Category : C Source Code
Archive   : WTWG12B.ZIP
Filename : WSAVE.C

Output of file : WSAVE.C contained in archive : WTWG12B.ZIP
/* wsave
* wsave text/graphics in current window frame,
* move it to 'wheap' storage, store address of the saved text in winsave
* if out of memory store NULL to winsave.

#include "wscreen.h"
#include "wsys.h"

void wsave ( void )
int extra, extra2; /* need extra lines for borders ? */

/* text_mode screen pointers */
unsigned char far *line_ptr;

/* pointers to screen save area */
WHEAP *hptr;
unsigned char far *area;

int l, t, r, b; /* co-ords inlcuding window frame */

int movenum;

unsigned long int nbytes;

struct _CHATTR /* 2 byte char/attr */
unsigned char c;
unsigned char a;
typedef struct _CHATTR far *CHATTR; /* far pointer to a pair */

#ifndef __TURBOC__
/* Microsoft C needs an 'intermediary' ptr to handle syntax correctly.
void far *msc_ptr;
#endif /* Microsoft 'idiot' fix */

#ifndef TEXTONLY
unsigned int hn; /* hercules bank offsets */
int color; /* EGA color bit mask */
int t_save; /* save top row # for each color */

/* graphics mode screen pointers */
unsigned char far *base, far *base_save;

/* if there is going to be a border
* then the area to save has to be larger than the text window
* (border occupies 1 line extra in each direction)
extra = (w0-> winbox ) ? 1 : 0;
extra2 = 2*extra;

l = ( (w0->winleft) -extra );
t = ( (w0->wintop) -extra );
r = (l+(w0->winxmax) +extra2 );
b = (t+(w0->winymax) +extra2 );

/* number of characters in the window
movenum = r-l+1; /* one text row */
nbytes = movenum*(b-t+1);

if ( wmode == 'T' )

/* number of bytes to allocate
* multiply by 2 (= text+attributes)
hptr = wheap_alloc ( 2*nbytes, WIN_HP_PRIORITY, NULL );

w0->winsave = hptr;

if (hptr == NULL)

area = wheap_access ( hptr, 0 );

movenum *= 2; /* char and attr */

for ( line_ptr = wpage_ram + 2*80*( t ) + 2*( l );
++t, line_ptr += 2*80
/* move one line per pass thru this loop
* loop limit is one char beyond end of line
farmemcpy ( area, line_ptr, movenum );
area += movenum;


#ifndef TEXTONLY
/* graphics mode save
* Note that r and b point to the last line INCLUSIVE
* so loops need to go up to and include.

/* convert single chars (=1 byte in text mode)
* to blocks of pixels in graphics mode
nbytes *= (wpxchar/8) * wpychar;

if (wmonitor != 'H')
/* EGA and VGA -- 4 colors */
nbytes *= 4;

if ( nbytes >= WHEAP_MAX )
/* too large to save...
* convert window to WSAVE2NULL
w0->winsave = NULL;

hptr = wheap_alloc ( nbytes, WIN_HP_PRIORITY, NULL );

w0-> winsave = hptr;

if ( hptr == NULL )

area = wheap_access ( hptr, 0 );

/* convert top and bottom counters
* to pixel co-ords only for counting rows
t *= wpychar;
b = (b+1) * wpychar; /* includes last pixel row */

/* number of bytes in each row of pixels
movenum = r-l+1;

/* get image */

switch ( wmonitor )
case ( 'H'):
/* NOTE addressing hercules graphics ram:
* l, t are 'text-mode' addresses.
* 720 pixels/row, wpxchar pixels per 'x' incr
* so 1st factor = wxabsmax = chars per row
* divide wpychar by 4(=# herc banks) =
* gives #of sets of banks (4 pxl rows each)
* wpxchar/8 =1 always, included for clarity.
* because charsizes are mults of 4,
* whbank starts at 0;
* also note that l and t have been converted
* from character rows to pixel rows
* so don't need wpychar.
* however, r & l still count text cols, not pxl
base = wpage_ram
+ ( (720/wpxchar)*(t/4) ) + l;

for ( hn = 0; t < b; ++t, hn += 0x2000 )
/* loop iterates once per row

if ( hn == 0x8000 )
/* finished one set of 4 banks,
* move up to next tier.
hn = 0;
base += 90;
#ifdef __TURBOC__
/* much easier to move all the data in TurboC
farmemcpy ( area, base+hn, movenum );
/* Microsoft C preprocessor generates wrong code
* in small model.
msc_ptr = base+hn;

farmemcpy ( area, msc_ptr, movenum );
#endif /* Microsoft vs Turbo C */

area += movenum; /* move ptr to target dn one row */
break; /* end hercules mode */

case ( 'E' ):
case ( 'V' ):
/* how to put point = EGA_OUT(3, putmode)*/
/* 0x18 = XOR 0x10 = OR 0x08 = AND */

* note that t, b have been converted to pixel rows
* rather than char rows.
* however, r&l still count text columns,
* not pixel columns
base_save =
base = wpage_ram + ( wegarowsize * t ) + l;

t_save = t;

/* default for most graphics drivers is to leave
* write mode = 0 and EGA output enabled.
* so you don't need these, but in future, ...
* EGA_OUT ( 1, EGA_ENABLE ), EGA_OUT ( 5, 0 );

for ( color = 0; color < 4; ++color )
/* becuase the size of the save area is <64k
* (imposed above), the pointers are
* always correctly normalized
* If larger save areas are desired,
* renormalize (area) for each new color
* which will suffice even for super VGA
* (800*600 = 60k per color)
base = base_save;
t = t_save;

EGA_OUT (4, color);

for ( ; /* loop once per row */
t < b;
++t, base += 640/wpxchar )
farmemcpy ( area, base, movenum );
area += movenum;
} /* end for each rows */

}/* end loop for each color */

/* reset EGA */
EGA_OUT (0,0); /* BLACK */
EGA_OUT (8, 0xff); /* all bits */

} /* end switch (wgdriver) */

/* end of get image in graphics mode */


#endif /* ifdef TEXTONLY - end of graphics mode save to RAM */

wheap_deaccess ( hptr, 1 );


/*-------------------------end of wsave---------------------------*/

  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : WTWG12B.ZIP
Filename : WSAVE.C

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: