Category : C Source Code
Archive   : XLIB06.ZIP
Filename : XLINE.ASM

Output of file : XLINE.ASM contained in archive : XLIB06.ZIP
; Line drawing functions.
; Compile with Tasm.
; C callable.
; ****** XLIB - Mode X graphics library ****************
; ****** ****************
; ****** Written By Themie Gouthas ****************
; [email protected]
; [email protected]


ModeXAddr macro
mov cl,bl
push dx
mov dx,[_ScrnLogicalByteWidth]
mul dx
pop dx
shr bx,2
add bx,ax
add bx,[PgOffs]
and cl,3

; _x_line
; Line drawing function for all MODE X 256 Color resolutions
; Based on code from "PC and PS/2 Video Systems" by Richard Wilton.
; Compile with Tasm.
; C callable.

_x_line proc
ARG x1:word,y1:word,x2:word,y2:word,Color:word,PgOffs:word
LOCAL vertincr:word,incr1:word,incr2:word,routine:word=LocalStk
push bp ; Set up stack frame
mov bp,sp
sub sp,LocalStk
push si
push di

mov ax,0a000h
mov es,ax

mov dx,SC_INDEX ; setup for plane mask access

; check for vertical line

mov si,[_ScrnLogicalByteWidth]
mov cx,[x2]
sub cx,[x1]
jz VertLine

; force x1 < x2

jns L01

neg cx

mov bx,[x2]
xchg bx,[x1]
mov [x2],bx

mov bx,[y2]
xchg bx,[y1]
mov [y2],bx

; calc dy = abs(y2 - y1)

mov bx,[y2]
sub bx,[y1]
jnz short skip
jmp HorizLine
skip: jns L03

neg bx
neg si

; select appropriate routine for slope of line

mov [vertincr],si
mov [routine],offset LoSlopeLine
cmp bx,cx
jle L04
mov [routine],offset HiSlopeLine
xchg bx,cx

; calc initial decision variable and increments

shl bx,1
mov [incr1],bx
sub bx,cx
mov si,bx
sub bx,cx
mov [incr2],bx

; calc first pixel address

push cx
mov ax,[y1]
mov bx,[x1]
mov di,bx
mov al,1
shl al,cl
mov ah,al ; duplicate nybble
shl al,4
add ah,al
mov bl,ah
pop cx
inc cx
jmp [routine]

; routine for verticle lines

mov ax,[y1]
mov bx,[y2]
mov cx,bx
sub cx,ax
jge L31
neg cx
mov ax,bx

inc cx
mov bx,[x1]
push cx

mov ah,1
shl ah,cl
mov al,MAP_MASK
out dx,ax
pop cx
mov ax, word ptr [Color]

; draw the line

mov es:[bx],al
add bx,si
loop L32
jmp Lexit

; routine for horizontal line

push ds

mov ax,[y1]
mov bx,[x1]

mov di,bx ; set dl = first byte mask
mov dl,00fh
shl dl,cl

mov cx,[x2] ; set dh = last byte mask
and cl,3
mov dh,00eh
shl dh,cl
not dh

; determine byte offset of first and last pixel in line

mov ax,[x2]
mov bx,[x1]

shr ax,2 ; set ax = last byte column
shr bx,2 ; set bx = first byte column
mov cx,ax ; cx = ax - bx
sub cx,bx

mov ax,dx ; mov end byte masks to ax
mov dx,SC_INDEX ; setup dx for VGA outs
mov bx, [Color]

; set pixels in leftmost byte of line

or cx,cx ; is start and end pt in same byte
jnz L42 ; no !
and ah,al ; combine start and end masks
jmp short L44

L42: push ax
mov ah,al
mov al,MAP_MASK
out dx,ax
mov al,bl
dec cx

; draw remainder of the line

mov ah,0Fh
mov al,MAP_MASK
out dx,ax
mov al,bl
rep stosb
pop ax

; set pixels in rightmost byte of line

mov al,MAP_MASK
out dx, ax
mov byte ptr es:[di],bl
pop ds
jmp short Lexit

; routine for dy >= dx (slope <= 1)

mov al,MAP_MASK
mov bh,byte ptr [Color]
mov ah,bl

or ah,bl
rol bl,1
jc L14

; bit mask not shifted out

or si,si
jns L12
add si,[incr1]
loop L11

out dx,ax
mov es:[di],bh
jmp short Lexit

add si,[incr2]
out dx,ax
mov es:[di],bh
add di,[vertincr]
loop L10
jmp short Lexit

; bit mask shifted out

L14: out dx,ax
mov es:[di],bh
inc di
or si,si
jns L15
add si,[incr1]
loop L10
jmp short Lexit

add si,[incr2]
add di,[vertincr]
loop L10
jmp short Lexit

; routine for dy > dx (slope > 1)

mov bx,[vertincr]
mov al,MAP_MASK
L21: out dx,ax
push ax
mov ax,[Color]
mov es:[di],al
pop ax
add di,bx

or si,si
jns L23

add si,[incr1]
loop L21
jmp short Lexit

add si,[incr2]
rol ah,1
adc di,0
lx21: loop L21

; return to caller

pop di
pop si
mov sp,bp
pop bp

_x_line endp


  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : XLIB06.ZIP
Filename : XLINE.ASM

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: