Category : C Source Code
Archive   : WTWG12B.ZIP
Filename : WCLOCK.C

Output of file : WCLOCK.C contained in archive : WTWG12B.ZIP
/*! wclock routines
* PORTABILITY note: The clock function is an interrupt handler.
* Turbo C, Microsoft, and a few others have this ability...
#include "wsys.h"


#ifndef __TURBOC__
/* In microsoft C, interrupts must be explicitly declared 'far'
* and the compiler can't handle parenthesis on function prototypes
* so wclockold is defined as a generic ptr
* (which, I think, make the prototype dangerous)
static interrupt far wclock(void);
static void far *wclockold =NULL;
/* in TurboC, interrupts match the model.
* and the compiler is able to recognize ptrs to interrupt functions.
static void interrupt wclock (void);
static void interrupt (*wclockold)(void) =NULL;
#endif /* Microsoft fix */

static int ch10, ch, cm10, cm;

static int clockx, clocky;
static char clock_inst =0; /* is clock currently operating ? */
static char exit_inst =0; /* has atexit() been installed ? */

void wclockinstall (int x, int y)
time_t t_now;
struct tm *tm_now;

if ( clock_inst )
clock_inst = 1;

if ( ! exit_inst )
exit_inst = 1;
atexit ( wclockremove );

/* save the screen location
* where the interrupt-driven clock can find it
clockx =x;
clocky = y;

/* initialize time */
time( &t_now );
tm_now = localtime(&t_now);

if (( ch = tm_now-> tm_hour) >12)
/*convert from 24 hour clock */
ch -= 12;

if ( ch > 9 )
ch10 = '1';
ch = '0'-10 + ch;
else {
ch10 = '0';
ch = '0' + ch;

cm = '0' + ( (tm_now->tm_min) - 10*((tm_now->tm_min)/10) );
cm10 = '0' + (tm_now->tm_min)/10;

/* install clock */
wclockold = getvect (0x1c);
setvect (0x1c, wclock);


void wclockremove (void)

if ( ! clock_inst )

clock_inst = 0;
setvect (0x1c, wclockold);


/* wclock() function body -
* This is the actual clock calculator.
* (PORTABILITY note: make the function definition match the prototype.)
#ifndef __TURBOC__
static interrupt far wclock(void)
static void interrupt wclock (void)
#endif /* Microsoft fix */

/* function body follows
#define TPS 18
static int tick = 0;
static int cs=0, cs10 = 0;


if (tick == TPS/2)
wputcabs (clockx+2 ,clocky, ' ', wmenuattr, WGOVERWRITE);
if (tick == 18) /* 18.2 ticks per second, correction every 10 s */
tick = 0;
if ( ++cs > 9 )
cs = 0;
tick -= 2; /* need 2 extra ticks every 10 secs */
if ( ++cs10 == 6 ) /* 60 secs */
cs10 =0;
if ( ++cm > '9' )
cm = '0';
if ( ++(cm10) == '6')
cm10 = '0';
if ( ++(ch) >'9')
ch10 = '1';
ch = '0';
if ( ch10 =='1'
&& ch == '3' )
ch10 = ' ';
ch = '1';
} /* end 1 hour */
} /*end 10 minutes */
} /* end 1 minute*/
} /* end 10 seconds*/
wputcabs (clockx ,clocky, ch10, wmenuattr, WGOVERWRITE);
wputcabs (clockx+1 ,clocky, ch, wmenuattr, WGOVERWRITE);
wputcabs (clockx+2 ,clocky, ':', wmenuattr, WGOVERWRITE);
wputcabs (clockx+3 ,clocky, cm10, wmenuattr, WGOVERWRITE);
wputcabs (clockx+4 ,clocky, cm, wmenuattr, WGOVERWRITE);
} /* end 18 ticks/sec*/

return; /* wclock */
/*--------------------------- END WCLOCK--------------------------*/

  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : WTWG12B.ZIP
Filename : WCLOCK.C

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: