Category : C Source Code
Archive   : XLIB06.ZIP
Filename : XFILEIO.ASM

Output of file : XFILEIO.ASM contained in archive : XLIB06.ZIP
; Sequential binary file I/O functions
; Some functions based on a r.g.p post by Joshua Jensen
; Compile with Tasm.
; C callable.
; ****** XLIB - Mode X graphics library ****************
; ****** ****************
; ****** Written By Themie Gouthas ****************
; [email protected]
; [email protected]




_file_err dw (?) ; error value


PUSH_DS macro
push ds

POP_DS macro
pop ds

LDS_M macro arg1,arg2
lds &arg1&,&arg2&
mov &arg1&,word ptr &arg2&

; name: f_open
; C Prototype:
; extern int f_open(char * filename, char access)
; Opens a file according to the access char:
; 0 = read only - If doesnt exist return error
; 1 = write only - If doesnt exist create it otherwise clear it
; 2 = read/write - If doesnt exist create it
; Returns the file handle on success, -1 on failure
proc _f_open
ARG filename:dword,access:byte
ARG filename:word,access:byte
push bp ; Preserve caller's stack frame
mov bp,sp
LDS_M dx,[filename] ; point DS:DX to file name string
mov [_file_err],0
cmp [access],1
je @@creat

mov ah,3dh ; select "open file" DOS service
mov al,[access] ; select access type code
int 21h ; call DOS service
jnb @@Done ; If carry flag set we have failed

cmp [access],2
jne @@error
mov ah,3ch ; select "creat file" DOS service
mov cx,0
int 21h ; call DOS service
jnb @@Done ; If carry flag set we have failed
mov [_file_err],ax
mov ax,-1 ; indicate failure
@@Done: ; otherwise return file handle
pop bp ;restore caller's stack frame
_f_open endp

; name: f_close
; C Prototype:
; extern int f_close(int handle)
; Closes the file associated with the specified handle
; Returns 0 on success, -1 on failure
proc _f_close
ARG handle:word
push bp ; Preserve caller's stack frame
mov bp,sp

mov [_file_err],0 ; Clear error
mov ah,3eh ; select "close file handle" DOS service
mov bx,[handle] ; select handle of file to close
int 21h ; call DOS service
jnb @@Fix ; failed if carry flag set
mov [_file_err],ax;
mov ax,-1 ; return error
jmp short @@Done
@@Fix: ; otherwise
xor ax,ax ; return 0
pop bp ;restore caller's stack frame
_f_close endp

; name: f_read
; C Prototype:
; extern int f_read(int handle, char *buffer, int count)
; Reads a block of count bytes from the file specified by the handle
; into the buffer
; Returns count on success, failure is detectable via _file_err
proc _f_read
ARG handle:word,buffer:dword,count:word
ARG handle:word,buffer:word,count:word
push bp ; Preserve caller's stack frame
mov bp,sp

mov [_file_err],0 ; Clear error
mov ah,3fh ; select "read from file or device" DOS service
mov bx,[handle] ; select handle of file to close
mov cx,[count]
LDS_M dx,[buffer]
int 21h ; call DOS service
jnb @@Done ; failed if carry flag set
mov [_file_err],ax
xor ax,ax ; return error
jmp short @@Done
pop bp ;restore caller's stack frame
_f_read endp

; name: f_write
; C Prototype:
; extern int f_write(int handle, char *buffer, int count)
; Writes a block of count bytes to the file specified by the handle
; from the buffer
; Returns count on success, error is indicated by _file_err iff count = 0
proc _f_write
ARG handle:word,buffer:dword,count:word
ARG handle:word,buffer:word,count:word
push bp ; Preserve caller's stack frame
mov bp,sp

mov [_file_err],0 ; Clear error
mov ah,40h ; select "write to file or device" DOS service
mov bx,[handle] ; select handle of file to write
mov cx,[count]
LDS_M dx,[buffer]
int 21h ; call DOS service
jnb @@Done ; has the function failed ?
mov [_file_err],ax
xor ax,ax ; yes, return error
jmp short @@Done
@@Done: ; otherwise return bytes written
pop bp ; restore caller's stack frame
_f_write endp

; name: f_readfar
; C Prototype:
; extern int f_readfar(int handle, char far * buffer, int count)
; Reads a block of count bytes from the file specified by the handle
; into the buffer
; Returns count on success, failure is detectable via _file_err
proc _f_readfar
ARG handle:word,buffer:dword,count:word
push bp ; Preserve caller's stack frame
mov bp,sp
push ds

mov [_file_err],0 ; Clear error
mov ah,3fh ; select "read from file or device" DOS service
mov bx,[handle] ; select handle of file to close
mov cx,[count]
lds dx,[buffer]
int 21h ; call DOS service
jnb @@Done ; failed if carry flag set
mov [_file_err],ax
xor ax,ax ; return error
jmp short @@Done
pop ds
pop bp ;restore caller's stack frame
_f_readfar endp

; name: f_writefar
; C Prototype:
; extern int f_writefar(int handle, char far * buffer, int count)
; Writes a block of count bytes to the file specified by the handle
; from the buffer
; Returns count on success, error is indicated by _file_err iff count = 0
proc _f_writefar
ARG handle:word,buffer:dword,count:word
push bp ; Preserve caller's stack frame
mov bp,sp
push ds

mov [_file_err],0 ; Clear error
mov ah,40h ; select "write to file or device" DOS service
mov bx,[handle] ; select handle of file to write
mov cx,[count]
lds dx,[buffer]
int 21h ; call DOS service
jnb @@Done ; has the function failed ?
mov [_file_err],ax
xor ax,ax ; yes, return error
jmp short @@Done
@@Done: ; otherwise return bytes written
pop ds
pop bp ; restore caller's stack frame
_f_writefar endp

; name: f_seek
; C Prototype:
; extern long int f_seek(int handle, long int position, char method_code)
; Moves the file pointer according to the position and method code
; Returns file pointer position on success, -1 on failure
proc _f_seek
ARG handle:word,position:dword,method_code:byte
push bp ; Preserve caller's stack frame
mov bp,sp

mov [_file_err],0 ; Clear error
mov ah,42h ; select "move file pointer" DOS service
mov bx,[handle] ; select handle of file to close
mov al,[method_code]
mov cx,word ptr [position+2]
mov dx,word ptr [position]
int 21h ; call DOS service
jnb @@Done ; has the function failed ?
mov [_file_err],ax
mov ax,-1 ; yes, return error
mov dx,-1 ;
jmp short @@Done
@@Done: ; otherwise return bytes written
pop bp ; restore caller's stack frame
_f_seek endp

; name: f_tell
; C Prototype:
; extern long int f_tell(int handle)
; Returns file pointer position on success, -1 on failure
proc _f_tell
ARG handle:word,position:dword,method_code:byte
push bp ; Preserve caller's stack frame
mov bp,sp

mov [_file_err],0 ; Clear error
mov ah,42h ; select "move file pointer" DOS service
mov bx,[handle] ; select handle of file to close
xor dx,dx
mov cx,dx
int 21h
jnb @@Done
mov [_file_err],ax
mov ax,-1 ; yes, return error
mov dx,-1 ;
jmp short @@Done
@@Done: ; otherwise return bytes written
pop bp ; restore caller's stack frame
_f_tell endp

; name: f_filelength
; C Prototype:
; extern long int f_filelength(int handle)
; Returns the length of the file associated with the specified handle
; Returns file length on success, -1 on failure
proc _f_filelength
ARG handle:word
LOCAL low:word,high:word=LocalStk
push bp ; Preserve caller's stack frame
mov bp,sp
sub sp,LocalStk

mov [_file_err],0 ; Clear error

; Get ptr's current location in file and save it

mov ah,42h ; select "move file pointer" DOS service
mov al,1 ; select "from current location" method
mov bx,[handle] ; select handle of file to close
xor cx,cx
xor dx,dx
int 21h
jb @@Error
mov [low],ax
mov [high],dx

; Get ptr's value at end of file

mov ah,42h ; select "move file pointer" DOS service
mov al,2 ; select "from end of file" method
mov bx,[handle] ; select handle of file to close
xor cx,cx
xor dx,dx
int 21h
jb @@Error

; Save the results while returning pointer to its previous location

push ax
push dx

mov ah,42h ; select "move file pointer" DOS service
mov al,0 ; select "from start of file" method
mov bx,[handle] ; select handle of file to close
mov cx,[high]
mov dx,[low]
int 21h

; restore resultant length

pop dx
pop ax

jnb @@Done ; Was the operation a success ?
mov [_file_err],ax
mov ax,-1 ; no, return error
mov dx,-1 ;
@@Done: ; otherwise return bytes written
mov sp,bp
pop bp ; restore caller's stack frame
_f_filelength endp


  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : XLIB06.ZIP
Filename : XFILEIO.ASM

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: