Category : C Source Code
Archive   : XLIB06.ZIP
Filename : XDETECT.ASM

Output of file : XDETECT.ASM contained in archive : XLIB06.ZIP
; Hardware detection module
; Compile with Tasm.
; C callable.
; ****** XLIB - Mode X graphics library ****************
; ****** ****************
; ****** Written By Themie Gouthas ****************
; [email protected]
; [email protected]



_MouseButtonCount dw 0
_MouseVersion dw 0
_MouseType db 0
_MouseIRQ db 0


i86 equ 0
i186 equ 1
i286 equ 2
i386sx equ 3
i386dx equ 4
i486 equ 5

NONE equ 0
MDA equ 1
CGA equ 2
EGAMono equ 3
EGAColor equ 4
VGAMono equ 5
VGAColor equ 6
MCGAMono equ 7
MCGAColor equ 8

PS2_CARDS db 0,1,2,2,4,3,2,5,6,2,8,7,8

; PC Graphics detection routine. Returns graphics card type
; C callable as:
; unsigned int x_graphics_card();

proc _x_graphics_card
push bp ; Preserve caller's stack frame
mov bp,sp
mov ax,1A00h ; Try calling VGA Identity Adapter function
int 10h
cmp al,1Ah ; Do we have PS/2 video bios ?
jne @@not_PS2 ; No!

cmp bl,0Ch ; bl > 0Ch => CGA hardware
jg @@is_CGA ; Jump if we have CGA
xor bh,bh
xor ah,ah
mov al,cs:PS2_CARDS[bx] ; Load ax from PS/2 hardware table
jmp short @@done ; return ax
mov ax,CGA ; Have detected CGA, return id
jmp short @@done
@@not_PS2: ; OK We don't have PS/2 Video bios
mov ah,12h ; Set alternate function service
mov bx,10h ; Set to return EGA information
int 10h ; call video service
cmp bx,10h ; Is EGA there ?
je @@simple_adapter ; Nop!
mov ah,12h ; Since we have EGA bios, get details
mov bl,10h
int 10h
or bh,bh ; Do we have colour EGA ?
jz @@ega_color ; Yes
mov ax,EGAMono ; Otherwise we have Mono EGA
jmp short @@done
mov ax,EGAColor ; Have detected EGA Color, return id
jmp short @@done
int 11h ; Lets try equipment determination service
and al,30h
shr al,4
xor ah,ah
or al,al ; Do we have any graphics card at all ?
jz @@done ; No ? This is a stupid machine!
cmp al,3 ; Do We have a Mono adapter
jne @@is_CGA ; No
mov ax,MDA ; Have detected MDA, return id
pop bp ;restore caller's stack frame
_x_graphics_card endp

; PC Processor detection routine
; C callable as:
; unsigned int x_processor();
proc _x_processor
push bp
mov bp,sp
pushf ; Save flags
xor ax,ax ; Clear AX
push ax ; Push it on the stack
popf ; Zero the flags
pushf ; Try to zero bits 12-15
pop ax ; Recover flags
and ax,0F000h ; If bits 12-15 are 1 => i86 or i286
cmp ax,0F000h
jne @@1

push cx ; save CX
mov ax,0FFFFh ; Set all AX bits
mov cl,33 ; Will shift once on 80186
shl ax,cl ; or 33 x on 8086
pop cx
mov ax,i186
jnz @@done
mov ax,i86 ; 0 => 8086/8088
jmp short @@done

mov ax,07000h ; Try to set bits 12-14
push ax
pop ax
and ax,07000h ; If bits 12-14 are 0 => i286
mov ax,i286

jz @@done

;; 386/486 resolution code taken from WHATCPU.ASM by
;; Dave M. Walker

mov eax,cr0
mov ebx,eax ;Original CR0 into EBX
or al,10h ;Set bit
mov cr0,eax ;Store it
mov eax,cr0 ;Read it back
mov cr0,ebx ;Restore CR0
test al,10h ;Did it set?
mov ax,i386sx
jz @@done ;Jump if 386SX

;*** Test AC bit in EFLAGS (386DX won't change)
mov ecx,esp ;Original ESP in ECX
pushfd ;Original EFLAGS in EBX
pop ebx
and esp,not 3 ;Align stack to prevent 486
; fault when AC is flipped
mov eax,ebx ;EFLAGS => EAX
xor eax,40000h ;Flip AC flag
push eax ;Store it
pushfd ;Read it back
pop eax
push ebx ;Restore EFLAGS
mov esp,ecx ;Restore ESP
cmp eax,ebx ;Compare old/new AC bits
mov ax,i386dx
je @@done
is_486: ;Until the Pentium appears...
mov ax,i486
pop bp
_x_processor endp

; PC Numeric coprocessor detection routine
; C callable as:
; unsigned int x_coprocessor();
; Based on an article in PC Tech Journal, Aug 87 by Ted Forgeron
; Returns 1 if coprocessor found, zero otherwise

_x_coprocessor proc
ARG control:word=StkSize
push bp
mov bp,sp
sub sp,StkSize

fninit ; try to initialize the copro.
mov [control],0 ; clear control word variable
fnstcw control ; put control word in memory
mov ax,[control] ;
cmp ah,03h ; do we have a coprocessor ?
je @@HaveCopro ; jump if yes!
xor ax,ax ; return 0 since nothing found
jmp short @@done
mov ax,1
mov sp,bp
pop bp
_x_coprocessor endp

; PC Mouse Driver detection routine
; C callable as:
; unsigned int x_mousedriver();
; Returns 1 if mouse driver found, zero otherwise
_x_mousedriver proc
push bp
mov bp,sp
mov ax,3533h ; Get int 33 interrupt vector
int 21h ; Call dos
xor cx,cx ; Clear "found" flag
mov ax,es ; Is the vector null (ES==0 && BX==0) ?
or bx,ax
jz @@NoMouseDriver ; Yes! No mouse driver installed - Jump

; Just make absolutely sure the vector points to the mouse
; driver (just in case)

xor ax,ax ; FUNC 0: Mouse Initialization
int 33h
or ax,ax ; Do we have an installed mouse driver ?
jz @@NoMouseDriver; No ?
mov [_MouseButtonCount],bx

mov ax,24h
int 33h
mov [_MouseVersion],bx
mov [_MouseType],ch
mov [_MouseIRQ],cl

mov cx,1 ; Yes! set flag

mov ax,cx ; Return "found" flag
pop bp
_x_mousedriver endp


  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : XLIB06.ZIP
Filename : XDETECT.ASM

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: