Category : C Source Code
Archive   : WTWG12B.ZIP
Filename : WPIPE.C

Output of file : WPIPE.C contained in archive : WTWG12B.ZIP
/* wpipe.c
* wpipefin () - this function 'pipes' the contents of a file
* as input to the program, bypassing the keyboard
* use: setup a file with input data.
* call wpipefin() to install the pipe.
* subsequent calls to wgetc() or wreadc() will access the pipe.
* the pipe removes itself when completed
* wpipefout () - this function traps keystrokes into a file
* continues to trap keystrokes
* until stopcode is pressed
* NOTE: mouse use causes value of wmouse to be saved/restored
#include "wsys.h"

static int reader (void);
static void W_NEAR getnext (void);
static int in_installed =0;
static WMOUSE nextmouse;
static int nextch;
static void (*callhome)(void) = NULL;
static FILE *inf = NULL;

int wpipefin ( char *filename, void (*u_callhome)(void) )

if ( in_installed )
return (-2);

inf = fopen ( filename, "rb" );
if ( ! inf )
return (-1);


if ( ! nextch )
return (-1); /* empty file or mouse error */

wpipein = reader;
callhome = u_callhome;
in_installed = 1;

return (0); /* wpipefin */

static int reader (void)
int pipeval;

pipeval = nextch ;

if ( pipeval == MOUSE )
memcpy ( &wmouse, &nextmouse, sizeof(WMOUSE) );

/* note that the pipe has to read one keystroke ahead
* so that it knows when to un-install itself

return (pipeval);

static void W_NEAR getnext (void)
int n;
if (1 == ( n= fread ( &nextch, sizeof (int), 1, inf)) )
/* successfull read
if ( nextch == MOUSE )
n=fread ( &nextmouse, sizeof (WMOUSE), 1, inf);

if ( n != 1 )
/* end of file */
nextch = 0;
fclose (inf);
wpipein = NULL;
in_installed =0;

/* inform calling routine that end of pipe is reached
if ( callhome )


return; /* getnext */

/*------------------ input pipe -----------------*/

/*------------------ output pipe -----------------*/

static void writer (int x);
static int stopcode = 0;
static FILE *outf;
static int out_installed =0;

void wpipefout ( char *filename, int ustopcode )
if ( out_installed )

if ( NULL == (outf= fopen (filename, "wb") ) )
werror ('W',"WMACRO - output file error");
stopcode = ustopcode;

wpipeout = writer;

out_installed = 1;

return; /* wpipefout */

static void writer (int key )
int n;

if ( key == stopcode )
/* un-install the pipe
wpipeout = NULL;
out_installed = 0;
fclose (outf);
if ( 1 == (n=fwrite (&key, sizeof(int), 1, outf) ) )
if ( key == MOUSE )
n=fwrite (&wmouse, sizeof(WMOUSE), 1, outf);
if ( n != 1 )
/* file write error */
werror ('W',"WMACRO - output file error");


return; /* writer */

/*--------------------- END of WPIPE.C ---------------------*/

  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : WTWG12B.ZIP
Filename : WPIPE.C

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: