Category : C Source Code
Archive   : WTWG12B.ZIP
Filename : WTIME.C

Output of file : WTIME.C contained in archive : WTWG12B.ZIP
/* wtime.c
* time handling routines for getting and displaying time as time_t
* wt2showt() - converts time_t to strings mm/dd/yyyy and hh:mm:ss
* wshowt2t() - converts strings as above to time_t
* if yyyy is a 2 digit number, 1900 is assumed
* allows for overflows (ie: 25 hours, 36 days,etc)
* PARAMETERS are same for both routines:
* time_t *t = UNIX_style time counter, seconds since 1/1/1970
* char *date = ptr to a buffer that must be AT LEAST 11 bytes
* holds, or returns mm/dd/yyyy
* char *time = ptr to a buffer that must be AT LEAST 9 bytes
* holds, or returns hh:mm:ss
* ANSI struct tm, year= yrs since 1900 (0 and up)
* mon = mons since Jan (0-11)
* day = day of the month (1-31)
* h.m.s all start at 0.
* LOCALTIME: use tzset() to pick up environment var TZ=PST8, etc...
* ANSI time_t value is # seconds since 1/1/1970
* DOS struct time - h, m, s all start at 0.
* DOS struct date - da_day runs 1-31, da_mon 1-12, da_year 1970=1970
#include "wsys.h"

#define BUFFSZ 11

void wshowt2t (char *date, char *time, time_t *t)
struct tm tms;
char buff[BUFFSZ];
char *ptr;

memset (&tms, 0, sizeof (tms) );

/* break date from mm/dd/yyyy
memcpy (buff, date, BUFFSZ);
buff[BUFFSZ-1] =0;
ptr = strtok (buff, "/-");
tms.tm_mon = atoi (ptr) -1; /* month goes 0-11 */
ptr = strtok (NULL, "/-");
tms.tm_mday = atoi (ptr); /* day runs 1-31 */
ptr = strtok (NULL, "/-");
tms.tm_year = atoi (ptr);

if ( tms.tm_year >1900 )
tms.tm_year -= 1900; /* ANSI struct tm.tm_year=0 == 1900 */

/* break time from hh:mm:ss
memcpy (buff, time, BUFFSZ);
buff[BUFFSZ-1] =0;
ptr = strtok (buff, ".:-");
tms.tm_hour = atoi (ptr);
ptr = strtok (NULL, ".:-");
tms.tm_min = atoi (ptr);
ptr = strtok (NULL, ".:-");
tms.tm_sec = atoi (ptr);

*t = mktime ( &tms );

return; /* wt2showt */

void wt2showt (time_t *t, char *date, char *time)
struct tm tms;

tms = *localtime (t); /* convert time_t to struct tm */

tms.tm_year += 1900; /* 0 = 1900 */
tms.tm_mon += 1; /* 0 = JAN */

sprintf(date,"%2.2i/%2.2i/%2.4i", tms.tm_mon, tms.tm_mday,tms.tm_year );
sprintf(time,"%2.2i:%2.2i:%2.2i", tms.tm_hour,tms.tm_min, tms.tm_sec );

return; /* wt2showt */

/*---------------- end of WTIME.C -----------------*/

  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : WTWG12B.ZIP
Filename : WTIME.C

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: