,[StartX]
cmp cx,si
jle @@FillDone ;skip if 0 or negative width
dec cx
and si,not 011b
sub cx,si
sar cx,2 ;# of addresses across rectangle to fill - 1
jnz @@MasksSet ;there's more than one byte to draw
and bh,bl ;there's only one byte, so combine the left
; and right edge clip masks
mov si,[EndY]
sub si,[StartY] ;BX = height of rectangle
jle @@FillDone ;skip if 0 or negative height
mov ah,byte ptr [Color] ;color with which to fill
mov bp,[_ScrnLogicalByteWidth] ;stack frame isn't needed any more
sub bp,cx ;distance from end of one scan line to start
dec bp ; of next
push cx ;remember width in addresses - 1
mov al,bh ;put left-edge clip mask in AL
out dx,al ;set the left-edge plane (clip) mask
mov al,ah ;put color in AL
stosb ;draw the left edge
dec cx ;count off left edge byte
js @@FillLoopBottom ;that's the only byte
jz @@DoRightEdge ;there are only two bytes
mov al,00fh ;middle addresses drawn 4 pixels at a pop
out dx,al ;set the middle pixel mask to no clip
mov al,ah ;put color in AL
rep stosb ;draw middle addresses four pixels apiece
mov al,bl ;put right-edge clip mask in AL
out dx,al ;set the right-edge plane (clip) mask
mov al,ah ;put color in AL
stosb ;draw the right edge
add di,bp ;point to start of the next scan line of
; the rectangle
pop cx ;retrieve width in addresses - 1
dec si ;count down scan lines
jnz @@FillRowsLoop
pop di ;restore caller's register variables
pop si
pop bp ;restore caller's stack frame
_x_rect_fill endp

; Mode X (320x240, 256 colors) rectangle 4x4 pattern fill routine.
; Upper left corner of pattern is always aligned to a multiple-of-4
; row and column. Works on all VGAs. Uses approach of copying the
; pattern to off-screen display memory, then loading the latches with
; the pattern for each scan line and filling each scan line four
; pixels at a time. Fills up to but not including the column at EndX
; and the row at EndY. No clipping is performed. All ASM code tested
; Based on code originally published in DDJ Mag by M. Abrash
; C near-callable as:
; void x_rect_pattern_clipped(int StartX, int StartY, int EndX, int EndY,
; unsigned int PageBase, char far * Pattern);

_x_rect_pattern_clipped proc
ARG StartX:word,StartY:word,EndX:word,EndY:word,PageBase:word,Pattern:dword
LOCAL NextScanOffset:word,RectAddrWidth:word,Height:word=LocalStk
push bp ;preserve caller's stack frame
mov bp,sp ;point to local stack frame
sub sp,LocalStk ;allocate space for local vars
push si ;preserve caller's register variables
push di
push ds

mov dx,[_TopClip] ; Compare u.l. Y coord with Top
mov cx,[_BottomClip]
mov ax,[StartY]
mov bx,[EndY]
cmp dx,ax
jle @@CheckBottomClip
cmp dx,bx
jg @@NotVisible
mov [StartY],dx

cmp cx,bx
jg @@CheckLeftClip
cmp cx,ax
jl @@NotVisible
mov [EndY],cx

mov dx,[_LeftClip] ; Compare u.l. Y coord with Top
mov cx,[_RightClip]
mov ax,[StartX]
mov bx,[EndX]
sal dx,2
sal cx,2
cmp dx,ax
jle @@CheckRightClip
cmp dx,bx
jg @@NotVisible
mov [StartX],dx

cmp cx,bx
jg RPClipDone
cmp cx,ax
jl @@NotVisible
mov [EndX],cx
jmp RPClipDone

mov ax,1
pop ds
pop di ; restore registers
pop si
mov sp,bp
pop bp

_x_rect_pattern_clipped endp

; Mode X (320x240, 256 colors) rectangle 4x4 pattern fill routine.
; Upper left corner of pattern is always aligned to a multiple-of-4
; row and column. Works on all VGAs. Uses approach of copying the
; pattern to off-screen display memory, then loading the latches with
; the pattern for each scan line and filling each scan line four
; pixels at a time. Fills up to but not including the column at EndX
; and the row at EndY. No clipping is performed. All ASM code tested
; Based on code originally published in DDJ Mag by M. Abrash
; C near-callable as:
; void x_rect_pattern(int StartX, int StartY, int EndX, int EndY,
; unsigned int PageBase, char far * Pattern);

_x_rect_pattern proc
ARG StartX:word,StartY:word,EndX:word,EndY:word,PageBase:word,Pattern:dword
LOCAL NextScanOffset:word,RectAddrWidth:word,Height:word=LocalStk
push bp ;preserve caller's stack frame
mov bp,sp ;point to local stack frame
sub sp,LocalStk ;allocate space for local vars
push si ;preserve caller's register variables
push di
push ds

mov ax,SCREEN_SEG ;point ES to display memory
mov es,ax
;copy pattern to display memory buffer
lds si,dword ptr [Pattern] ;point to pattern to fill with
mov di,PATTERN_BUFFER ;point ES:DI to pattern buffer
mov dx,SC_INDEX ;point Sequence Controller Index to
mov al,MAP_MASK ; Map Mask
out dx,al
inc dx ;point to SC Data register
mov cx,4 ;4 pixel quadruplets in pattern
mov al,1 ;
out dx,al ;select plane 0 for writes
movsb ;copy over next plane 0 pattern pixel
dec di ;stay at same address for next plane
mov al,2 ;
out dx,al ;select plane 1 for writes
movsb ;copy over next plane 1 pattern pixel
dec di ;stay at same address for next plane
mov al,4 ;
out dx,al ;select plane 2 for writes
movsb ;copy over next plane 2 pattern pixel
dec di ;stay at same address for next plane
mov al,8 ;
out dx,al ;select plane 3 for writes
movsb ;copy over next plane 3 pattern pixel
; and advance address
loop @@DownloadPatternLoop
pop ds

mov dx,GC_INDEX ;set the bit mask to select all bits
mov ax,00000h+BIT_MASK ; from the latches and none from
out dx,ax ; the CPU, so that we can write the
; latch contents directly to memory
mov ax,[StartY] ;top rectangle scan line
mov si,ax
and si,011b ;top rect scan line modulo 4
add si,PATTERN_BUFFER ;point to pattern scan line that
; maps to top line of rect to draw
mov dx,[_ScrnLogicalByteWidth]
mul dx ;offset in page of top rect scan line
mov di,[StartX]
mov bx,di
sar di,2 ;X/4 = offset of first rectangle pixel in scan
add di,ax ;offset of first rectangle pixel in page
add di,[PageBase] ;offset of first rectangle pixel in
; display memory
and bx,0003h ;look up left edge plane mask
mov ah,LeftClipPlaneMask[bx] ; to clip
mov bx,[EndX]
and bx,0003h ;look up right edge plane
mov al,RightClipPlaneMask[bx] ; mask to clip
mov bx,ax ;put the masks in BX

mov cx,[EndX] ;calculate # of addresses across rect
mov ax,[StartX]
cmp cx,ax
jle @@FillDone ;skip if 0 or negative width
dec cx
and ax,not 011b
sub cx,ax
sar cx,2 ;# of addresses across rectangle to fill - 1
jnz @@MasksSet ;there's more than one pixel to draw
and bh,bl ;there's only one pixel, so combine the left
; and right edge clip masks
mov ax,[EndY]
sub ax,[StartY] ;AX = height of rectangle
jle @@FillDone ;skip if 0 or negative height
mov [Height],ax
mov ax,[_ScrnLogicalByteWidth]
sub ax,cx ;distance from end of one scan line to start
dec ax ; of next
mov [NextScanOffset],ax
mov [RectAddrWidth],cx ;remember width in addresses - 1
mov dx,SC_INDEX+1 ;point to Sequence Controller Data reg
; (SC Index still points to Map Mask)
mov cx,[RectAddrWidth] ;width across - 1
mov al,es:[si] ;read display memory to latch this scan
; line's pattern
inc si ;point to the next pattern scan line, wrapping
jnz short @@NoWrap ; back to the start of the pattern if
sub si,4 ; we've run off the end
mov al,bh ;put left-edge clip mask in AL
out dx,al ;set the left-edge plane (clip) mask
stosb ;draw the left edge (pixels come from latches;
; value written by CPU doesn't matter)
dec cx ;count off left edge address
js @@FillLoopBottom ;that's the only address
jz @@DoRightEdge ;there are only two addresses
mov al,00fh ;middle addresses drawn 4 pixels at a pop
out dx,al ;set middle pixel mask to no clip
rep stosb ;draw middle addresses four pixels apiece
; (from latches; value written doesn't matter)
mov al,bl ;put right-edge clip mask in AL
out dx,al ;set the right-edge plane (clip) mask
stosb ;draw the right edge (from latches; value
; written doesn't matter)
add di,[NextScanOffset] ;point to the start of the next scan
; line of the rectangle
dec word ptr [Height] ;count down scan lines
jnz @@FillRowsLoop
mov dx,GC_INDEX+1 ;restore the bit mask to its default,
mov al,0ffh ; which selects all bits from the CPU
out dx,al ; and none from the latches (the GC
; Index still points to Bit Mask)

pop di ;restore caller's register variables
pop si
mov sp,bp ;discard storage for local variables
pop bp ;restore caller's stack frame
_x_rect_pattern endp

; Mode X (320x240, 256 colors) display memory to display memory copy
; routine. Left edge of source rectangle modulo 4 must equal left edge
; of destination rectangle modulo 4. Works on all VGAs. Uses approach
; of reading 4 pixels at a time from the source into the latches, then
; writing the latches to the destination. Copies up to but not
; including the column at SrcEndX and the row at SrcEndY. No
; clipping is performed. Results are not guaranteed if the source and
; destination overlap.
; Based on code originally published in DDJ Mag by M. Abrash
;C near-callable as:
; void x_cp_vid_rect(int SrcStartX, int SrcStartY,
; int SrcEndX, int SrcEndY, int DestStartX,
; int DestStartY, unsigned int SrcPageBase,
; unsigned int DestPageBase, int SrcBitmapWidth,
; int DestBitmapWidth);

_x_cp_vid_rect proc
ARG SrcStartX:word,SrcStartY:word,SrcEndX:word,SrcEndY:word,DestStartX:word,DestStartY:word,SrcPageBase:word,DestPageBase:word,SrcBitmapW:word,DestBitmapW:word
LOCAL SrcNextOffs:word,DestNextOffs:word,RectAddrW:word,Height:word=LocalStk
push bp ;preserve caller's stack frame
mov bp,sp ;point to local stack frame
sub sp,LocalStk ;allocate space for local vars
push si ;preserve caller's register variables
push di
push ds

mov dx,GC_INDEX ;set the bit mask to select all bits
mov ax,00000h+BIT_MASK ; from the latches and none from
out dx,ax ; the CPU, so that we can write the
; latch contents directly to memory
mov ax,SCREEN_SEG ;point ES to display memory
mov es,ax
mov ax,[DestBitmapW]
shr ax,2 ;convert to width in addresses
mul [DestStartY] ;top dest rect scan line
mov di,[DestStartX]
sar di,2 ;X/4 = offset of first dest rect pixel in
; scan line
add di,ax ;offset of first dest rect pixel in page
add di,[DestPageBase] ;offset of first dest rect pixel
; in display memory
mov ax,[SrcBitmapW]
sar ax,2 ;convert to width in addresses
mul [SrcStartY] ;top source rect scan line
mov si,[SrcStartX]
mov bx,si
sar si,2 ;X/4 = offset of first source rect pixel in
; scan line
add si,ax ;offset of first source rect pixel in page
add si,[SrcPageBase] ;offset of first source rect
; pixel in display memory
and bx,0003h ;look up left edge plane mask
mov ah,LeftClipPlaneMask[bx] ; to clip
mov bx,[SrcEndX]
and bx,0003h ;look up right edge plane
mov al,RightClipPlaneMask[bx] ; mask to clip
mov bx,ax ;put the masks in BX

mov cx,[SrcEndX] ;calculate # of addresses across
mov ax,[SrcStartX] ; rect
cmp cx,ax
jle @@CopyDone ;skip if 0 or negative width
dec cx
and ax,not 011b
sub cx,ax
sar cx,2 ;# of addresses across rectangle to copy - 1
jnz @@MasksSet ;there's more than one address to draw
and bh,bl ;there's only one address, so combine the left
; and right edge clip masks
mov ax,[SrcEndY]
sub ax,[SrcStartY] ;AX = height of rectangle
jle @@CopyDone ;skip if 0 or negative height
mov [Height],ax
mov ax,[DestBitmapW]
sar ax,2 ;convert to width in addresses
sub ax,cx ;distance from end of one dest scan line
dec ax ; to start of next
mov [DestNextOffs],ax
mov ax,[SrcBitmapW]
sar ax,2 ;convert to width in addresses
sub ax,cx ;distance from end of one source scan line
dec ax ; to start of next
mov [SrcNextOffs],ax
mov [RectAddrW],cx ;remember width in addresses - 1
mov dx,SC_INDEX+1 ;point to Sequence Controller Data reg
; (SC Index still points to Map Mask)
mov ax,es ;DS=ES=screen segment for MOVS
mov ds,ax
mov cx,[RectAddrW] ;width across - 1
mov al,bh ;put left-edge clip mask in AL
out dx,al ;set the left-edge plane (clip) mask
movsb ;copy the left edge (pixels go through
; latches)
dec cx ;count off left edge address
js @@CopyLoopBottom ;that's the only address
jz @@DoRightEdge ;there are only two addresses
mov al,00fh ;middle addresses are drawn 4 pix per go
out dx,al ;set the middle pixel mask to no clip
rep movsb ;draw the middle addresses four pix per go
; (pixels copied through latches)
mov al,bl ;put right-edge clip mask in AL
out dx,al ;set the right-edge plane (clip) mask
movsb ;draw the right edge (pixels copied through
; latches)
add si,[SrcNextOffs] ;point to the start of
add di,[DestNextOffs] ; next source & dest lines
dec word ptr [Height] ;count down scan lines
jnz @@CopyRowsLoop
mov dx,GC_INDEX+1 ;restore the bit mask to its default,
mov al,0ffh ; which selects all bits from the CPU
out dx,al ; and none from the latches (the GC
; Index still points to Bit Mask)
pop ds
pop di ;restore caller's register variables
pop si
mov sp,bp ;discard storage for local variables
pop bp ;restore caller's stack frame
_x_cp_vid_rect endp

; Copy a rectangular region of a VGA screen, with x coordinates
; rounded to the nearest byte -- source and destination may overlap.
; C near-callable as:
; void x_shift_rect (WORD SrcLeft, WORD SrcTop,
; WORD SrcRight, WORD SrcBottom,
; WORD DestLeft, WORD DestTop, WORD ScreenOffs);
; SrcRight is rounded up, and the left edges are rounded down, to ensure
; that the pixels pointed to by the arguments are inside the rectangle.
; The width of the rectangle in bytes (width in pixels / 4)
; cannot exceed 255.
; ax, bx, cx, dx, and es eat hot lead.
; This function was written by Matthew MacKenzie
; [email protected]

align 2
_x_shift_rect proc
ARG SrcLeft,SrcTop,SrcRight,SrcBottom,DestLeft,DestTop,ScreenOffs:word
LOCAL width_temp:word=LocalStk

push bp
mov bp, sp
sub sp, LocalStk
push si
push di
push ds

; find values for width & x motion
mov si, SrcLeft ; source x in bytes
sar si, 2

mov di, DestLeft ; destination x in bytes
sar di, 2

mov bx, SrcRight ; right edge of source in bytes, rounded up
add bx, 3
sar bx, 2
sub bx, si
mov ax, bx ; width - 1
inc bx ; we'll use this as an offset for moving up or down
mov width_temp, bx

cld ; by default, strings increment

cmp si, di
jge @@MovingLeft

; we're moving our rectangle right, so we copy it from right to left
add si, ax ; source & destination will start on the right edge
add di, ax
neg bx
std ; strings decrement


; find values for height & y motion
mov cx, _ScrnLogicalByteWidth ; bytes to move to advance one line
mov ax, SrcTop
mov dx, DestTop ; default destination y
cmp ax, dx
jge @@MovingUp

; we're moving our rectangle down, so we copy it from bottom to top
mov ax, SrcBottom ; source starts at bottom
add dx, ax ; add (height - 1) to destination y
sub dx, SrcTop
neg cx ; advance up screen rather than down

push dx ; save destination y during multiply
mul _ScrnLogicalByteWidth
add si, ax ; add y in bytes to source
pop ax ; restore destination y
mul _ScrnLogicalByteWidth
add di, ax ; add y in bytes to destination

sub cx, bx ; final value for moving up or down

add si, ScreenOffs ; source & destination are on the same screen
add di, ScreenOffs

mov dx, SC_INDEX ; set map mask to all four planes
mov ax, 00f02h
out dx, ax

mov dx, GC_INDEX ; set bit mask to take data from latches
mov ax, BIT_MASK ; rather than CPU
out dx, ax

mov ax, SCREEN_SEG ; source and destination are VGA memory
mov es, ax
mov ds, ax

mov ah, byte ptr width_temp ; width in bytes should fit in 8 bits

mov bx, SrcBottom ; height - 1
sub bx, SrcTop

mov dx, cx ; bytes to add to advance one line

xor ch, ch ; ready to rock

mov cl, ah ; load width in bytes
rep movsb ; move 4 pixels at a time using latches (YOW!)

add si, dx ; advance source by one line
add di, dx ; advance destination by one line

dec bx ; line counter
jge @@LineLoop ; 0 still means one more to go

mov dx, GC_INDEX + 1; set bit mask to take data from CPU (normal setting)
mov al, 0ffh
out dx, al

; kick
pop ds
pop di
pop si
mov sp, bp
pop bp

_x_shift_rect endp


  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : XLIB06.ZIP
Filename : XRECT.ASM

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: